How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Upcoming appointments this week?
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings?
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before?
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV?
Re: Thursday Ticker Change 3/2
How far along are you? 13 weeks!
How big is baby? A clown fish
Upcoming appointments this week? An elective US tomorrow that I scheduled just for fun/peace of mind
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? New- headaches almost every day, and a non pregnancy related pinched nerve in my neck, ugh! The nausea is definitely getting better, but this terrible taste in my mouth will NOT leave.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing really, just... come on 2nd trimester!!!
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? FTM, so I have no past experience to help/hurt my credibility, lol. I really feel like it is a boy, mostly just because every baby dream I have is about a boy.
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV? I've been reading nothing, which sucks because I used to read constantly. I have flipped through some pregnancy/baby books, but that's about it. As for TV, we've been loving This is Us, but I rarely watch TV lately. I am even more boring that usual!
How far along are you? 12 weeks
How big is baby? According to my Doctor, baby is the size of a string cheese!
Upcoming appointments this week?Just had my NT appointment today. I got to see my adorable little baby moving around and everything looked okay. I feel so relieved and I'm starting to get more excited!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? No new symptoms. MS/all day sickness is finally getting better. Monday was a good day, Tuesday and Wednesday were horrible, and today is another good day. Hoping I start to have more good days than bad.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing. I'm actually feeling pretty happy today, with getting to see my baby and not feeling like I'm on the verge of puking all day, I have nothing to complain about today.
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? From the moment I found out I was pregnant I thought I was having a girl. I'm pretty sure she's a girl. My mom and sister think it's a boy, and I would love to have a boy, but the baby just doesn't feel like a boy to me. Just scheduled the anatomy US for April 27th - so we'll find out then!
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV? I started watching Big Little Lies, the mini series on HBO. Then last week my sister gave me the book, so I also started it. I really like both so far!
How far along are you? 12 weeks. Nearly 13
How big is baby? a Plum!
Upcoming appointments this week? Next appointment is March 10. Hopefully all goes well!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? Mostly pickles. It's one of the few things that doesn't gross me out.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing too bad as of late. Pinched nerve in neck is causing my arm to hurt again. Nausea/puking is ok as long as I take doxylamine & b6. Hope to be able to stop that soon. (had zero nausea/puking with baby 1)
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? I knew baby 1 was a boy. Everyone else kept saying it was a girl or hoped it was a girl but I secretly wanted a boy and I sensed he was a boy. I was right. This one I am leaning more towards girl, which is what my family and myself would love to have as next one, but I'd be perfectly happy with another boy. My first one is just so sweet.
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV? I've been watching Humans and Vikings. Ready for Game of Thrones to come back. I'm currently reading Game of Thrones (second book) and a few others. I like to do several at a time.
How far along are you? 13 weeks
How big is baby? Lemon!
Upcoming appointments this week? Had my 13 week exam today, everything checked out okay so far and I got to hear the heartbeat again!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? Not really, still mostly miserable.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Poor DS is sick; took him to the doctor after and his ears were not doing well. I hate that I didn't know sooner
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? Team Green again, but last time I had a dream late 2nd trimester or early third where we had a boy and I was super excited and then sad because I knew DH was hoping for a girl. First one is now an amazing 2 year old boy. With this one I've been REALLY drawn to a girls name when we just had lists for both last time. So maybe it's a girl?
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV? Reading is harder these days with DS and TV is an easier way to spend time with DH. So we enjoy watching the super hero shows :-)
A lime
Next appointment is a physical next Thursday
Afternoon exhaustion will not quit!
With my DS, I had no guess until right as we went into the ultrasound. I thought "boy" right before the technician said it. This time, my DS keeps telling us that we are having a girl named Avery (Not a name on our list). We will see if he's right.
I started Tana French's Irish mystery The Secret Place. I've enjoyed her novels in the past, so I think this will be a good one. Too bad I can only keep my eyes open for about five minutes before bed these days. We have also been watching The Path on Hulu and This is Us when we need something a bit more heart warming.
How far along are you?
14 weeks!
How big is baby?
A peach!
Upcoming appointments this week?
None this week, next appointment March 21st!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings?
Nothing too new. I have been feeling pretty good, just tired still. I've had some "lightning crotch" type pains which are no fun. I'm excited that my appetite is returning but of course craving things like eggs Benedict that I'm not supposed to have!!!
When using my home Doppler I've been hearing the baby move around which makes me smile
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before?
I feel like it's a boy, DH thinks girl!
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV?
I'm supposed to be reading Lianne Moriary's new book. I love her but keep getting distracted. One of her books "big little lies" is currently airing as a mini series on HBO so I'm watching that!
