Babies on the Brain

Dynamic of BOTB?

We are trying to get this board going and was wondering what the dynamic is? Does anybody care? Are we cool w/ non BOTB topics? Do we stick to mostly check-ins like TTGP? 

This is a slow hodge podge kind of place and I plan on hanging here mostly the next few months, and I know I'm not alone. 

What do we want to see?

You can tell the noob to shut up and MYOB is you'd like.

Re: Dynamic of BOTB?

  • I'm fine with some non-BOTB threads. Maybe some of the typical TW Tuesday, FFFC, an occasional GTKY like we've been doing. But I say we try to keep it fairly clean, I personally don't like clutter. 
    My old BMB does Meme Monday on FB. I don't think we need a new thread every single day, but a few days a week would be okay. And we could probably do a weekly or monthly random thread. My last BMB just had one random thread that was used throughout the whole pregnancy and it worked well, can be hard to catch up on though.
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • I don't think we are busy enough for lots of daily check-ins, but I like the idea of FFFC and Meme Monday. Maybe weekly watcha reading/watching/crafting kind of thread. I know when I was waiting to TTC before I read a lot to keep my mind occupied. 
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  • I'm sorry to ghost. I promise I will come back and add more after work. Dumb work getting in the way of my bumping   :D I love the idea for meme Monday and a crafty/read/watch thread. 
  • I also wanted to ask what everybody thought about posting on this board while TTC? Once we hit May looks like a lot of people will be starting. Should we politely say goodbye or stick around and support each other? 

    I only ask because I know TTGP board has a specific culture, great for them, but I know that isn't a place I might post regularly on. I obviously wouldn't want to stick around here if others were uncomfortable with it. 

    When I was on TB years ago I saw this board operate both ways, so I respect whatever the greater of the group feels is best.
  • @livingthedream I am so glad you started this post! I almost started a similar post a week ago... I think we need to get some regular posts going for sure because it will encourage people to start participating more. I love the ladies we have now but my fear is in May if we all leave for TTGP that there will only be a few left and it might die off again (if we stay as we are now.) I feel like this board really serves an important purpose for those of us in the inbetween/waiting phase and I really would like it to still be around for others down the road. 

    I am game for whatever. I was around for a time when BOTB was very active and people did not necessarily leave when they were TTC. Maybe we could do a TWW/WTO thread as one daily check in when people start trying. I am thinking together just because our traffic is on the lower side so I'm not sure that we could really get many posts if it was 2 separate posts.

  • I really like our group of ladies and I'm worried that once we get to May, our group will get lost in TTGP because it is a lot bigger. I like the idea of a TWW/WTO combo daily thread, but will it be hard for the ladies who have to wait longer than May to start TTC? 

    I also like the idea of having a weekly thread every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm game for whatever though.
  • I am new to BOTB, but I like the idea of having weekly threads, even if it's not multiple times a week. I lurked for a while, especially on the check-in posts and GTKY posts. It might be a good way for lurkers to feel like they can jump in. I jumped in on one of those for my first post then did an intro. It was nice to not just jump in with an intro, but to have somewhere to answer questions and not just random rambling from my brain. 

    I also am afraid it may fall off in May. I know multiple people are going to TTC starting in May, myself included, and I like the feel of this board, so will definitely be sad to leave. Though, like others said, I would never want to make anyone uncomfortable who was still not TTC. 
  • Thoughts on these posts...
    Monday: Meme Monday & Healthy/Fitness posts
    Wednesday: Waiting Room Wednesday
    Friday: What are you reading/watching/crafting
    Randoms just in one it post
    Any other ideas?

    I personally don't have a problem adding a TWW/WTO post when people start trying. Another idea would be just one WTO and one TWW a week where you would just go back to the same thread to update through out the week. I really am interested in what others think though because I will hopefully be in the May TTC group so I would be potentially participating so my thoughts might be different from someone who is still waiting. I do not want to make anyone feel like they can't post here anymore or are not comfortable posting.
  • I was thinking about this the other day as well. I'd love to have more regular threds! 
    To echo other sentiments, I would like to build the board up, not just for us, but for it to be able to thrive if/when we move on. There is obviously a need for the board and hope this outlet remains available to others in similar situations. 

