My UO. I can't stand when a mom gets a nice camera, snaps one good photo of her baby, and then starts her own photography business because she's just soooooooo good!
You're not a good photographer. You got a lucky shot of your own kid. Let's see the other 500 photos you didn't share and we'll see. There are FIVE new moms on my Facebook who have started their own photography "businesses" and one girl did some newborn photos so horribly she made a cute baby ugly and cross eyed. Just stop. Leave the photography to the real photographers.
Edited to add that I may be biased because my sister is a photographer. She has taken classes, studied under experienced photographers and is now taking more classes. She was accepted into an organization to take photos of NICU babies for families for free. These momtographers can really ruin someone's most precious memories, weddings and newborn pictures.
@wyomama0427 I so agree with you! I have friends who have become amateur photographers, and some of them are really good...most aren't. And when I was looking for inexpensive wedding photographers, I found some truly awful photographers trying to sell themselves for $1000. No, just go home. I got my wedding pictures done by a high school student for $750, who now has done over a dozen weddings and her price has over doubled. Some people can train themselves, some people can't.
@mrsmarygs oh I agree. And I'm not saying my sister just picked up a camera and was brilliant, but these momtographers I'm seeing aren't even trying to get better. They do couple photos and weddings and butcher them! Terribly! And then they offer to do other people's weddings! And another thing, all of my sisters friends expect her to do photos for them for free. Sorry but that's not how that works. She does mine for free but I gave her a nephew to photograph lol! And I'm always promoting her business. The few times she's done free shoots, she hasn't even gotten a thank you. I'm really excited for her to take these photos of nicu babies tho.
I really hate naked belly pictures on Facebook. We don't get a better idea of your bump size than if it were clothed, and if I didn't want to see it before, why would I need to see it now that you're knocked up?
Also, I don't understand belly painting or the plaster belly casts people do in late pregnancy. What on earth an I supposed to do with a giant mold of my belly for the rest of my life?
It's also kinda the persons fault who would book an inexperienced photographer looking for a deal. You get what you pay for, and memories (in the form of photos) aren't something I'm willing to skimp on.
My UO: I love maternity pants. The ones with the full panel. Soooo comfy!
@amandarene112 I've been guilty of naked belly bump pictures...
I still love you
The occasional one isn't my favorite, but whatever. And ones that you take for you and your family/inner circle don't bother me at all. But we've known people who every week like clockwork post a naked belly picture on Facebook(and not always with clothes on, like sometimes you can tell their in their bra or whatever, and it's a public FB post!), and it's just too much to me.
ETA: I am aware that this might be an unpopular opinion, and that lots of people may disagree with me. I'm ok with that, it won't hurt my feelings.
I really hate naked belly pictures on Facebook. We don't get a better idea of your bump size than if it were clothed, and if I didn't want to see it before, why would I need to see it now that you're knocked up?
Also, I don't understand belly painting or the plaster belly casts people do in late pregnancy. What on earth an I supposed to do with a giant mold of my belly for the rest of my life?
The worst are the like lingerie ones, like why are you trying to sex this up? We all know how the baby got in there we don't need visual aids.
@amandarene112 I solemnly swear to never share another naked belly bump photo! I can only imagine how many of my friends have thought it was annoying lol.
@lap018 Yes! A boudoir maternity shoot is so WTF to me. Like, are you going to display those in your home? Put them in the baby book, just in case it doesn't already weird your kid out enough that sex is how he got here? Put them in a Christmas card? Chances are, no. You probably just paid big bucks for photos that are going in your husband's sock drawer for the next thirty years.
Agree with the UO of momtographers! I have a nice camera and have taken some photography classes in HS and college but would never claim to be a photographer. Although I do enjoy photographing my son and am confident in my ability to manually work the camera. I had a birth photographer last time and have hired one for this pregnancy and the prices some of these people were charging who had never shot births before (or shot 1-2) was crazy.
Re: naked belly photos and boudoir pregnancy pics, I don't like them. However, I was pregnant until July last time and will be pregnant (hopefully) until September. Florida heat is brutal and you can bet I'll be in my bikini.
Leggings are not pants. Leggings are fine under a dress, but with a regular t-shirt, no. On my way to work today, I walked up the stairs behind a woman in leggings. I could literally see her underwear right through them. This does not count as wearing pants.
Also, the Beatles were awesome and I'm using my iPhone to type this.
