
E2 question

Wondering if anyone can shed some light on this situation:

I'm currently on my first cycle of Menopur injections and will have an IUI (hopefully) on Wednesday.  I went in last Thursday for an ultrasound and had a TON of small follicles, but nothing over 10mm.  My E2 at that time was 185.  I went back on Saturday and had 1 lead follicle at 14mm and tons of others at 10mm.  My E2 dropped to 168.  My dr said she was "perplexed" and upped my dose for last night and tonight and will do another ultrasound tomorrow- still hopeful to trigger tomorrow and have IUI Wednesday.  Any idea why E2 would drop? 
Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
May '17: Took off due to cysts
June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

Re: E2 question

  • @Funnygirl34 - I can't shed any light on this, but didn't want to leave you hanging. That sucks.

    Do they inject E2 into any food products? That's actually the only thing I can think of - maybe a roast chicken gone wrong - and it's a looooooooooong shot. Either that, or maybe the consistency of your blood was different? Like more dilute? I dunno. (Again, another long shot.)
  • I don't know why that would happen either but sounds like there are some good follicles in there!

     That is really interesting about the food product comment.  There is estrogen in some foods for sure.  Maybe the second blood test was off or something. Could just be your body responding to Menopur.  That sucks but hopefully the increase fixes it. 
    • Me: 36 DH: 33
    • TTC since June 2016
    • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
    • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
    • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
    • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
    • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

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  • JWatt5JWatt5 member
    edited March 2017
    ***Lurking from PAIF***
    I had this happen once to me. I was also on FSH (Puregon) injections as well. My "lead" follicle ended up being a cyst they think.
    I feel like I had the same thing - follicle growing, E2 going down. Made no sense. It got to 17mm, they told me to up the dose, gave me the script to buy my trigger shot and the next day it was just gone. They were super confused the whole time too.
    Not sure if that's is what is happening with you but wanted to share what happened with me as it seems like something the RE's aren't used to.
    Best of luck with this cycle - there's still hope!! Feel free to PM me if you want and I can tell you the outcome of that cycle and what we learnt for the next cycle.

    edited - addition
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • So, I had another ultrasound yesterday and the 14mm has grown to a beautiful 19mm and all the other small follicles have stayed the same size.  My dr thinks what happened was since I have PCOS I had TONS of follicles start to grow and produce estrogen, but then they stopped growing as the lead follicle took over, hence the drop in E2.  My E2 has gone back up now.  They weren't concerned.
    Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

    August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
    February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
    April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
    May '17: Took off due to cysts
    June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
    November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
    December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

  • @Funnygirl34 - that's great to hear!!! Hopefully you trigger soon!
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • JWatt5 Yes!  Triggered last night and IUI tomorrow AM!
    Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

    August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
    February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
    April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
    May '17: Took off due to cysts
    June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
    November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
    December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

  • That's great! Good luck tomorrow! 
    • Me: 36 DH: 33
    • TTC since June 2016
    • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
    • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
    • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
    • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
    • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

  • @Funnygirl34 - that's great!! Good luck!! 
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • @Funnygirl34 My dr thinks what happened was since I have PCOS I had TONS of follicles start to grow and produce estrogen, but then they stopped growing as the lead follicle took over, hence the drop in E2. 

    That makes much more sense than my suggestions! Hahaha. Proof I have had NO medical training!

  • funkykey hahaha!  I appreciated the thought!  I had no idea, so at least you offered a suggestion!
    Me: PCOS   DH: No issues

    August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
    February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
    April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
    May '17: Took off due to cysts
    June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
    November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
    December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018

  • @funkykey I left work yesterday and researched what foods can lower E2. I totally thought you were on to something. :smiley:
    • Me: 36 DH: 33
    • TTC since June 2016
    • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
    • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
    • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
    • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
    • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

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