December 2016 Moms

My in laws have to visit today, because...

My husband just asked me yesterday if because my in laws are going away this week for three weeks they could stop by to see their grandkids (ages 2.5 months and 25 months) before they go? They were here last week too. Am I the only person in the world that says/thinks, oh the horror they don't see their grandkids for 4 weeks? I know my parents wouldn't make a big deal about it. 

Re: My in laws have to visit today, because...

  • Sounds like my in-laws.  They're thrilled to have a grandchild so close.  The other two live several states away.  My dad has seen Spencer... Three times? But he is grand kid number thirteen for my dad so not nearly as exciting. ;)
  • My two kids are her only grandchildren and probably the only ones she'll ever have. My BIL is 37 and still lives at home and has no real steady job nor a car. That's partly why I have lost respect for my MIL. I also can't stand her comments; she's a broken record! Always saying she's washable when refusing a burp cloth or if she been spit up on! She also smothers my children! I see my daughter does not like it! No matter what, anything I say gets ignored! And all my husband can say is she means well. Ugh! Now I have to see her again when my FIL comes over to help my husband; she invites herself with him and just hovers over my children and I all the time. Oy Vey! Just had to vent. Hoping somebody else here gets it, too!  
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