@lap018 I completely agree about the sexed up bump photos. There's this lady on my Facebook that is constantly posting pics of herself in a lacy g string and bra and her belly. I feel like it's worse than the nakey ones.
@CSL522 Oh, I will definitely be rocking a bikini all summer long as well.
And I totally wear leggings as pants, but only if they're a thick fabric. I have a maternity legging that's technically a yoga legging, and I wear them all the time. This could have to do with where I live though. San Diego is basically a giant beach town, so as long as your panties aren't showing, wear what you want.
I'm a photographer and it's tough. People want a $1000 photographer for $50. It doesn't work that way. I don't think a lot of people realize all that goes into it (and the expenses) it's soooo much more than just clicking a button.
I can see both sides. Everyone starts somewhere (I started my business doing free sessions to gain experience) but simply owning a camera doesn't make you a photographer. Especially newborns and weddings. They are tough. I shoot newborns a lot but stay away from weddings because I am not a wedding photographer!
on the topic of photography, I get very uncomfortable with people sharing public pictures of their naked children. I've watched too much Law and Order: SVU for that mess
I don't think Grandparents should watch grandkids more than 1 day a week as a day care provider. If you want to work or have to work, put your kid in a real day care/hire a nanny/in home day care. They already raised their kids. They don't need to raise their kids' kids too.
I don't think Grandparents should watch grandkids more than 1 day a week as a day care provider. If you want to work or have to work, put your kid in a real day care/hire a nanny/in home day care. They already raised their kids. They don't need to raise their kids' kids too.
But this implies that the part-time care giver, not the parent, is raising the child. I know a lot of working moms who take issue with that sentiment.
@Becky012016 agreed! My dad offered to watch DS regularly when I went back to work. He babysits as needed or picks him up from daycare if I'm going to be late but I want him to have a fun grandpa relationship not a caregiver relationship. Luckily we can afford for DS to be in a centre full-time. Others may not have the option and I totally get that
@amandarene112 Omg I also hate those kinds of photos! I just hate "maternity" photos in general. I feel like no matter how "beautiful" pregnancy is (or is supposed to be) I don't care to see anyone's professional photos, naked or fully clothed, anywhere. Sure, show me a casual picture of your bump but I DGAF to see your maternity shoot and tell you how beautiful you are when you are with-child. <end rant>.
I don't think Grandparents should watch grandkids more than 1 day a week as a day care provider. If you want to work or have to work, put your kid in a real day care/hire a nanny/in home day care. They already raised their kids. They don't need to raise their kids' kids too.
But this implies that the part-time care giver, not the parent, is raising the child. I know a lot of working moms who take issue with that sentiment.
My statement comes from more that there's structure at a non-family related provider/place vs hanging at grandma and grandpas every day. Grandparents are supposed to be fun. They're supposed to bend mom and dad's rules. If grandparents do that every day or even just most days of the week, kids (in my personal experience, not a blanket experience) don't follow directions or rules as well as their counterpart cohort. It undermines the parents' parenting whereas a non family provider listens to and enforces the parents' rules. Again, just my personal experience.
I don't think Grandparents should watch grandkids more than 1 day a week as a day care provider. If you want to work or have to work, put your kid in a real day care/hire a nanny/in home day care. They already raised their kids. They don't need to raise their kids' kids too.
Regarding this, my grandmother watches my son daily while my husband and I work. We pay her and she wants to watch him. (She lived in NY while my sister and I were younger so she didn't get to see us often). She would actually be sad if we put him in a different daycare.
My UO is that I think it is absolutely ridiculous that bachelor/bachelorette parties are now vacations, and not just a one night thing. Dear bride/groom, not only are you asking me to shell out $$$$ to take the trip and cover part of your cost and drinks and food, etc., but wedding shower gift, bridesmaid dress (and all that comes with it), wedding gift, hotel stay for wedding... why has it become customary for friends of the bride/groom to shell out over a thousand dollars for YOUR big day?? Its a dick move that shouldn't be expected of anyone, regardless of anyone's circumstance.
I don't think Grandparents should watch grandkids more than 1 day a week as a day care provider. If you want to work or have to work, put your kid in a real day care/hire a nanny/in home day care. They already raised their kids. They don't need to raise their kids' kids too.
