Upcoming appointments? Last week's appointment was cancelled due to snow, so now my appointment is this Tuesday.
Any new symptoms or changes? No, but my neck is still killing my at times. Looking forward to see the doctor this week to see what I can do. Also, I swear my daughter is having a dance party in there at times, so much movement.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: After five daycare tours, a spreadsheet and lots of research we decided on a daycare and have filled out paperwork to secure a spot for October. They are calling me on Monday to finish things up. Rave #2: Our carpet in the nursery and spare bedroom is being installed today (FINALLY) we can get our upstairs back to normal and start settling in.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Keurig! and the Stove/Refrigerator if that counts.
How far along are you? 28 weeks. Hello 3rd trimester! :-O
How big is baby? eggplant. Seems so large to me.
Upcoming appointments? obgyn Monday
Any new symptoms or changes? very poor sleep. Aches and pains when sleeping. I'm sleeping some though because I'm having a lot of weird dreams.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Breast pump came in mail this week. I need to start callig daycares and sitters.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? besides the refrigerator, the keurig. Takes me all day to finish 8 ounces but I still need something.
How big is baby? Two camping lanterns... bouncing and going crazy at all times.
Upcoming appointments? Chiro this morning, can't wait. Babies are transverse, bunk bed style, so I'm working on alignment to get them shifted to either breech or head down. Preferably A head down!
Any new symptoms or changes? I'm so emotional! This is totally new. I'm usually heartless when I'm pregnant. Heartless and mean. Suddenly I'm crying at everything and super sensitive, weird.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave for a friend who randomly dropped off a strawberry and skor Blizzard for me yesterday. It was amazing.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Stove, I cook all the damn time for these kids.
@halfthetree i've never been to a Chiropractor before and am considering if it my OB thinks it will help. I can't do this for another 3 months! I am also wondering if my growing breasts/bra situation have anything to do with it. Hope you can get those babies turned!
How far along are you? 29 weeks! Weird to think I'll be in the 30s next week omg.
How big is baby? Acorn squash
Upcoming appointments? We have our next ultrasound on Tuesday! It's a growth scan at MFM to make sure the baby is growing on track. Really looking forward to seeing our little princess again and hopefully getting a nice 3D shot of her little face!
Any new symptoms or changes? Round ligament pain has returned with a vengeance, and it's so much more intense than it was early on in the 2nd trimester. So much stretching and growing going on I guess!
Rants/Raves/Questions? On Monday evening we have our first meeting with a pediatrician. I only scheduled 2 (the 2nd is next month) so I'm really hoping that we like one of these 2! I really can't even believe we're at the point now where we're choosing our baby's doctor.
Question: Do you ladies know any resources for finding a good sitter? I know I can always check nextdoor and ask around, but just wondering if I'm missing something. We won't be needing a daycare, just a sitter for an occasional night out once we're comfortable enough to actually leave the baby for a couple of hours!
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? I'm totally with @graceriesz and @jennas312! The Keurig and refrigerator haha. I honestly can't even imagine not having a Keurig now and we've only had it since December.
***BFP & Child Warning***
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014 IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17 FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
@graceriesz I would do it if you can! It's incredible. I'm there about once every two weeks now, always feel so great after. Although it can take a couple sessions to problem treat. I think I went 3-4x that first week with my sciatic pain.
@wifeinraleigh28 Good question on the sitter. I was hoping some of my friends in the area or our church would have some recommendations. Thinking once in daycare, some of the staff might be open to it. Perhaps care.com?
Hello Saturday crew, I was told at my last appointment that they "forgot" to tell me my due date changed so it looks like I'm joining this thread from now on!
How far along are you? 26 weeks
How big is baby? kale or eggplant
Upcoming appointments? I have to do my glucose test next week, and my midwife has now changed me to seeing her every 2 weeks instead of 4
Any new symptoms or changes? acid reflux seems to be mostly under control for the 2nd week in a row, though I've been getting this thing in my throat as a side effect of it where it feels like a pill got stuck halfway through swallowing
Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm not sure how my due date has been changed based on my 7 week ultrasound (since she said earliest is the most accurate for aging), when there was already an in-depth investigation about my due date once before after my 13 week scan. They U/S clinic typo'd my EDD as July 27, and the midwife clinic checked everything out and told me that June 27 was indeed correct (which at the time was already changing from June 28). So this is now the 3rd time my EDD has changed, and they keep making it earlier.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? not every day, but beyond the fridge my most used appliance is our immersion blender which is much better at blending chocolate protein powder with milk than simply stirring it in
Hello Saturday crew, I was told at my last appointment that they "forgot" to tell me my due date changed so it looks like I'm joining this thread from now on!
