Yay happy Friday everyone! How have we been doing with our goals?
1: How far along are you?
2: How was your last week?
3: What are your goals for the week ahead?
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments?
5: Rants/Raves/Questions?
6: GTKY: What is you favorite part of Spring and why?
Re: Exercise & Fitness Check-In 3/10
2: How was your last week?
Not good. I over-did it and walked with too heavy a grocery bag on Monday, then walked 2 more miles to a meeting. My back was messed up all week. I did some restorative yoga on Wednesday, which helped, but I've mostly been resting, and throwing my heating pad on my back before bed. I think it has helped. I walked a little last night, much slower than my normal pace.
3: What are your goals for the week ahead?
I think I'll focus on more yoga, since we're heading into another frigid weekend and due to get a storm mid-week.
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments?
Lol, what accomplishments? JK, I don't know.
5: Rants/Raves/Questions?
6: GTKY: What is you favorite part of Spring and why?
Spring in Boston can be iffy, but those first few warm days, when flowers have started to bloom and the buds are visible on the trees give me such hope for the summer!
22 weeks today!!
2: How was your last week? It was ok, worked out 4x so far but am still sore from my leg workout Monday, lol. I can finally see my stamina is back from my prepregnancy days.
3: What are your goals for the week ahead?
We're going on vacation for 10 days so I'm hoping I can keep up eating semi healthy and work out while we're there!
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments?
Well, it was my birthday so I celebrated with a box of dilly bars.. only ate 2 so far!
5: Rants/Raves/Questions?
Super nervous to take my 7 month old on the plane for the first time. Anyone have any suggestions of what to pack to make the trip easier?
6: GTKY: What is you favorite part of Spring and why
Decorating for spring, opening up the windows, have fresh scents in my warmers going throughout the house, and taking walks or being outdoors in general!
2: How was your last week? good 5 days in so far and swim practice tomorrow for 6! And two were crossfit so good to be back in the box although my pelvis has been iffy so I got a belt to help since my jobs are all on my feet sometimes up to 12 hours at a time
3: What are your goals for the week ahead? same old same old
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments?
Well caved for some gluten free pizza delivered tonight and tomorrow we go out for MIL birthday so plenty of that! I do really badly need pedicure though
5: Rants/Raves/Questions?
6: GTKY: What is you favorite part of Spring and why? I love when the flowers are blooming (which started 2 weeks ago here in NC since it's been so easy warm) and being able to get outside everyday with DD. When it's nice we go to the park after school with her or after the gym and also marks my shift to iced coffee (decaf right now). I love drinking iced coffee in warm weather don't know why but it's comforting and relaxing
2: How was your last week? Great! I got in 5 days of workouts, so I call that a win.
3: What are your goals for the week ahead? I'd really like to get in at least 4 workouts. It's going to be a super busy week, though. I can't take my normal lunch workout because of doctor's appointments on Monday and Tuesday.
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments? I'd may take DD and I out to some frozen yogurt Saturday if I can! DH is going to be out of town again this weekend so that would be a nice treat for us girls.
5: Rants/Raves/Questions? None this week.
6: GTKY: What is you favorite part of Spring and why? Definitely the weather!