December 2016 Moms

PP sex

Good Morning everyone!! My little one is 11 weeks today...which means it's been 12 weeks since me and my husband have had sex. We tried at the 6 week mark and I felt pain, so we waited until 8 weeks and agian I felt pain.  It's a sharp pain, almost as if he is stabbing me with a needle. We tried agian the other night and same thing. We have to stop because it hurts. Anyone else experience this? I got upset because I feel like I am never going to recover down there!!     :( Advice ?

Re: PP sex

  • Yeah it was painful for me the first 10 times we tried. And I made him wait to even try til like 9 and a half weeks pp. I found it was more comfortable when I was on top and could control things. Now it's baaaaarely tender at the insertion. It just takes time getting used to. 
  • Ah, sandpaper vag.  Keep at it.  Lube it up!
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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