hello fellow September bumpies! First time poster

little back story; my husband and I have been married for 5 years, TTC for 2. My mother has always been very adamant that women in our family just "lie down and get pregnant" and that we must be doing something wrong for it to have taken so long; doctor's visits medically diagnosed issues aside. Growing up my brothers and I spent a lot of time in daycare and at my grandmothers house because my mom kept working and going to school- changing her major multiple times because with my dads job; money wasn't an issue. This was her decision as a mother and I'm fine with that. My husband and I discussed at long length before even getting engaged that we both wanted me to stay home and raise our children myself. Now that I am almost 12 weeks my mom has made this entirely about her. Telling every one of her friends and our family before I am able/ready and continually saying that she will have my baby 2-3 days a week because she "knows" I will be going back to work. She is currently converting her guest room into a nursery with a full baby wardrobe (we do not even know the gender). Her friend bought ME a very nice diaper bag and she said she is keeping it for herself since it is "her style". She talks like she is the one having a baby and plainly ignores the fact that I tell her I will NOT be returning to work and that while I appreciate her offer and that she is willing to babysit for occasional date nights; she will not be having my child enough that it will need a room in her house. I am very close with my dad and do not want to just cut her out as I will not only see less of my dad; but then he has to deal with her reaction to it. Anyone else been through/going through something like this? How did you handle it? How did it turn out?
Re: advice: my mother is making my pregnancy about her
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
June Siggy Challenge: Workout
Because they're both so sensitive, it was easiest just for me to let them make the baby rooms, buy the clothes, whatever. It will all wind up at your house anyways and your eyes not the one spending the money. Winner! However, I do gently say "this is the way we are doing it." So they're not surprised when I don't allow them to do what they want or when I remind them the way they do things. Most of this will
blow over or settle down once the baby is here
I understand how this would make you feel uncomfortable. Especially with the diaper bag thing. That was out of line. I'd definitely do what PP said and write a thank you note to the one who bought it.
My former MIL was very much like your mother as I was the one who had her very first grandchild. Although I was somewhat put off by it first I found that there were times after I had my daughter that I really did need a break and some time to myself. She started taking her on occasional weekend days and it worked out great for both of us!
Hopefully your mom learns to tone it down a bit.
The one thing that bothers me is the the thank you note idea. It seems really passive aggressive, and I don't think that's a healthy way to play this. A thank you note for the gift is appropriate, but mentioning that your mom kept it a: might aggravate things further with your mom, and b: make the giver of the bag feel really uncomfortable. She's your mom's friend, not your relationship referee. If anyone should step in there, it's your dad, and if he won't, then put on your big girl panties and tell her how wrong keeping the gift is yourself. Sorry if that sounds harsh, I just think bringing a third person into this is inappropriate, and kind of a cop out for dealing with it yourself.
I'm sorry you have to deal with any of this at all, I hope you can work it all out with relative ease!
That being said, I would address the issue of the diaper bag with your mom. I like the idea of a thank you note to the gift giver, and then approach your mom about how you would very much like to use the gift that X gifted to your baby. Let her spend her money on a nursery and wardrobe that will hardly be touched, but don't let her take things actually away from you and the baby.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Planning to stay firm with her about what you wish to do is the best choice and not backing down. I wouldn't let her influence you to go against your own wishes because it is something that she wants. This is your baby, not hers. She had her chance. Now it is your turn.
Me and my own mom went head to head about some things when my daughter was younger. She eventually had to accept that I was going to raise my daughter the way that I wanted to and she learned to respect that eventually.
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02
i would ignore some of this behavior honestly, even though it would be very difficult. Like someone else has said I would mention to the friend that you love the diaper bag but she has taken it for herself. You need to set boundaries and you do whatever you want about working. Mother issues are a struggle with me because my mom watches my son on the days I work and if I butt heads too much with her then she threatens to quit and I don't have back up childcare. I feel for ya!
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019