Hey ladies!
I don't post a ton here, but I definitely have read almost everything since getting my BFP and feel like I know you guys even though you don't know me. I'm going to try to get better about that since our group is feeling smaller lately! I did see the bringing the dead board to life talk, and it actually made me feel a little more comfortable with topic starting, as before I kind of felt like it would be a nuisance.
I also was hesitant to get too attached to this pregnancy, and have have an impending sense of doom due to bad symptoms and PGAL brain that is very gradually easing up week by week.
One of my "bad" symptoms has been random pink/brown spotting since 6 weeks. I was told at 7 that I had a small SCH likely causing this, and so eventually I stopped being quite as freaked out when it would happen. We're now 12 weeks today, and though it seems like it happens maybe less often, it's still happening. Today even. The kicker to this whole thing? NT scan today showed no trace of a SCH. So I'm kinda left thinking wtf.
I hate not knowing why it's happening. (oh and it's not sex related, trust me. Poor DH.) Has anyone else dealt with unexplained long term spotting? Didn't help at all to google it and see something along the lines of "1/2 of all women that spot will have a normal pregnancy" or some garbage like that. Like half, cool. When am I going to know which half I am?!
NT scan went well besides that, I will receive full results at my next appointment but the measurements seemed all good. I was a little disappoitned to not get a guess at the sex as I did with DS1, even though I logically know it's not super accurate at this stage. She did have the baby in the "potty shot" position for a while, and I didn't see really anything between the legs. She didn't comment, but either a girl or a late bloomer perhaps. My sons was pretty obvious if I remember right.
Anyone else having to wait til 20 weeks? And/or have any experience with never ending spotting?
Re: Why tf am I still spotting....?! (And NT recap)
My mom said she bled almost the entire time she was pregnant with my brother, and I don't think they really ever told her why.
I'm not sure if I've seen you over there, but the PGAL check-in is really fantastic. We'd love to have you, and I'm sure there are a ton of women who have experienced this exact thing over there.
I don't have PGAL brain but can totally understand why you'd be freaking out because of it. If in doubt I'd definitely call your doctor and see what they say just to make sure! I'm curious to see if they'll do another scan at my 14 week appointment to see if it's gone and take me off of pelvic rest.
With DS2 I had spotting for the first 8 weeks or so. I was induced at 39 bc of BP issues.
with this pregnancy no spotting at all.
Every pregnancy is different but if things looked good on ultrasound I would try not to worry!
XoXo, Dee