How far along are you? 26 weeks
How big is baby? kale or eggplant
Upcoming appointments? I have to do my glucose test next week, and my midwife has now changed me to seeing her every 2 weeks instead of 4
Any new symptoms or changes? acid reflux seems to be mostly under control for the 2nd week in a row, though I've been getting this thing in my throat as a side effect of it where it feels like a pill got stuck halfway through swallowing
Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm not sure how my due date has been changed based on my 7 week ultrasound (since she said earliest is the most accurate for aging), when there was already an in-depth investigation about my due date once before after my 13 week scan. They U/S clinic typo'd my EDD as July 27, and the midwife clinic checked everything out and told me that June 27 was indeed correct (which at the time was already changing from June 28). So this is now the 3rd time my EDD has changed, and they keep making it earlier.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? not every day, but beyond the fridge my most used appliance is our immersion blender which is much better at blending chocolate protein powder with milk than simply stirring it in
@CapricaAndrea Welcome! We have the same due date now But what a pain that they forgot to tell you.
Thanks! DH is already unhappy about the experience with midwives so far, so I may have stretched the truth a little and said that it changed based on the latest U/S as opposed to "they forgot"... I think he'll appreciate having them during L&D but for now he's mostly confused by the multiple different teams and that we've met 3 different people for appointments so far.
Upcoming appointments? I meet with a nurse Thursday to discuss my new diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
Any new symptoms or changes? ^^ Gestational diabetes... Which honestly has been a little overwhelming. I am still dealing with accepting it. I am scared to death about daily testing my blood sugar. I am changing my diet based on what I already know until I meet with my nurse.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I can't wait to get to single digits weeks!! And I started couponing and have been stocking up on diapers and wipes.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? The fridge we use daily.
Any other Saturday Ladies dealing with GD?
As far as sitters, I have only used my full time daycare provider. I think talking to people you know / community members to find someone with good recommendations if that doesn't work then go to care.com. Finding daycare was the hardest thing with my first child so I feel for you ladies. I am happy my daycare has openings for my LO.
@graceriesz I strongly recommend seeing a chiropractor! I see one that uses Gonstead technique and she has a special table where the middle drops down to accommodate my growing belly. I've been going to see her since before I got pregnant, and increased my visits a bit the entire pregnancy to keep my back pain and headaches under control. It has done wonders!
Welcome to our group @CapricaAndrea! My OB office had some issues with my due date too. Apparently the due date that they told me at my first appointment isn't what they put in my chart. They told me June 3rd but for whatever reason they had it down as June 5th this entire time and I didn't know. So at my last appointment it was changed back to June 3rd (which is what is is supposed to be anyway). Human error is a thing even at doctors' offices I guess, which is a little scary!
@tmrussell So sorry you're dealing with GD That does not sound fun at all!
***BFP & Child Warning***
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014 IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17 FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
Any new symptoms or changes? Not really. Just belly growing more
Rants/Raves/Questions? some of you may have read about my vaca battle with snoring H!!! We have some work to do when we return home in regards to sleep studies and anything else needed. He's gonna have to help me with night shifts feeding and sleeping w baby in same room and i cannot have his snoring terrorize my child! I can't wait to catch up on zzzzzz
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? I guess the fridge
@graceriesz, yay for picking a daycare! Once you find the right one it's such a relief knowing that everything is lined up. I had to reserve my spot back in November for this September. I was so thankful they had one spot left because my olders ones go there and we love it.
@tmrussell, sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis. My test isn't for another two weeks, so I've got my fingers crossed I pass. I hate finger pricks, so the idea of testing multiple times a day frightens me. Sorry you're having to go through that.
