Last week we talked about in-laws, and I was going change it up with a new type of topic this week, but there were a lot of stories about moms yesterday, so I thought maybe we needed this topic today.
So, tell me about your parents. How is your relationship with them? Is it better or worse now that you're an adult? How are they responding to this pregnancy?
Re: Let's Talk About Parents
My parents don't even know we are pregnant and likely won't ever know unless I happen to run into them by chance.
@daniellelynette glad you have a better relationship now!
My relationship with my mom is definitely better with distance. We talk everyday via text or FaceTime, so we really have a good relationship. When we are together we butt heads so much. We are way too much alike. My dad is great, he just goes with the flow. DD adores them. We were able to leave her with them over the weekend two weeks ago when they came to visit.
They are thrilled about the twins. This will be grandchild numbers 7 & 8 for them, so while they are excited, it's a been there done that sorta thing. But twins are new, so that part is exciting for them.
@mrsmgsee Lol. Pretty darn close. Their whole church believes all rape is a woman's fault. Because either the guys wife wasn't putting out enough or the girl assaulted asked for it by being slutty. Definitely don't want our daughter exposed to that kind of twisted mentality.
The part of BPD we have to deal with most frequently is a problem with boundaries. As in, my mom doesn't really have them, and has to work hard to understand appropriate ones. Both my parents are over-the-moon thrilled about this baby (their first grand baby), but my mom has struggled with boundaries. She's still calling it "our baby," despite us having more than one talk about it. (It would't bother me if she didn't do it in such an over-the-top manner, but she says it very theatrically, and it's just...odd.) She also begged me almost daily to tell her mom and sisters about my pregnancy, even though I had told her many times we weren't telling extended family until after a healthy NT scan. When I told her how my MIL had told DH's extended family about my pregnancy without consulting us first, she couldn't be supportive because she was too busy pouting that his grandma knew before mine. She's also already sort-of shamed me because I'm not interested in cloth diapering, and she thought I'd be as crunchy a mom as she was. It's little stuff that I can deal with, I just hope it doesn't get bigger. I can see her wanting to visit too often once Little Mister is here, or wanting to be too involved in the birth. For years, I thought I wanted her and my dad there when I gave birth, but now I think it will depend on how healthily she can manage to handle things over the next six months.
ETA: Ack, sorry this got novel-lengthed! TL;DR: My mom had borderline personality disorder, and, though I love her dearly, she can be quite a pill sometimes. Boundaries are hard for her, and this pregnancy is no exception. My dad is basically a saint, and one of my most favorite people.
My mom and I have always been pretty close, as close as a child can get with six other siblings. We did butt heads a lot as a teenager and into my early adult years, but she has learned how to give me my freedom. And when I don't have her breathing down my back, I tend to go to her more for advice.
My dad knew how to play with little kids, but when we got older, he pulled away. I think he just didn't know how to relate to us very well. He and I would get into arguments about politics, religion, anything really, because both of us loved an intellectual debate. When I went off to college, I only talked to him now and again. But I know he loves me, we just have a hard time finding an adult relationship. He loves my DH and they get along very well, so that helps.
My mom has a good heart, but she can be overbearing. She is a self-proclaimed child expert (special ed teacher for a long time). Thus, she is already telling me how to raise my kids. When my nephew was about a year old, we all went to Hawaii to visit for a week. My mom was concerned that he didn't talk enough and insisted on teaching him to sign. I know that sign language can be very helpful to child development, but my brother and his wife didn't know any of the signs. Even if it stuck, his parents wouldn't know what he was asking for when he signed to them. She insists that I need to have a c-section because I have a heart condition. My doctor disagrees, but she seems to think the doctor is wrong. She has also (without consulting me) planned a very long trip here for when the baby is due. She is flying my brother and his family in too. I'm happy to see everyone, but annoyed that she ignored me when I suggested they come a few weeks after the due date. This doesn't even get into the politics, but that is another huge issue for us.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
my dad is a whole different story. He and my mom divorced 30 years ago. He's still bitter and has a lot of anger issues. I haven't spoken to him in almost 3 years after he told me I was a bitch just like my mother. Bye Falecia.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Lol this made me laugh at loud and something my mom would do. She doesn't like the double stroller I want so she told me I don't need one anyways lol. definitely getting a double stroller!
