June 2016 Moms

HDBD 3/15

Let's see those cuties!

Re: HDBD 3/15

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  • @laurendiaz02 Size 5, wow! I'm hoping Miles doesn't trip on his size 4 I got him for a wedding next weekend

    @meggyme That Green Day shirt is awesome

    @lac1252 Nothing is more interesting than that thing Mom took away. I'm trying to keep Miles out of the cat food and water now

    @Tawny87 That frog hat is awesome. I need to learn to knit. I can crochet, but knitting always failed me when I tried
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
  • Miles came out of his flu looking like a toddler to me and I'm not sure how it happened (top picture is 5 days older than bottom picture and he looks different to me! Why?!). He's officially given up on hands and knees crawling in favor of the butt scoot. His first tooth is finally making its appearance and messing up his sleep bad. He's starting to let go while standing, but then panics and ends up twisting around and falling on his face. Not fun
    Wow, he really does look like a big boy in that bottom pic! Charlotte favors the butt scoot too. She mad it all the way over to the tv stand the other day and just started opening all the drawers.  She gets so dramatic and just sobs into the rug when we put her on her tummy. She's gotten a little better with it in the last week and can kind of army crawl in a circle.
  • Miles came out of his flu looking like a toddler to me and I'm not sure how it happened (top picture is 5 days older than bottom picture and he looks different to me! Why?!). He's officially given up on hands and knees crawling in favor of the butt scoot. His first tooth is finally making its appearance and messing up his sleep bad. He's starting to let go while standing, but then panics and ends up twisting around and falling on his face. Not fun
    Thanks, her dad just went to a Green Day concert this last weekend and got it for her.

    The way Jackie smiled changed when she got her bottom teeth. Idk if it felt different in her mouth, but it's a little different.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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