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • As someone not TTC in May/June and having to wait longer, I'm worried I'll be alone when you all leave me!! I have no issues at all with a TWW/WTO thread once you ladies start TTC! I still lurk on TTGP sometimes, and will likely post there as well when I start, but I'm also fine with posting here to keep this board going and hopefully attract other members!
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • I was thinking about this the other day as well. I'd love to have more regular threds! 
    To echo other sentiments, I would like to build the board up, not just for us, but for it to be able to thrive if/when we move on. There is obviously a need for the board and hope this outlet remains available to others in similar situations. 
    I agree 100%. I think BOTB is an important place and would love to see this board come back to life. It's hard to be waiting and not TTC yet ready. 
  • CecilB93 said:
    As someone not TTC in May/June and having to wait longer, I'm worried I'll be alone when you all leave me!! I have no issues at all with a TWW/WTO thread once you ladies start TTC! I still lurk on TTGP sometimes, and will likely post there as well when I start, but I'm also fine with posting here to keep this board going and hopefully attract other members!
    I think we can try and stick around as long as anybody who is still waiting is ok with it. I hope that in the next few months more and more people join this board and nobody feels alone. <3 
  • So I feel like it is a yes to one WTO and one TWW a week. Who ever is first to TTC can start those and the rest of us can join in when we are ready :) Also, I am thinking of starting a intro post... Maybe just one big one and pinned to the top? Thoughts?
  • @glitzandglitter

    I like the idea of an intro thread. It'd be nice to have a place to reference back as we are getting to know each other.
  • @Chloandcoco - either day is fine with me :)
  • Intro thread is up :) Let me know if there are any other questions you think I should add...
  • @glitzandglitter good idea for the intro!

    @ChloandCoco Sunday or Monday is good with me!
  • @ChloandCoco - Maybe Sunday is better since we will have Meme Monday and Health fitness check ins on Monday that way we can spread posts out :)
  • @ChloandCoco - Maybe Sunday is better since we will have Meme Monday and Health fitness check ins on Monday that way we can spread posts out :)
    Ditto this! 
    I say we keep a weekly random thred too! 

    @ChloandCoco -so excited you are so close!!

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • Ok, I'll post the threads on Sunday. That way people can contribute to it throughout the week. 

    @notthefather - thanks! It's exciting and scary!
  • So I know there is not a ton of us but....Anyone interested in doing a Siggie challenge for April? We don't have to do the whole vote for the winner at the end but it might be nice to have our own Siggie challenges each month...thoughts?
  • So I know there is not a ton of us but....Anyone interested in doing a Siggie challenge for April? We don't have to do the whole vote for the winner at the end but it might be nice to have our own Siggie challenges each month...thoughts?
    I'm game. 

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • I'm strictly mobile so I have never understood the Siggie thing. I've always assumed Siggie=Signature? But what do people normally do for a challenge?? I realize I could just go login on my iPad or laptop and look at some old challenges but...lazy!
  • I too am strictly mobile, so I wouldn't participate in the siggy challenge. 
  • @UterusesBeforeDuderuses: Yes, it's a signature that is generally a meme/gif with a specific topic. 

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • So for March a lot we're St Patrick's day related, Feb was Valentines Day, but they're silly things. For TTGP in March it was animals celebrating St Patrick's day, so mines a picture of a cat wearing Shamrocks or something (currently mobile and I can't remember, lol). So for April I'd either suggest pranks gone wrong (in honor of April Fool's day) or maybe something Springy, or it can be any random topic even.
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • CecilB93 said:
    So for March a lot we're St Patrick's day related, Feb was Valentines Day, but they're silly things. For TTGP in March it was animals celebrating St Patrick's day, so mines a picture of a cat wearing Shamrocks or something (currently mobile and I can't remember, lol). So for April I'd either suggest pranks gone wrong (in honor of April Fool's day) or maybe something Springy, or it can be any random topic even.

    ****Stuck in a box**** What about baby animals :)
  • @glitzandglitter that could work! 
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • @CecilB93 - I was curious about your meme Monday idea. How did it work? Was it a new theme every week? Or just how you feel about Monday?  I would love to see that one get going because I love a good meme or gif party :)
  • @glitzandglitter No theme, everyone just posts memes they find/like/think are funny or relevant! BUT, we could totally do themed ones here! With the 47 members in my FB group, the Meme Monday post can get LONG since there's really no parameters.
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • Does someone want to start Meme Monday? 

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • @notthefather - I just got home and I have posted it :)
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