On another note, I also have a great relationship with my in-laws. Very good people. We also see them every couple of months.
@JNR6510 I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic childhood. I'm happy you've moved on and found a healthy, happy relationship.
Growing up, my brother and I definitely had rules, but we probably had more freedom than a lot of kids and our parents did fun stuff with us a lot.
Now that I am older, more responsible and successful, I feel like I have gained much more respect from my mother.
Unfortunately, my dad passed away at age 56 on December 1st last year of ALS and I feel a huge gaping hole in my heart where he used to be.
When he started getting sick about about a year ago I was devastated because I knew that there was no way that he would survive this. I had to accept and appreciate the time that I had with him and even so I felt like he was taken far too soon. I feel like if I'd have known the last time I saw him was truly going to be the last I would have hugged him a lot longer, told him I loved him a few more times and made sure he knew how much he always meant to me.
Now I'm making sure to be there for my mom in any way that I can. Any animosity in our past is just water under the bridge and I will do nothing but love that woman for as long as I am blessed to have her in my life. Quirks and all, she is my mom.
She is so so so happy to be having another grandchild. We just wish my dad could have been alive to meet him/her.
@daniellelynette Sometimes I truly do feel like absence makes the heart grow fonder when it comes to parents. When I moved three hours away from my family I found myself calling them all the time and visiting at least once a month.
@amandarene112 I'm sorry you had to deal with the rocky mom relationship as well. it sounds like her getting help for some of her issues have had positive results for everyone. Hopefully she is able to become a source of strength and not so much stress as your pregnancy continues.
Hopefully things with your mom continues to improve.
Your mother sounds like an amazing woman. I'm happy your father was able to kick his addiction to alcohol. Some people never do.
I had a good relationship as a child and teenager; the rockiest point was the year DH and I were engaged....we were both feeling out the transition to independence (I got married at 21, so other than going to university for a few years I hadn't had much independence from them yet). As soon as we were married though, they backed off which made a world of difference. DH and I also left our home and native land and have lived overseas since shortly after our first anniversary, which may have also contributed to a good relationship now. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? We're not in each other's hair and LOVE the weekly skyping, more often than that emailing, and the few weeks at a time we get to see each other in the summer and at Christmas.
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
My mother on the other hand... she's munchausen by proxy and I'm pretty positive she's also incredibly bi polar. I've told her I'm expecting, and she's got a new boyfriend to act good for... so she's doing okay right now. A little passive aggressive dig here and there. But I'm really concerned about having her around my child really at all. I haven't talked to her in the past 3 years, she's had me blocked on Facebook and has turned her whole side of the family against me by playing victim in a made up scenario. My poor brother is just getting old enough to realize what she does and how to respond to it. It sucks. I'll be damned if I let my kid go through anything I did while I was growing up. I just really hope she'll come around sometimes too. Plus if I just keep her out it proves to that whole side of the family that I suck and she was right about everything. It's maddening. She's super interested in my life now that she knows, I just almost wish she had gotten mad and blocked me again so I didn't even have to deal with it. But, we will see what happens I suppose.
My mom passed away when I was 17. So getting married and now this has been especially hard. I really don't have that "emotional containment" (what my therapist called it) that moms and other motherly figures offer. My MIL is...I love her lots and she's awesome...but I just don't feel like I can go to her for much. She can get very judgey and conservative.
I had a very hard day around 6 weeks or 8 weeks, where I literally could NOT stop crying. Yay for hormones! I had a huge migraine that just would not stop. I was actually nauseous and threw up (the only time this whole pregnancy btw). And my pelvic pain was intense. My husband asked me, "what can I do to help? what do you need? Is there anything you want?" And the only thing I could say in between sobs was "I want my mommy," which made me cry even more.
I told my therapist all this and she said to try and find a "mother figure" who can be a support/emotional containment, but it's been hard to find someone.
My FIL and Dad have been excited. They can't wait to be Pop Pops!
Emotionally, I am doing better now that I'm in the 2nd trimester. But I also think that my dance sisters have been awesome. I'm a Tahitian Dancer and the love and support you get from a dance studio is just amazing. If anything, they are my other family.
I'm just super glad that forums and stuff exist. Is there anyone else going thru their 1st pregnancy w/o their moms?
Thankfully i have a wonderful fam in law here, and they are ssssssso excited about us having a baby. ❤️