I really hate it when people use the argument "you're just uneducated" to end a discussion. Just because someone doesn't hold the mainstream view doesn't mean they are uneducated. Most of the time they have educated themselves very well on the subject in order to hold the unpopular stance. But so often instead of having a mature response, people throw out insults. "Oh you believe in Creation. You're just uneducated." "Oh you are against vaccines. You're just stupid." "Oh you voted for Trump. You're just dumb." Why not have a reasonable discussion with the person, or agree to disagree and move on?
Giant bows for little girls. I'm not talking about bows in general. I'm talking about the ones that are literally as big as the kid's entire head. They look *ridiculous*. Sorry.
@hatrats I have to say I agree, sort of, I like them big but not crazily so like I like this one and this one but I do not like these crazy feathered things on top of a child's head
Mine is: I think there should be some kind of political knowledge test before someone can vote in a major election. I'm not saying you should have to be very educated, or have a high IQ...they could make it a quiz on a 3rd grade reading level. I just that you should be aware of the major issues and each candidate's stance.
I know way to many people who only ever vote based on 1. The political party, 2. Who their preacher said is best 3.Facebook (and that goes for people voting both ways)
@HollyGolightly09 I think this is the reason the Electoral College was put into place. Granted the system does need to be upgraded into the 21st century.
@HollyGolightly09 I agree for the most part. I like the idea of a minimum competency test: Can you name the current president and VP? Can you name the Republican and Democrat candidate for governor? Asking about particular candidates' policies might disqualify all voters, especially if you ask about down ballot candidates like city council or school board.
I have a fairly unpopular opinion that all elected judges and district/county attorneys should be nominated by the local bar association before they are allowed on the ballot. Lawyers know other lawyers and the judges. The general public tends to know absolutely nothing about judicial candidates.
Giant bows for little girls. I'm not talking about bows in general. I'm talking about the ones that are literally as big as the kid's entire head. They look *ridiculous*. Sorry.
YES. I am bow obsessed (Confession: I just spent $100 on new bows this week for DD from my favorite shop, don't tell DH), but those huge ones are ridiculous. I love simple and classic.
I think purposely ordering your steak well done with ketchup should be an impeachable offense. We don't need that kind of blasphemy in the Oval Office. (Part sarcasm, part wtf who orders steak that way)
I think purposely ordering your steak well done with ketchup should be an impeachable offense. We don't need that kind of blasphemy in the Oval Office. (Part sarcasm, part wtf who orders steak that way)
Just get a hamburger. That's pretty disgusting. Dry. No flavor. Gross.
I think purposely ordering your steak well done with ketchup should be an impeachable offense. We don't need that kind of blasphemy in the Oval Office. (Part sarcasm, part wtf who orders steak that way)
I wish I could love this. Daddy taught me when I was little, You just cant trust a person who eats their steak well done and covered in ketchup. They have no sense.
But as far as education goes, yeah. You don't have to go to school to be smart or have an opinion.You do have to go to school to be an expert. I'm sorry, but no amount of googling will ever be the equivalent of a medical degree. Facts are facts, no matter what you believe in. Alternative Facts need not apply.
I'm a firm believer that a nothing but seasoning should go on a steak if it's cooked right. Also steaks should be medium rare, well done is jus a waste of meat.
I vote for medium as well. One of my aunts always gets steak when we eat out together, and then literally tells the waiter to have them put the steak on the grill for 30 seconds or less on each side. I just can't. It's gross.
I vote for medium as well. One of my aunts always gets steak when we eat out together, and then literally tells the waiter to have them put the steak on the grill for 30 seconds or less on each side. I just can't. It's gross.
my hubs always jokes me when i order steak and tells the waiter "She wants it still moo-ing" to which i always reply with a stiff side eye. lol
I agree with the big bows, it's just too much. I also hate when people have their kids in so much twee, boutique clothing they practically look like their wearing a costume every day. Some of that stuff for church and special occasions is no big deal, but on a daily basis? No. Just let a kid be a kid! Why do they need to look like a ruffles and lace factory vomited on them when going to the park?
Oh, I also hate when people call babies and young boys studs. I do not get it. It's the equivalent of telling a little girl or baby she's sexy, and it really creeps me out. Your kindergartener won't be knocking anyone up anytime soon, and no one is thinking about the mating prowess of your six month old. Put the sexualizing phrases away, please.
Oh, I also hate when people call babies and young boys studs. I do not get it. It's the equivalent of telling a little girl or baby she's sexy, and it really creeps me out. Your kindergartener won't be knocking anyone up anytime soon, and no one is thinking about the mating prowess of your six month old. Put the sexualizing phrases away, please.
Oh man with the awkward comments! We went to DH's church for Father's Day and they had a little game for the boys and men to play. Well one was "who's the youngest future father" and was obviously meant for DS to win (4.5 months old). So I said, "yeah hopefully not for at least 18 more years". So. Awkward.
