June 2017 Moms

UO 3/23

Better late than never. Whatcha got today?

Re: UO 3/23

  • mkrelmkrel member
    I never would have thought this was an UO, but after reading some of these boards it may be...

    I think it's really gross when adults don't shower every day. I do understand that some people have issues with their skin and it isn't possible, but for the majority of people it grosses me out. You don't have to wash your hair,  just even two minutes to lather and rinse...something!
  • @MKRLTX that's funny, because I am actually trying to cut back from showering every day. I totally buy that it is better for your skin not to be washed so frequently, so I'm trying to adjust. I do kind of a quick sponge bath with just water on the off days though. It makes it tolerable.
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  • @MKRLTX I used to be the same way.  I showered everyday no matter what.  Now I shower every other day unless I work out or am outside.  It doesn't bother me at all.  I don't feel un fresh or stinky.  If I got in just to wash and rinse I would have to lather on a ton of lotion. It dries my skin out now and I'll get a dry skin rash.  That never happened before kids! 
  • I don't shower every day because it dries out my skin, but I do take a "sponge bath" of sorts on the days I don't shower. I need lotion whether or not I shower, but I use a ton on days that I do! Like @JessyKV , since having my son, I get dry skin rashes when I wash too often. 
    I should clarify that I shower every other day. I'm not going like 3-4 days - ew! 
  • I've seen some people have an UO that they don't get or like boudoir pictures. Like when women do it as a gift to their husbands before a wedding or whatever.    I've never taken them and I kind of regret not doing it before I had kids.  I know this sounds vain but I loved my body before kids and I wouldn't mind having nicer pictures of myself.  Although maybe it would depress me.  I've embraced my stretch marks and more curvy body post my first two kiddos and I enjoy working out and feeling great but I'll never look like I did at 23. Which is fine but I guess I get now why some people do boudoir pics.  Although I'm sure they would sit in a box and never be taken out.  Maybe this is a FFFC or im totally weird. 
  • JessyKV said:
    I've seen some people have an UO that they don't get or like boudoir pictures. Like when women do it as a gift to their husbands before a wedding or whatever.    I've never taken them and I kind of regret not doing it before I had kids.  I know this sounds vain but I loved my body before kids and I wouldn't mind having nicer pictures of myself.  Although maybe it would depress me.  I've embraced my stretch marks and more curvy body post my first two kiddos and I enjoy working out and feeling great but I'll never look like I did at 23. Which is fine but I guess I get now why some people do boudoir pics.  Although I'm sure they would sit in a box and never be taken out.  Maybe this is a FFFC or im totally weird. 
    I would totally do boudoir pictures if it wasn't so dang expensive. Post pregnancy or no. DH would love it, and I think it would be fun! The pictures are so glamorous. 
  • I hate when people's kids names all start with the same letter(like the Kardashian sisters or all of the Duggar kids). I'm not sure why it irritates me so much, I've just always thought it was tacky.
  • Oh @erinh84 I so very much agree with you. I have weird anxiety about wanting another dd but then her name will start with m and we will already have a Micah. I wanted all my kids to have their own initials. I know I'm crazy worrying about a non existent child's name. Lol 
  • @erinh84 it doesn't really bother me but I don't get it.  Like why?? But we also named our first two kids one syllable/5 letter names not on purpose.  And now I'm questioning if it will be weird if I don't follow this pattern that we didn't mean to start in the first place.  I guess I just like short names.  
  • mkrelmkrel member
    @JessyKV @ladylolly89 Is that a postpartum thing where skin becomes more sensitive and dry?? 

  • @MKRLTX I'm not sure.  It didn't happen to me until this pregnancy.  I showered everyday after my first two and didn't have issues.  I've always used tons of lotion but now my skin is so so dry.  I layer coconut oil and lotion.  I used to have more oily skin.  I think it could also be an age thing.  This didn't start happening until I turned 30.  
  • @MKRLTX Not that I know of? I have always had very dry skin - even as a teenager I had to use products for older women as opposed to anything for "combination" or oily skin. For me it just got worse with and after pregnancy. I layer coconut oil and an ultra-moisturizing masque as my regular moisturizer and just don't wash off the masque (even though you are supposed to). 
  • erinh84 said:
    I hate when people's kids names all start with the same letter(like the Kardashian sisters or all of the Duggar kids). I'm not sure why it irritates me so much, I've just always thought it was tacky.
    My husband is Mike.  His dad is Mark.  His brothers are Mitch and Matt.  The dog is Max.
    Our son happened to get an 'M' name (named after my grandpa).  My FIL said we should name this baby 'Mindy'.  Uh....nope.  Even if I loved that name I wouldn't do it just to spite him.
  • I cut back on showering when I became pregnant. I used to be a shower addict. I'll probably go back to daily when I finish maternity leave
  • @erinh84 my sisters and I all start with S and have the same middle initial too.  I think it is cute haha.  My two don't have the same first letter, but do have the same sound and I think this third one will have a matching one as well.  Be warned tacky lady over here.   :p
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