DS1: 5 ; DS2: 4m
Baby #3 Due 9/7/17
How far along are you?
13 weeks!!
How big is baby?
Kiwi, lemon, hot jalapeño. Just under 3 inches crown to rump
Upcoming appointments this week?
Tuesday is my second OB appt. Nothing big, just peeing in a cup, listening to heartbeat and a belly measurement.
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings?
Once I crossed the 12 week mark last week I began sleeping through the night, having a great appetite and feeling energetic again. It's like I'm back from the dead! I want to eat all of the things I don't have at my house, haha.
I am so unhappy with my physical appearance this pregnancy (3rd) None of my previous maternity stuff fits, I look and feel so much further along than I am, I have sprouted gross, long, black, chin hair, and I look like a broken out teenager with all this acne. I don't feel like I have the glow this time around.
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before?
I have a strong feeling (and desire) that it's another boy. I was right the last two times, as was the Chinese Gender Chart, so I'm hoping to go 3 for 3.
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV?
Haven't been reading much, but I am obsessed with PBS Masterpiece Victoria. I've already watched it twice!
How far along are you? 14 +1
How big is baby? Peach
Upcoming appointments this week? Nope
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? Still craving everything. Pop-tarts and milk have been hitting the spot lately, which I normally don't eat. No major symptoms, besides gaining weight... probably from pop-tarts.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rant: We got our billing estimate from the doc that we must pay by week 28. But it doesn't cover labs, ultrasounds, or any of the hospital bill. So i'm a little confused what my $2K+ is going to. Meeting with billing at the next appt.
Raves: Finally told everyone at work this week, so it's nice to not try to hide it now. I'm hosting a baby shower for a co-worker tomorrow, and it seems so much more fun since I'm pregnant now too!GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? I've had dreams about both, but don't have a strong feeling. DH wants a girl, so I feel like that's slanting me towards feeling more girl, but we're team green, so it'll be a while until we know! (Unless I click on my email with genetic screen results. It's so hard to resist!)
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV? Reading as much pregnancy/baby stuff as possible. We finished The Crown on Netflix, that we loved. We also loved Search Party on TBS. I'm loving Big Little Lies on HBO.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
How far along are you? 12 weeks
How big is baby? toy army man
Upcoming appointments this week? Not this week, but next Tuesday. Looking forward to hearing the hb. 4 weeks didn't seem so long to wait three weeks ago!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? MS has subsided for the most part. Starting to have more energy. Craving protein, probably because I am still nursing. But taking advantage of it because it was all carbs for the first few weeks.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rant: what is wrong with the weather. While it's nice now, August is going to be miserable....
Rave: I am so excited about presenting at a Harry Potter conference in PA at the end of this month. It's going to be awesome. Spending a lot of time crafting lately too. It's been nice.
Q: STM+ when did you feel your first movements? I think I was 18 weeks with my first. Looking forward to feeling them sooner this time. It's my favorite pregnancy side effect.
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before?
No strong feelings last time, and none this time. Team Green was so much fun last time we are doing it again.
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV?
I have no cable, just netflix... The OA on Netflix was really great. Looking forward to the next season of love and grace and Frankie later this month. I have been reading a lot of Little Green frog and A Big Guy Took My Ball with my 8m old. They are pretty light readsHow big is baby? Size of a matchbox car
Upcoming appointments this week? I just had one, it was pretty uneventful. Listed to baby's heartbeat (in the 160s) and got some blood work done.
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? Not technically a new symptom, since I had it the first couple weeks of pregnancy, but my heartburn is back with a vengeance.
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? I really feel like it's a girl, and I was correct with my feelings last pregnancy (boy).
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV?
I just realized I've been reading this thread but never posted my own update! Whoops
How big is baby? 12+3 - size of an army guy toy!
Upcoming appointments this week? had an ultrasound on Friday which showed a very active little baby! We discovered my second pregnancy had suffered a MMC at the 12 week scan so this was a milestone for me.
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? my boobs are so sore. I rolled over in bed last night and they hurt if I wasn't in the exact right spot
Rants/Raves/Questions? Not really!
GTKY: Do you have any strong feelings about baby's gender? If not a FTM, were you right before? I'm thinking boy but I'm not confident in my guess. We both thought DS was a girl but were surprised with our perfect boy in the delivery room.
GTKY (NBR): Have you been reading anything good lately? Or, watching anything good on TV? I'm watching Suits and That 70s Show on Netflix. Just finished a Canadian miniseries called Cardinal that was pretty good. I'm also into Greys Anatomy and the Good Fight (spin-off of the Good Wife).
Apparently I watch too much TV. I'm also reading Purity by Jonathan Franzen but I'm very slow to get through it even though it's really good