So 3 days into being back to work, S decides to refuse the breast when I got home. I basically had to start her off with the bottle first then put her on. Her MOTN wake ups she still wasn't having it and would only take the bottle. Luckily this morning before I left she did nurse. Has anyone had this issue? She's had bottles several times before and has never done this. I know I can start with a nipple shield and pull it off mid session but I'm not going to be fumbling with that at 3 am in the dark. And then there's the fear of this causing supply issues and not wanting to pump at home. Maybe it'll take time??
@ladybug2821 I haven't had that problem fortunately although he was getting 1 bottle a day (his MOTN feeding) all along so maybe that helped. I did worry a bit Tuesday because he had bottles all day due to timing but he fed fine yesterday. Hopefully it was just a bad day for S.
So far I've been pumping 4 times a day and bringing home 16-17 ounces. S can probably go the day with just 3 bottles but sometimes she does 4. After 2 sessions I'm already at 16 oz. Should I continue with my 2 pumping sessions and freeze the rest? I want to get to pumping 3 times anyway so hopefully this is a sign I'll be able to do that.
So far I've been pumping 4 times a day and bringing home 16-17 ounces. S can probably go the day with just 3 bottles but sometimes she does 4. After 2 sessions I'm already at 16 oz. Should I continue with my 2 pumping sessions and freeze the rest? I want to get to pumping 3 times anyway so hopefully this is a sign I'll be able to do that.
Just depends on if you want to have some in the freezer or not (or if you already do). How much does she take during the day when you're gone?
@kvruns It varies. Anywhere from 12-17 oz. I also put a little (an ounce or less) to the side to mix with oatmeal twice for the day. My main concern really is how it will effect my supply if I just stopped for the day after only 2 sessions.
@kvruns It varies. Anywhere from 12-17 oz. I also put a little (an ounce or less) to the side to mix with oatmeal twice for the day. My main concern really is how it will effect my supply if I just stopped for the day after only 2 sessions
I personally would rather spread it out vs stop after I hit my oz goal. How long would you go until you fed or pumped again if you stopped? I would be afraid of going too long for comfort or producing too much foremilk (I dont know how true that is but when I traveled a few weeks ago I went almost 10 hours w/o feeding/pumping and all I pumped was clear) I'd probably take the approaching of dropping down to 3 and freezing the extra. Or pump a little less each time. I only pump twice at work. I don't pump enough to cover his bottles but I don't feel like pumping more + my freezer is basically full and he gets free formula at daycare so I'm not motivated to be a pumping machine.
@Ladybug2821 is she being fed with a slow flow nipple and paced fed at daycare? She may be getting used to the faster pace and ease of the bottle
Yes she is still using the slow flow nipple. I was recently considering going up a step because it takes her so long to finish a bottle but I'm rethinking that now. The pace feeding never really went well with her because she would just cry to eat. She's ok once I let down. It just seems she was being inpatient in the beginning. I didn't have any problems when I got home today so FX yesterday was just a fluke.
@ladybug2821 Your LO is probably just adjusting to the change. Things are different so she might be a little "off" for a few days, but she'll adjust and I'm sure all will be well.
Anyone else's kid go through a ridiculous number of outfits at daycare? He's only ever stayed in the same outfit 1 day. Today he went through 3 shirts and a sleeper. No poops either just spit up I guess. When I was home with him I'd sometimes have to change his outfit but it definitely seems like they change it a lot. Which I know isn't for fun since he screams when you put a shirt on him half the time. They probably can't be as lenient as I am but this is overkill. Not to mention he wears bibs too
Our daycare changes her outfits more often, too, especially the first few weeks. Almost always it's for spit-up. They seem to have gotten more lax on it as time's passed, but maybe she's spitting up less for them? If we don't have at least two outfits available for her, they ask us to bring in more. (We are sticking with footed onesies at daycare for now to keep it simple.)
Thank you, mamas! Bummed as I am, we're so lucky that DH's two-week spring break starts tomorrow. Helps soften the blow. It also really helps knowing that I have this supportive community. I'm sure I will post an update tomorrow!
Two week spring break?!? I am SO in the wrong state/district...
most of the schools in the Indianapolis area have gone to "balanced calendar" schedules where it isn't quite year round but there is a shorter summer and then you get 1-2 weeks for fall break (instead of like 2 days we used to get), I think longer Christmas break, 2 weeks for spring break, etc. But a lot of the schools start at the end of July or early August now so it is a trade off
I can't decide how I feel about it. I know some like the longer spring break because they can do a vacation one week and staycation the next, but if both spouses work then you have to figure out child care for that 2nd week usually. I'm not sure if some of the child care places like the YMCA have options or not.I have no idea what I'd do with B because I couldn't impose on my parents for a whole week with him but I really wouldn't want to take off 2 weeks of PTO either.
I always forget not everyone works on the same schedule as their kids. I guess it's the perk of teaching. Though the district I work in does not sure the schedule of the district my kids will attend. For older kids (I teach 11th and 12th AP) the longer little breaks are really necessary. They are so overworked for such long stretches of time that so many of them hit these walls where they just fall apart half way through the year. I make a habit of not assigning work over breaks so that it can be just that, a break. Unfortunately many of my colleagues disagree.
I really love the balanced schedule. DH does too, mostly. There's a twinge of annoyance when it's mid-July and you're like, UGH, school's really about to start in a week or two?!?
Well, I did it! Went to work. Just a few pictures and texts, and I checked the app a few times. Despite the crappiness that was going on since I've been gone (3 have left, 1 was let go--team is down to 10) the team was so supportive and excited to have me back. A few of them cleaned and set up my pumping room - our building is a really old library, so kind of a funky and random space.