  • FSUNole31 said:
    @erinh84 my sisters and I all start with S and have the same middle initial too.  I think it is cute haha.  My two don't have the same first letter, but do have the same sound and I think this third one will have a matching one as well.  Be warned tacky lady over here.   :p
    Gah I'm sorry, I'm sure you're far from a tacky lady. 
  • XathXath member
    @JessyKV It's not too late to get them done.  I had boudoir photos taken after my 2nd baby (about 6 months pp) and it was a big step for me in loving my post-partum body.  Find a photographer who has a great portfolio of many ages and body types. 

    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • DD and DS both have names starting with "M".  DS was supposed to be Aiden, but DH changed the name order up on me at the last minute so now we have two M names and he is Mike.  Completely unintentionally and this next LO will NOT have an M name, but boy does it drive me CRAZY when people think we did it on purpose. I hate the Kardashians and the Duggars and the comparisons drive me nuts.  
  • erinh84 said:
    I hate when people's kids names all start with the same letter(like the Kardashian sisters or all of the Duggar kids). I'm not sure why it irritates me so much, I've just always thought it was tacky.
    I feel the same way. My DF, my DD and I are all L names. It wasn't on purpose, that's just how it worked out. There are so many L names that I love too but I wont' use another one. This baby is a B name and breaking the trend. 
  • Xath said:
    @JessyKV It's not too late to get them done.  I had boudoir photos taken after my 2nd baby (about 6 months pp) and it was a big step for me in loving my post-partum body.  Find a photographer who has a great portfolio of many ages and body types. 

    I know you are right! And it would probably make me feel confident and beautiful.  But man I miss my flat not covered in stretch mark stomach. I've embraced them and enjoy getting back in shape after my babies so it could be a nice gift to myself but I probably won't spend the money. I'll probably save for a little boob job when I'm done having kids instead lol.  I started with tiny boobs and love how full my boobs get nursing but then they go away.  I know some people will never understand that but I feel like it would be a nice rewards for nursing 3 (maybe 4 if we decide to have another) kids! 
  • Not only were my sisters and I all "A" names, but all our initials were "ABC". My parents say they didn't do it intentionally for me as the oldest, but they definitely did for the other 2. 
  • @CapricaAndrea ha my sisters and I were all SLO.  The slow sisters.   :D
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

  • Mine and DH's first and last names start with S. Everyone keeps telling me to name our girl something with an S, but I hate it. My aunt,uncle,and cousins are all J names and its a little weird to me.
  • I work with a women whose name is MaryAnn and all of her 7 sisters have the same name. That is weird to me.
  • @mtvkv5We all start with S too! We aren't seeking a S name for our second but I wonder if they will feel left out. We do have a potential S girl name, but there is no S boy name that we agree on.

    ~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~

    Lilypie - Personal picture 

    Here We Go Again!!

  • itsfine said:
    I work with a women whose name is MaryAnn and all of her 7 sisters have the same name. That is weird to me.
    How does that work? Different middle names? 
  • itsfine said:
    I work with a women whose name is MaryAnn and all of her 7 sisters have the same name. That is weird to me.
    Is she Catholic?  Irish?
  • @FSUNole31 I'm a SLO too. Never really paid attention until college when a friend used to call me by my initials, I thought it was hilarious. 

    ~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~

    Lilypie - Personal picture 

    Here We Go Again!!

  • @mkrltx I'm with you on the shower train.  I shower twice a day!  In the morning and again before bed.  I was raised showering in the morning before school to be fresh for the day.  I also can not fathom getting into my bed at night without being clean.  Just the thought if it makes my skin crawl.  Oils on my skin and hair and not to mention all the extra fluids flowing down south these days makes me even nuttier about showering. 

    I took Pin-up photos a few years ago just for myself.  I loved the experience of doing it.  It really made me feel more empowered about myself and my body.  I'm fully clothed in all of them and everyone I've ever showed them to has thought they were sexy without being raunchy.  I'd be happy to share them privately if anyone wants to see them for inspiration for their own photos.  I dressed as a sailor in one of them (imagine that), lingerie and wore a red wig for my third look.  I'm also not super tiny not pregnant, I was around 150 when I had them taken. 

