@desoky01 Shade is apparently like a baby step to hard coloring that dyes the gray hair (I'm graying too much for 32). It just means I have to go darker and I'm not totally a fan of that. Maybe the better question is: does anyone currently have a good solution for hiding my gray hair??
I just pluck out my gray hairs for now. Not sure how long I can keep it up tho it's worked for a coupe years. Interestingly my number of gray hairs subsided when I was pregnant but now it's back.
The difference in hair color from the day I delivered our first born and the day after delivering our second is insanely drastic and depressing. They have definitely caused gray.
DD is going strong on 5 hours without a nap. Holding her, not holding her, nursing, rocking, pacifier ... nothing's doing it. She hasn't even been upset until a few minutes ago, just wide awake with red rings around her eyes from tiredness. *sigh*
ETA: She finally napped ... for precisely 20 minutes
I don't wanna pump anymore!!! It hasn't even been a full two weeks and I have 7 more months of this .
I am feeling you there. I didn't mind pumping before, and while I don't mind pumping at work because it gives some relaxation time, it is already becoming annoying. Or mornings like today when I really needed to sleep in I knew I had to wake up earlier to pump before taking a shower. But I have no plans to pump for 7 more months so I suppose there is some end in sight whenever I do decide to stop
@ladybug2821 I only pumped with DD until she started sleeping through the night consistently and not waking to eat. Once she hit that milestone at month ten I stopped pumping entirely. I plan on doing the same with DS. I only kept pumping so my supply would keep up with night nursing demands.
I don't wanna pump anymore!!! It hasn't even been a full two weeks and I have 7 more months of this .
I'm with you! I'm actually fine with it at work - I have a small office and a hands-free so I can work while I do it and guarantee I'm not interrupted. But doing it at home sucks and I tend to slack which of course messes with my supply. My goal is at least 6 months, so I only have a month and 3 days before I have mentally given myself permission to stop.
Good luck @SandNStarsNJ and @desoky01 !! I found M liked them less (more crying at the time) but he didn't even get a fever this time! Wishing you guys the best for the babies!
@lajoliedreamer Luckily I only have to pump at work because I would really be hating life. I'm hoping to go a year but we will see. It would just be nice if I could skip a day here and there.
@lajoliedreamer Luckily I only have to pump at work because I would really be hating life. I'm hoping to go a year but we will see. It would just be nice if I could skip a day here and there.
If have a solid freezer stash, you'll be able to stop early!
@sandnstarsnj glad to hear shots went well! We had ours yesterday and so far so good. We also measured large in the 94th% for height and weight! Gotta love big babies! Have a great last day of leave!
Shots went ok, thanks everyone! 57th percentile for weight at 16lbs and I think it was 95th percentile for height at 26 inches. Tall and skinny like dad!
I'm pretty sure I've read that when babies are going through leaps and new developmental changes they can have a loss of appetite. But S hardly ate anything today. She nursed 3 times which is only 1 more time than normal but only drank part of a 5 oz bottle. She normally drinks 3-4 bottles when I'm at work. She seemed fine but it was just so weird and way less than normal.
the last 2 days I've held B in front of the hall mirror and he's started smiling and giggling at the reflection. Sometimes he smiles and then burries his head in my chest as if he's being shy. I have no idea who he thinks he's seeing in the mirror (like does he realize it is me and him) but I love it and it makes me laugh so much
This can be good or bad news depending on if you think 2 months is a long or short amount of time. That seems to be how long the effects of the sleep regression lasted for us. S is technically an October baby so I think we hit the sleep regression a little earlier than most. The regression along with the leap was horrible. But this week she seems like a different baby. She's back to babbling instead of crying/whining almost all day long. She's back to only taking 5 mins to fall asleep for naps/bed time and seems like she can handle falling asleep on her own now. There is an end in sight!
So I have a sick baby sleeping on me today. The question: is this from the shots yesterday, teething, or a legit cold? I guess there's no way to tell until he's better so for now I'm going to soak in the cuddles.
And im soaking in those cuddles while listening to DH try to convince DD she needs to clean and organize her toys, which is hysterical to watch but not to be involved.
I don't get why watching LO with MIL is so hard for me. They're over for the day and they live about 3 hours away and get to see LO so rarely, so why is it so hard for me to share? She's holding him now and I know he just wants to sleep/how she's holding him is uncomfortable for him that I just want to take him back. But I feel like I need to let her have time. Ugh. I'm a selfish mom for sure.
I don't get why watching LO with MIL is so hard for me. They're over for the day and they live about 3 hours away and get to see LO so rarely, so why is it so hard for me to share? She's holding him now and I know he just wants to sleep/how she's holding him is uncomfortable for him that I just want to take him back. But I feel like I need to let her have time. Ugh. I'm a selfish mom for sure.
I STILL feel this way around my ILs and I'm on my second kid! Try to take a deep breathe and enjoy a little "you" time. If they've never done anything concerning with or around the baby, then you have to trust he's okay.
I don't get why watching LO with MIL is so hard for me. They're over for the day and they live about 3 hours away and get to see LO so rarely, so why is it so hard for me to share? She's holding him now and I know he just wants to sleep/how she's holding him is uncomfortable for him that I just want to take him back. But I feel like I need to let her have time. Ugh. I'm a selfish mom for sure.
I have the same problem, especially when I stayed with them for a week earlier this year. I find it best to go elsewhere if possible so I don't have to watch/worry
I STILL feel this way around my ILs and I'm on my second kid! Try to take a deep breathe and enjoy a little "you" time. If they've never done anything concerning with or around the baby, then you have to trust he's okay.
THIS. I have such a hard time watching my MIL with my kids ... her parenting style is so different from mine, so I think that has something to do with it. But yeah, totally normal I think.
Yeah my MIL is a step mom who never had kids of her own so I'm always super nervous when she's taking care of my kids ha ha. Agghhhhhh.... seems like it might be universal though based on these comments;)
Damn you sleep regression. It's like being back to 6 weeks old
Not to mention I've had to nurse him back to sleep so I'm trying to pump right now which is my biggest output and I'm getting nothing. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't still BFing because these past two days only feeding will calm him but I can't imagine doing a bottle each time.
Re: Weekly randoms & vents 3/20
coupe years. Interestingly my number of gray hairs subsided when I was pregnant but now it's back.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
ETA: She finally napped ... for precisely 20 minutes
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Today is also my last day of maternity leave. Booo
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I found M liked them less (more crying at the time) but he didn't even get a fever this time! Wishing you guys the best for the babies!
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Hope everyone else's LO handled those shots well!
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
the last 2 days I've held B in front of the hall mirror and he's started smiling and giggling at the reflection. Sometimes he smiles and then burries his head in my chest as if he's being shy. I have no idea who he thinks he's seeing in the mirror (like does he realize it is me and him) but I love it and it makes me laugh so much
And im soaking in those cuddles while listening to DH try to convince DD she needs to clean and organize her toys, which is hysterical to watch but not to be involved.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
And i know, easier said than done.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Not to mention I've had to nurse him back to sleep so I'm trying to pump right now which is my biggest output and I'm getting nothing. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't still BFing because these past two days only feeding will calm him but I can't imagine doing a bottle each time.
In creative news, DD refused to wear her white underwear because it's plain. One tie-dye kit later and she loves them!
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16