June 2017 Moms

PGAL Check-in Week of 3/6

How far along are you? 

How are you doing? 

Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes

GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line?
Me: 28 Husband: 31
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017  ❤️

Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: PGAL Check-in Week of 3/6

  • How far along are you? 26 weeks 5 days

    How are you doing? Doing great.

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 3rd trimester starts on Wednesday which is exciting. Next appointment is March 17th, I'll be doing th glucose testing.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: This PGAL brain will never fully go away for me but I am allowing myself to be excited for setting up his room and buying things here and there.

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line? Pinterest & Etsy have taken a lot of my time lately. I also like to do a little Facebook and Instagram. 

    DH: 35 | Me: 29
    BFP #1- 07.25.12, EDD: 03.24.13, DD born 03.26.13
    Surprised BFP #2- 02.25.15, EDD: 10/29/15 |*m/c 7w4d, D&C 04.02.2015 
    BFP #3- 01.21.16, EDD: 09.29.26 |*m/c-blighted ovum 2.19.16 8w1d, D&C 03.04.16 
    BFP #4- 05.24.16, EDD: 02.04.17 |*natural m/c-  07.08.16, 9w1d
    BFP #5- 09/25/16, EDD: 06.07.17 GROW
    , BABY, GROW! 

  • How far along are you? 25 +2

    How are you doing? Pretty well as far as PGAL brain goes! 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? Next appointment is on the 15th... 1hour glucose test, I'm really not looking forward to that lol 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Victoria is definitely getting stronger by the day.. last night I thought she was going to kick right through my uterus and pop out... of course she's only ever super active st night when I want to sleep lol

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line?
    Usually on fb catching up with family (everyone lives out of state). 
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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  • mkrelmkrel member
    How far along are you? 25+6

    How are you doing? Getting more uncomfortable in general, but excited to finally meet our baby girl in a few months. I do have random PGAL fears from time to time, but I remind myself of how rare it would be for something to go terribly wrong now. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? Next appt is at 28 weeks and I will have my GTT. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I am gettng so tired again, and having trouble sleeping. I know it will only get worse and that makes me sad. I love sleep....

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line? I am always on tripadvisor researching and planning our next big vacation, which at this point won't be for a while. We do have some smaller trips planned, but nothing major until 2018. We love staying at higher end places, and I have so much fun stalking websites for different hotels trying to get the best deal possible. I also love researching restaurants and things to do in general for travel. 
  • How far along are you? 24+5

    How are you doing? Really good now that movements are consistent

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? Appointment tomorrow and I will schedule my glucose test for the next couple weeks

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: none at the moment

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line? 
    Facebook or window shopping. I have a bad habit of going on websites, adding $100s in my cart... Then not buying anything. 

    Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!
  • Sorry I haven't check in in so long. I've been busy busy!

    How far along are you? 25 weeks today 

    How are you doing? Pretty good...feeling really good overall and made it to 24 weeks which feels like a big accomplishment. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? Next appt is at 28 weeks, but I'm really looking forward to getting to third trimester in a couple of weeks! We also start birthing classes the same week, so that's going to be a big week for me!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: feeling this little one move has been incredible. It makes me so much more confident and feeling like I can do stuff like buy things and prepare. 

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line? 
    Reddit, Pinterest, and instagram! 
  • I've missed a lot of these lately! Whoops! Life has been a little nuts lately. 

    How far along are you?
    How are you doing? 
    For the most part, well. We just had a wave of mom's going into labor/delivering in the 24-29 week time and it kind of had me a nervous wreck for a while but doing better now. My due date for my June miscarriage was a couple weeks ago so that had me in a funk too. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    Next appt is the 20th! I'll have the glucose test and my US to check on my placenta's position at that time so I'm excited to see baby again!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes
    I'm feeling baby consistently multiple times a day, which is such a wonderful way to put my mind to ease when I need it. 

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line?
    Mostly checking FB and IG. I chat with some girls from my original BMB on Messenger so between those 3 things that usually occupies my online time. 
  • How far along are you? 25+2

    How are you doing? Great! So excited to be at this point, but I still fight PGAL anxiety at least once a week. I know the odds are low at this point...but the odds of my last type of loss were low too. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    Appt next week! Will probably listen too the heart beat and measure fundal but still excited! I hope she is growing appropriately!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Baby girl likes to be super active one day then take it easy the next. Those easy days always drive me a little batty. I love the movements and love feeling them get stronger!

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line? I'm not sure I have a favorite site or anything, but i like reading different articles. From news to entertainment garbage, i like to keep up online bc i don't always have time for tv. Plus no commercials and i can look more into things than tv covers. 
  • Bringing this back a little late in the week. 

    How far along are you? 
    26 today
    How are you doing? 
    I am really enjoying the bonding that comes with movement. DH can connect now too!
    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    Glucose screen on the last Wednesday of March.
    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes
    This week, I earned my 2 year anniversary TB badge, which means I was pregnant two years ago and pregnant now.  It is a  bitter sweet kind of thing to remember how ready I was to tell close family and friends as soon as I found out back then, and to think how I still haven't really announced on Facebook now. I am so ready for this baby and feel very confident that he will come home with us, but I know my first experience being pregnant two years ago has really colored how I've experienced this pregnancy. 
    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line?
    Watching professional E-sports. (Video gaming)
    Married 8/12
    MC 4/15
    BFP 10/10/16

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • How far along are you? 26 weeks 1 day

    How are you doing? Ashamed that I haven't been on here more. I'm just in nesting mode and never sit down. Worried about loosing another kid so late in the game. Ready to be holding this son.

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? I can't remember when my next appointment is.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I am almost done with cosmetology school and it's hard to plan out what I will feel capable of doing before I give birth.

    GTKY: Other than TheBump what is your favorite way to spend time on-line? Facebook. I wish this group would move to Facebook. It'd be so much easier.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers image
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