  • A little backstory on why I hate same letter names for kids. My aunt named my 5 cousins J names. She loved the name Vanessa, but refused to name her youngest something that didn't start with a J, so she named her Janessa instead. I roll my eyes evertime she tells the story. So stupid.
  • erinh84 said:
    I hate when people's kids names all start with the same letter(like the Kardashian sisters or all of the Duggar kids). I'm not sure why it irritates me so much, I've just always thought it was tacky.
    Ahh, this is so funny to me because my first two kids are J names and I think every single person I have encountered has asked me if #3 will be a J. Every time I say, "Absolutely not. In fact, we are purposely NOT using a J name!" Some responses have gone so far to say that I just have to use a J name because #3 will be the odd one out (insert eye roll here). I think it is so annoying when people do this and my first two were just a coincidence!

    Me: 36;  DH: 38
    DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
    MMC & D&C Aug 2016
  • DH's name starts with a C and this baby is Chloe and our boy name is Charles so if baby #2 is a boy the 3 of them will have C names. Totally unintentional. I also think it's weird. And I'll feel left out haha

    on showering: I often shower every other day unless I workout or swim or something. I have Aquagenic Pruritis. Basically my skin is allergic to water! I don't have it bad so it's only my legs up to my thigh and my arms and only in late summer and fall. So showering is the worst. My skin gets painfully itchy for up to a half hour or so after I get out of the shower. So Ive gotten used to showering minimally!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I have super dry skin, but I have to shower every day even if I just get in real quick and wash my under arms and down below. Pregnancy discharge is no joke. 

    @itsfine and I thought I was weird for trying to talk DH into agreeing to give DD2 the same middle name as DD1. 
  • ellie111227ellie111227 member
    edited March 2017
    I don't get why people think that if two of your kids have the same first initial you somehow have to do that for all of them. I don't prefer super matchy sibling names, but two starting with the same letter just feels like coincidence to me. My brothers both have J names and mine is an L (ellie is an old nickname based on my initials, L.E.), and I never felt weird about that.

     I think it is a little weird when people name their kids after themselves, unless it is a long-standing family tradition. I mean, I get that those traditions have to start somewhere, but I personally would never feel comfortable naming my baby after myself. Dh has an aunt whose son and daughter are named after herself and her husband, so their family is Benjamin, Dorothy, Benjamin, and Dorothy. To me that's weird and confusing.
  • I don't get why people think that if two of your kids have the same first initial you somehow have to do that for all of them. I don't prefer super matchy sibling names, but two starting with the same letter just feels like coincidence to me. My brothers both have J names and mine is an L (ellie is an old nickname based on my initials, L.E.), and I never felt weird about that.

     I think it is a little weird when people name their kids after themselves, unless it is a long-standing family tradition. I mean, I get that those traditions have to start somewhere, but I personally would never feel comfortable naming my baby after myself. Dh has an aunt whose son and daughter are named after herself and her husband, so their family is Benjamin, Dorothy, Benjamin, and Dorothy. To me that's weird and confusing.
    I don't like it when their names are the same either. It is confusing. My dad and my grandpa have the exact same name, first middle last. And my dad hates his dad so it's even worse. But I do like throwing a little bit in there. Like this baby's second middle name will be my dhs first name. But that was my choice, not his. And it's just a middle. So it really doesn't feel like the same thing to me. But then again I don't want any of our kids named after me. 
  • edited March 2017
    I loved passing down H's name. It took him a while to get on board, but I think his first name is unique and regal and deserved to be passed on. Hopefully we will be the start of the tradition of continuing the name, if not that's ok too. Maybe they will use it as a middle name or something.

    ~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~

    Lilypie - Personal picture 

    Here We Go Again!!

  • I'm team green and this is giving me anxiety about not having a name picked out at 30 weeks. I really need to get my lists narrowed down. 
  • JAGinMI said:
    erinh84 said:
    I hate when people's kids names all start with the same letter(like the Kardashian sisters or all of the Duggar kids). I'm not sure why it irritates me so much, I've just always thought it was tacky.
    Ahh, this is so funny to me because my first two kids are J names and I think every single person I have encountered has asked me if #3 will be a J. Every time I say, "Absolutely not. In fact, we are purposely NOT using a J name!" Some responses have gone so far to say that I just have to use a J name because #3 will be the odd one out (insert eye roll here). I think it is so annoying when people do this and my first two were just a coincidence!
    @JAGinMI You describe my life with my two kids (names starting with a "M" and entirely coincidence).  I can't scream hell no at that same question loud enough.  
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