How far along are you? 26 weeks
How big is baby? Kale
Upcoming appointments? My next appointment is in two weeks. I'll be doing the glucose test and getting my TDAP shot at that appointment.
Any new symptoms or changes? Pregnancy wise, I continue to feel great. Some RLP and nerve pain but nothing too bad.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I've had a cold for two weeks and then I woke up with pink eye this morning. Wth?!
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? My refrigerator. I should use it less though. I've not been stocking it with healthy things this pregnancy.
Re: Saturday Ticker Change 3/18
How far along are you? 26 Weeks!
How big is baby? Kale or Butternut Squash
Upcoming appointments? Last week's appointment was cancelled due to snow, so now my appointment is this Tuesday.
Any new symptoms or changes? No, but my neck is still killing my at times. Looking forward to see the doctor this week to see what I can do. Also, I swear my daughter is having a dance party in there at times, so much movement.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: After five daycare tours, a spreadsheet and lots of research we decided on a daycare and have filled out paperwork to secure a spot for October. They are calling me on Monday to finish things up. Rave #2: Our carpet in the nursery and spare bedroom is being installed today (FINALLY) we can get our upstairs back to normal and start settling in.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Keurig! and the Stove/Refrigerator if that counts.
How far along are you? 28 weeks. Hello 3rd trimester! :-O
How big is baby? eggplant. Seems so large to me.
Upcoming appointments? obgyn Monday
Any new symptoms or changes? very poor sleep. Aches and pains when sleeping. I'm sleeping some though because I'm having a lot of weird dreams.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Breast pump came in mail this week. I need to start callig daycares and sitters.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? besides the refrigerator, the keurig. Takes me all day to finish 8 ounces but I still need something.
@gracieriesz Good luck at your appointment! Neck pain is so uncomfortable, hoping your doctor has some referrals or help for you!
How far along are you? 27 weeks
How big is baby? Two camping lanterns... bouncing and going crazy at all times.
Upcoming appointments? Chiro this morning, can't wait. Babies are transverse, bunk bed style, so I'm working on alignment to get them shifted to either breech or head down. Preferably A head down!
Any new symptoms or changes? I'm so emotional! This is totally new. I'm usually heartless when I'm pregnant. Heartless and mean. Suddenly I'm crying at everything and super sensitive, weird.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave for a friend who randomly dropped off a strawberry and skor Blizzard for me yesterday. It was amazing.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Stove, I cook all the damn time for these kids.
@jennas312 yay for third tri!
How far along are you? 29 weeks! Weird to think I'll be in the 30s next week omg.
How big is baby? Acorn squash
Upcoming appointments? We have our next ultrasound on Tuesday! It's a growth scan at MFM to make sure the baby is growing on track. Really looking forward to seeing our little princess again and hopefully getting a nice 3D shot of her little face!
Any new symptoms or changes? Round ligament pain has returned with a vengeance, and it's so much more intense than it was early on in the 2nd trimester. So much stretching and growing going on I guess!
Rants/Raves/Questions? On Monday evening we have our first meeting with a pediatrician. I only scheduled 2 (the 2nd is next month) so I'm really hoping that we like one of these 2! I really can't even believe we're at the point now where we're choosing our baby's doctor.
Question: Do you ladies know any resources for finding a good sitter? I know I can always check nextdoor and ask around, but just wondering if I'm missing something. We won't be needing a daycare, just a sitter for an occasional night out once we're comfortable enough to actually leave the baby for a couple of hours!
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? I'm totally with @graceriesz and @jennas312! The Keurig and refrigerator haha. I honestly can't even imagine not having a Keurig now and we've only had it since December.
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
Hello Saturday crew, I was told at my last appointment that they "forgot" to tell me my due date changed so it looks like I'm joining this thread from now on!