@jamiern01 me too! medium well, no blood AT ALL...but I like to put lots of sauce on it (probably because it's drier as a result of my no-blood rule ) having said that, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've eaten steak in my life....
@amandarene112 yea, it's super awkward. I saw on fb one of my friends put up a pic of her LO's face (the kid is not quite 3 yet, and I don't remember when this happened...probably when the kid was around a year old) and someone commented "aw, your baby has such sexy eyes!" and the mom was like, "thank you", and I was like, gagging reading it....it made me so uncomfortable.
TTGP history (*TW*):
Started TTC Oct 2015 BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016 Re-started TTC Aug 2016 Started IF testing Nov 2016 Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017 BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
Alright, because I recently got into it with my in-laws about this, lets spice things up a bit. My UO is that I think the stink everyone is raising about Transgender being allowed to use the restroom they identify with is ridiculous. Not in a I think they should have to use their born gender bathroom way, but in a why is it even an issue kind of way. There are just as many predators that go after people of the same sex, as there are predators that go after kids/people of opposite sex. I don't feel safe about sending DS in a bathroom by himself, and that was long before the transgender laws. I also don't feel safe sending DD into bathrooms by herself. College Dorms are co-ed and have 0 issues. Why cant we all exist that way? I think we should focus on creating more family bathrooms, than we should worrying about who is using which bathroom. Family restrooms are the bomb. Plus Also for the record, it can be very hard to tell if someone is transgender. I worked with a male, who I would eat lunch with, joke with, hang out with, for years before I ever found out he was transgender. I never would have known he was born a female, and ps I never would have cared and most people probably would have freaked out if he had walked into a women's room.
@DPandMB I don't get what the big issue is either... but, I often find myself asking "Why is this such a big deal to people?"
Yes exactly. Sometimes I sit back and think how sad it is that we are so far behind as a society. Similar to same sex marriages. When the bill was passed to allow it, I was very happy, but I had to wonder, how on earth did we make it this far and only just now passed the bill.
@DPandMB The same sex marriage thing blows my mind... why is it anyone else's business? (That's probably an UO right there.) I just feel like ... if it bothers you, or strikes you as wrong in some way (religious, or otherwise) then don't marry someone of the same sex, or attend a wedding of a same sex couple. Why does the private lives of complete strangers have any bearings on someone else's life? I guess I just don't care that much about what other people do. (shrugs)
@HollyGolightly09@DPandMB I moved to Boston for a few years in 2006. When I told people in Texas where I was going, a few of them said, "You know they allow gay marriage there, right?" My response: "That's fine. As long as it's not mandatory."
I think it's tacky when people post their bump pictures in a thong (or otherwise revealing panty) and bra (or no bra, hand covering boobs) on Facebook.
I think it's tacky when people post their bump pictures in a thong (or otherwise revealing panty) and bra (or no bra, hand covering boobs) on Facebook.
Agree! Even the maternity pictures that are supposed to be artistic are just too revealing. Save that stuff for your DH.
Giant bows are ridiculous. Agree. I saw a grown woman at the park with a pink child's bow in her hair. I had to do a double take on that. It's like when moms have on matching Matilda Jane. I can't stand that.
@mrsmgsee The nude maternity pictures are odd to me. Several years ago I worked with a woman who had some taken, just in her underwear with a scarf wrapped around her boobs and DH was kissing her belly. She brought them in to work one day (awkward) and this older lady said "Oh my! Where would you even put a picture like that?"
Re: UO Thursday 3-02
But so often instead of having a mature response, people throw out insults. "Oh you believe in Creation. You're just uneducated." "Oh you are against vaccines. You're just stupid." "Oh you voted for Trump. You're just dumb."
Why not have a reasonable discussion with the person, or agree to disagree and move on?
and this one
I know way to many people who only ever vote based on 1. The political party, 2. Who their preacher said is best 3.Facebook (and that goes for people voting both ways)
I have a fairly unpopular opinion that all elected judges and district/county attorneys should be nominated by the local bar association before they are allowed on the ballot. Lawyers know other lawyers and the judges. The general public tends to know absolutely nothing about judicial candidates.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
DS2: EDD- 09.08.17
I don't put anything on my steak, though.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@amandarene112 yea, it's super awkward. I saw on fb one of my friends put up a pic of her LO's face (the kid is not quite 3 yet, and I don't remember when this happened...probably when the kid was around a year old) and someone commented "aw, your baby has such sexy eyes!" and the mom was like, "thank you", and I was like, gagging reading it....it made me so uncomfortable.
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
Yes exactly. Sometimes I sit back and think how sad it is that we are so far behind as a society. Similar to same sex marriages. When the bill was passed to allow it, I was very happy, but I had to wonder, how on earth did we make it this far and only just now passed the bill.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20