I think it depends. There is a difference between raising the grandkids and helping with day care. I know my parents, my in laws and my sister's in laws, all actually enjoy and want to help with day care. My husband is a SAHD, so we don't need the daily help, but my in laws are constantly calling and asking to watch our kids. They like the time with their grandkids. I think that is much different than a grandparent that say has grandkids all day and night. For example DH's cousin has her mom watch her daughter all day while she is in school and then all night while she is at work. Her daughter actually spends the night at her mom's. So the kid is with her grandma Monday- Friday. That is what I would consider raising.
@amandarene112 Omg I also hate those kinds of photos! I just hate "maternity" photos in general. I feel like no matter how "beautiful" pregnancy is (or is supposed to be) I don't care to see anyone's professional photos, naked or fully clothed, anywhere. Sure, show me a casual picture of your bump but I DGAF to see your maternity shoot and tell you how beautiful you are when you are with-child. <end rant>.
See, I am definitely getting some maternity photos done. I'll probably only post one publicly, but it took us over 4 years to get pregnant, and I'm absolutely commemorating this one time my body actually worked with some nice, professional photos. Maybe that makes me an AW, but this is one time I don't care.
amandarene112 said: See, I am definitely getting some maternity photos done. I'll probably only post one publicly, but it took us over 4 years to get pregnant, and I'm absolutely commemorating this one time my body actually worked with some nice, professional photos. Maybe that makes me an AW, but this is one time I don't care.
Understood. Different strokes for different folks.
Re: UO Thursday 3/23
You're not a good photographer. You got a lucky shot of your own kid. Let's see the other 500 photos you didn't share and we'll see. There are FIVE new moms on my Facebook who have started their own photography "businesses" and one girl did some newborn photos so horribly she made a cute baby ugly and cross eyed. Just stop. Leave the photography to the real photographers.
Edited to add that I may be biased because my sister is a photographer. She has taken classes, studied under experienced photographers and is now taking more classes. She was accepted into an organization to take photos of NICU babies for families for free.
These momtographers can really ruin someone's most precious memories, weddings and newborn pictures.
Also, I don't understand belly painting or the plaster belly casts people do in late pregnancy. What on earth an I supposed to do with a giant mold of my belly for the rest of my life?
My UO: I love maternity pants. The ones with the full panel. Soooo comfy!
The occasional one isn't my favorite, but whatever. And ones that you take for you and your family/inner circle don't bother me at all. But we've known people who every week like clockwork post a naked belly picture on Facebook(and not always with clothes on, like sometimes you can tell their in their bra or whatever, and it's a public FB post!), and it's just too much to me.
ETA: I am aware that this might be an unpopular opinion, and that lots of people may disagree with me. I'm ok with that, it won't hurt my feelings.
So my UO today is I hate Apple products. There I said it. Samsung for life. lol
@BookitBoo is that an UO? If it is, I don't want to be popular.
UO Thursday comes around and I am completely void of independent thoughts.
Re: naked belly photos and boudoir pregnancy pics, I don't like them. However, I was pregnant until July last time and will be pregnant (hopefully) until September. Florida heat is brutal and you can bet I'll be in my bikini.
Also, the Beatles were awesome and I'm using my iPhone to type this.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
I'll definitely still be rocking my bikini in the summer
@CSL522 I think there are some Orlando and other Central mommas on here somewhere.
Me: 35 | DH: 38
Met: 2007
Married: 2013
BFP #1: 06/21/16 MMC: 08/04/16
BFP #2: 01/08/17 DD: 09/23/17
BFP #3: 06/10/20 EDD: 02/11/2021
And I totally wear leggings as pants, but only if they're a thick fabric. I have a maternity legging that's technically a yoga legging, and I wear them all the time. This could have to do with where I live though. San Diego is basically a giant beach town, so as long as your panties aren't showing, wear what you want.
I can see both sides. Everyone starts somewhere (I started my business doing free sessions to gain experience) but simply owning a camera doesn't make you a photographer. Especially newborns and weddings. They are tough. I shoot newborns a lot but stay away from weddings because I am not a wedding photographer!
I think it depends. There is a difference between raising the grandkids and helping with day care. I know my parents, my in laws and my sister's in laws, all actually enjoy and want to help with day care. My husband is a SAHD, so we don't need the daily help, but my in laws are constantly calling and asking to watch our kids. They like the time with their grandkids. I think that is much different than a grandparent that say has grandkids all day and night. For example DH's cousin has her mom watch her daughter all day while she is in school and then all night while she is at work. Her daughter actually spends the night at her mom's. So the kid is with her grandma Monday- Friday. That is what I would consider raising.