Ethan turned 9 months yesterday. He has officially been out longer then he was in! Went to Payless to get him some shoes to wear outside in his walker and he needed size 5! It's been hot here so he was enjoying some time on the swings with daddy.
Jackie is 8 1/2 months old. She started daycare this week while I finish some projects around the house before I start working (soon hopefully). So far drop offs have been pretty easy but she's been having a hard time sleeping there, which has caused me some stress. But every day gets a little better. I just hope I can start work before I run out of house projects because I won't know what to do with myself without her to take care of during the day.
Charlotte and her best bud Finn. Can't believe she turned 9 months last week! Starting a new job on Monday so it's been so awesome having this extra time home with her this week and last. Also, everything that isn't a toy of hers is the most interesting thing in the world!
Miles came out of his flu looking like a toddler to me and I'm not sure how it happened (top picture is 5 days older than bottom picture and he looks different to me! Why?!). He's officially given up on hands and knees crawling in favor of the butt scoot. His first tooth is finally making its appearance and messing up his sleep bad. He's starting to let go while standing, but then panics and ends up twisting around and falling on his face. Not fun
Miles came out of his flu looking like a toddler to me and I'm not sure how it happened (top picture is 5 days older than bottom picture and he looks different to me! Why?!). He's officially given up on hands and knees crawling in favor of the butt scoot. His first tooth is finally making its appearance and messing up his sleep bad. He's starting to let go while standing, but then panics and ends up twisting around and falling on his face. Not fun
Wow, he really does look like a big boy in that bottom pic! Charlotte favors the butt scoot too. She mad it all the way over to the tv stand the other day and just started opening all the drawers. She gets so dramatic and just sobs into the rug when we put her on her tummy. She's gotten a little better with it in the last week and can kind of army crawl in a circle.
This is the last week I can say Nadia is 8 months old. Crawling fast, pulling up, starting to cruise, and babbling constantly. She figured out if she lays on her highchair and kicks the leg it sounds funny....
Tristan is closing in on 9 1/2 months and is sprouting three teeth on top all at the same time. He enjoys his chair and plops out head first, hence the pillow in front. He loves to have mama chase him when he is crawling to places we don't let him go, giggling the whole time. He only giggles when he knows I am watching and starts to crawl faster. So he definitely knows that it is a fun game. He is getting close to pulling up to standing, but seems pretty content to just kneel all the time. We tried ramen noodles for the first time last night, and he thought they were great. I am hoping to do away with a lot of his pureed food very soon. We will be coming up on a year very soon!
Miles came out of his flu looking like a toddler to me and I'm not sure how it happened (top picture is 5 days older than bottom picture and he looks different to me! Why?!). He's officially given up on hands and knees crawling in favor of the butt scoot. His first tooth is finally making its appearance and messing up his sleep bad. He's starting to let go while standing, but then panics and ends up twisting around and falling on his face. Not fun
Thanks, her dad just went to a Green Day concert this last weekend and got it for her.
The way Jackie smiled changed when she got her bottom teeth. Idk if it felt different in her mouth, but it's a little different.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
These are from this past Saturday, the day after the week from h#$%. We went to the park right down the road from us. She has been chasing me to the bathroom and Monday, used the dishwasher door to get to the chair (yoga) pose and got scared/stuck. Cried for me to help her out and I love it.
Damien enjoyed hanging out in the snow with me while my husband shoveled (I offered to help). He'll be 9 months old on Friday. Still not crawling but so close to getting there. His top tooth is coming in nicely so soon he will have 3 teeth. We will be trying pieces of food this weekend (super soft stuff) to see how he does. He went to his 1st concert yesterday and loves it. It was a program geared towards kids. They performed classical pieces, as well as some opera. Very cool!
Audri is 9.5 months now. She's cruising like crazy and really getting adventurous. She has her bottom 2 teeth and is teething the top 2, ugh! We took her sledding the other day for the first time this winter since it didn't know in Chicago for 2 months. Craziness! She loved it and our dog loved chasing her.
Re: HDBD 3/15
Jackie is 8 1/2 months old. She started daycare this week while I finish some projects around the house before I start working (soon hopefully). So far drop offs have been pretty easy but she's been having a hard time sleeping there, which has caused me some stress. But every day gets a little better. I just hope I can start work before I run out of house projects because I won't know what to do with myself without her to take care of during the day.
Cameron turned 9 months this past Friday. Here he is sporting his new frog hat and hanging outside in the yard. Still no teeth and no crawling.
@meggyme That Green Day shirt is awesome
@lac1252 Nothing is more interesting than that thing Mom took away. I'm trying to keep Miles out of the cat food and water now
@Tawny87 That frog hat is awesome. I need to learn to knit. I can crochet, but knitting always failed me when I tried
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
The way Jackie smiled changed when she got her bottom teeth. Idk if it felt different in her mouth, but it's a little different.
These are from this past Saturday, the day after the week from h#$%. We went to the park right down the road from us. She has been chasing me to the bathroom and Monday, used the dishwasher door to get to the chair (yoga) pose and got scared/stuck. Cried for me to help her out and I love it.
She is babbling up a storm and finally crawling forwards. Now if only she would sleep through the night!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20