How far along are you? 26 weeks
How big is baby? kale or eggplant
Upcoming appointments? I have to do my glucose test next week, and my midwife has now changed me to seeing her every 2 weeks instead of 4
Any new symptoms or changes? acid reflux seems to be mostly under control for the 2nd week in a row, though I've been getting this thing in my throat as a side effect of it where it feels like a pill got stuck halfway through swallowing
Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm not sure how my due date has been changed based on my 7 week ultrasound (since she said earliest is the most accurate for aging), when there was already an in-depth investigation about my due date once before after my 13 week scan. They U/S clinic typo'd my EDD as July 27, and the midwife clinic checked everything out and told me that June 27 was indeed correct (which at the time was already changing from June 28). So this is now the 3rd time my EDD has changed, and they keep making it earlier.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? not every day, but beyond the fridge my most used appliance is our immersion blender which is much better at blending chocolate protein powder with milk than simply stirring it in
Hello Saturday crew, I was told at my last appointment that they "forgot" to tell me my due date changed so it looks like I'm joining this thread from now on!
How far along are you? 26 weeks
How big is baby? kale or eggplant
Upcoming appointments? I have to do my glucose test next week, and my midwife has now changed me to seeing her every 2 weeks instead of 4
Any new symptoms or changes? acid reflux seems to be mostly under control for the 2nd week in a row, though I've been getting this thing in my throat as a side effect of it where it feels like a pill got stuck halfway through swallowing
Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm not sure how my due date has been changed based on my 7 week ultrasound (since she said earliest is the most accurate for aging), when there was already an in-depth investigation about my due date once before after my 13 week scan. They U/S clinic typo'd my EDD as July 27, and the midwife clinic checked everything out and told me that June 27 was indeed correct (which at the time was already changing from June 28). So this is now the 3rd time my EDD has changed, and they keep making it earlier.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? not every day, but beyond the fridge my most used appliance is our immersion blender which is much better at blending chocolate protein powder with milk than simply stirring it in
Happy Saturday Ladies!
How far along are you? 29 weeks
How big is baby? around 3 pounds / acorn squash
Upcoming appointments? I meet with a nurse Thursday to discuss my new diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
Any new symptoms or changes? ^^ Gestational diabetes... Which honestly has been a little overwhelming. I am still dealing with accepting it. I am scared to death about daily testing my blood sugar. I am changing my diet based on what I already know until I meet with my nurse.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I can't wait to get to single digits weeks!! And I started couponing and have been stocking up on diapers and wipes.
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? The fridge we use daily.
Any other Saturday Ladies dealing with GD?
As far as sitters, I have only used my full time daycare provider. I think talking to people you know / community members to find someone with good recommendations if that doesn't work then go to care.com. Finding daycare was the hardest thing with my first child so I feel for you ladies. I am happy my daycare has openings for my LO.
Welcome to our group @CapricaAndrea! My OB office had some issues with my due date too. Apparently the due date that they told me at my first appointment isn't what they put in my chart. They told me June 3rd but for whatever reason they had it down as June 5th this entire time and I didn't know. So at my last appointment it was changed back to June 3rd (which is what is is supposed to be anyway). Human error is a thing even at doctors' offices I guess, which is a little scary!
@tmrussell So sorry you're dealing with GD
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
@wifeinraleigh28 we'll see what my OB says first. But I'm considering going. I just got new bras today, hoping that helps too.
How far along are you? 27 weeks!!!
How big is baby? eggplant
Upcoming appointments? Not till end of month
Any new symptoms or changes? Not really. Just belly growing more
Rants/Raves/Questions? some of you may have read about my vaca battle with snoring H!!! We have some work to do when we return home in regards to sleep studies and anything else needed. He's gonna have to help me with night shifts feeding and sleeping w baby in same room and i cannot have his snoring terrorize my child! I can't wait to catch up on zzzzzz
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? I guess the fridge
@tmrussell, sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis. My test isn't for another two weeks, so I've got my fingers crossed I pass. I hate finger pricks, so the idea of testing multiple times a day frightens me. Sorry you're having to go through that.
How far along are you? 26 weeks
How big is baby? Kale
Upcoming appointments? My next appointment is in two weeks. I'll be doing the glucose test and getting my TDAP shot at that appointment.
Any new symptoms or changes? Pregnancy wise, I continue to feel great. Some RLP and nerve pain but nothing too bad.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I've had a cold for two weeks and then I woke up with pink eye this morning. Wth?!
GTKY: What kitchen appliance do you use every day? My refrigerator. I should use it less though. I've not been stocking it with healthy things this pregnancy.