
New to the board

I've been a dirty lurker for months so I thought I would say hi.
I'm 35 and my husband is 32. (I'm a cradle robber) 
We have a little dog and just bought a new house. 
I was diagnosed with PCOS (I knew I had it because of irregular cycles but nobody takes notice until TTC)
I started metformin last month and, as annoying as it is, it lowered my testosterone from 90 to 68 in a week. I just got it retested on Friday so I don't know the levels yet. I'm thin and non insulin resistant so I don't understand why it's working but it is. My AMH level was 32.  You read that right.  The highest the RE had ever seen. 
I started famera and had a day 13 ultrasound.  There was one dominant follicle (17.3mm) on the left side. I hadn't ovulated by cycle day 15 so I took an Ovidrel injection.  I was pretty regular and having my own LH surge for like 6 months so it was weird that I didn't ovulate.  The 7 days past ovulation blood work came back with progesterone at 12.1. They wanted it at 15 at least so I had to take another ovidrel injection (just half of it). Weird considering there are about a million ways to get a progesterone boost that isn't a $150 shot but hey, gotta do it :) I get hot flashes from famera, really bad stomach aches and lack of appetite on metformin and really no issues with Ovidrel.  Does anyone else use these meds together?? It's always amazing reading your stories.  The thread about the worst things people say got me through Christmas at the in laws. :) Happy Tuesday! 
  • Me: 36 DH: 33
  • TTC since June 2016
  • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
  • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
  • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
  • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
  • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

Re: New to the board

  • Aloha, @Knottie1456269879. My DH is also younger than me :) I don't have specific experience with these particular medications or course of treatment, but welcome to the board. I'm glad you've come out from the shadows!
    Me: 35 DH: 28
    TTC since June 2016

    Azoospermia diagnosis (zero count) Dec 2016

    AZFc chromosome microdeletion discovery March 2017
    Unsuccessful TESE for DH in August 2017
    October 2017 IVF with donor sperm
    29R, 24M, 16F, 2d5, 4d6 (6 embryos total)
    Only 3 could have PGS. 2/3 normal. 5 embies frozen
    12/15/17 FET #1 (1 embryo)--CP
    2/7/17 FET #2 (2 embryos)--BFN
    Chronic endometritis diagnosis May 2018
    ERA Sept 2018--borderline receptive--12 more hours of progesterone
    Abnormal SIS Oct 2018
    Repeat hysteroscopy Nov 1. Treated recurring endometritis.
    12/4/18 FET #3 (2 embryos)--BFN
    Our journey has come to an end.
    ~*~*~Nevertheless, she persisted~*~*~
  • Hi @AlohaKumu.  Younger men club :) 
    • Me: 36 DH: 33
    • TTC since June 2016
    • Me: PCOS DH: Morphology 1%
    • 3 TI with Famera and trigger shots-BFN
    • 3 IUI's with Famera and trigger shots- BFN
    • IVF August 2017 25 eggs retrieved, 19 mature, 13 fertilized (ICSI), 5 frozen, 3 PGS normal 
    • FET November 2017 Transferred one 6 day blast (a little GIRL) BFP EDD 8/4/18

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