The day went by pretty quickly. And there was no traffic on my way home! Always a good thing. I left my laptop at the office (I've done that maybe one other time in four years haha) and played with LO all evening. She still took her evening naps on me and she nursed great. DH said her bottle feedings all took a long time today, though. But at least she ate.
And even though I did great today, I think it's going to get hard after a couple or few days once im not distracted by the initial busyness. She's sleeping next to me right now and I already miss her for tomorrow. We spent the whole evening together and it wasn't nearly enough.
I have such a different appreciation for working mothers now, especially mine
Awww @hoosiermama glad your return went well. It is good to have supportive people at work. I still have my Welcome Back banner up two weeks later haha
Any working moms in FL? I'm just interested in what the going rate is for daycare. Also, I'm assuming most have to wake their LO up earlier than usual to take them to daycare, do they usually just fall asleep in the car? I'd hate for S to have to start her day that early if she has to start going.
@Ladybug2821 I was super nervous to wake my LO up but it's fine really well! I feed him at 6ish, finish getting dressed for work, leave at 6:45 and my husband leaves with him at 7-7:15 for day care. He sleeps in his car seat right away.
I spoke to a lady today about care and I guess you would call her a nanny because she comes to your residence. She charges $15 an hour which would be $165 a day. That's insane. I was looking for close to that price per week. I'm guessing she cost so much because I would be her only gig but wow.
I spoke to a lady today about care and I guess you would call her a nanny because she comes to your residence. She charges $15 an hour which would be $165 a day. That's insane. I was looking for close to that price per week. I'm guessing she cost so much because I would be her only gig but wow.
It's also probably because it's in your home and sort of custom. In NJ $15 an hour for babysitting isn't far fetched at all.
@Ladybug2821 - that's fairly normal for an experienced nanny (inexperienced you can expect more like $10 an hour). You have to remember that they are watching your child(ren) full-time and deserve a living wage just like any other professional. But I understand the sticker shock - it is a lot! I would love to have a nanny, but I can't afford it, so daycare it is!
I spoke to a lady today about care and I guess you would call her a nanny because she comes to your residence. She charges $15 an hour which would be $165 a day. That's insane. I was looking for close to that price per week. I'm guessing she cost so much because I would be her only gig but wow.
For my area that is insane! $165/week is what some in-home day cares are. Actual daycare is anywhere from $250-$500 depending on where you go. I have a girl that comes into my home to watch my LO 1-3 days/week for about 5 hours a day. When I met with her she charges $2/hour. However she is just a SAHM (her daughter is in school) and I know her. I just giver her $20/day no matter how many hours she watches LO, its always less than 8 hours.
I guess it makes sense since it would be the only child she cares for. I'm originally from MD and would expect that amount up there but not down here in FL. I was also expecting that price per week @m6agua. I don't mind sending S to an in home daycare as long as I'm comfortable with the person and set up. Everyone I know down here works but it would be nice if I could find a situation like that with a SAHM.
I'm always fascinated by daycare prices. Heck in my area the same company can vary greatly depending on what side of town you are on - and of course I'm on the expensive side. A coworker is using a SAHM type of thing with an awesome rate and she doesn't pay if the kid doesn't go, doesn't have to pay for provider vacation days/holidays, I'm super jealous.
I guess it makes sense since it would be the only child she cares for. I'm originally from MD and would expect that amount up there but not down here in FL. I was also expecting that price per week @m6agua. I don't mind sending S to an in home daycare as long as I'm comfortable with the person and set up. Everyone I know down here works but it would be nice if I could find a situation like that with a SAHM.
Yeah, I put it out on Facebook for recommendation for a daycare/in-home/nanny or whatever, cause I figured maybe some of my friends may know someone that I don't know. Then I had 2 people I am acquaintances with who are SAHM that offered. I interviewed each and then made a decision. I am super thankful it worked out that way. Especially since what I needed was so inconsistent. So far my person has had some weeks where we need all three days and some where we don't need her at all, and then everything in between as well. Each week is different because my H works retail.
In Jersey, the average daycare is about $1000/month a child - a little more or less depending on the quality and age of the baby. I have friends who are shelling out $1500 a month! In home is less expensive here, typically, but there's also not a curriculum like the state approved facilities. So while my 2 year old is writing her name and working on letters weekly, some of her friends are still following a simple play-eat-play-nap-eat-play routine. It's all a matter of what you want and can afford here (as it probably is everywhere).
Re: Working Moms
at home. Maybe it'll take time??
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I have one more week but LO starts daycare tomorrow so I can swoop in if there are any issues and I am so sad that's he leaving...
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Well, I did it! Went to work. Just a few pictures and texts, and I checked the app a few times. Despite the crappiness that was going on since I've been gone (3 have left, 1 was let go--team is down to 10) the team was so supportive and excited to have me back. A few of them cleaned and set up my pumping room - our building is a really old library, so kind of a funky and random space.
The day went by pretty quickly. And there was no traffic on my way home! Always a good thing. I left my laptop at the office (I've done that maybe one other time in four years haha) and played with LO all evening. She still took her evening naps on me and she nursed great. DH said her bottle feedings all took a long time today, though. But at least she ate.
And even though I did great today, I think it's going to get hard after a couple or few days once im not distracted by the initial busyness. She's sleeping next to me right now and I already miss her for tomorrow. We spent the whole evening together and it wasn't nearly enough.
I have such a different appreciation for working mothers now, especially mine
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
(note: I'm a former nanny. )
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16