Trying to Get Pregnant

Weekly Chart Stalk & Questions Thread - Week of Feb 27

hartmichhartmich member
edited February 2017 in Trying to Get Pregnant

This is a thread where anyone can feel free to request a chart stalk, second-guess FF's interpretation, or post chart-related questions, regardless of where in your cycle you are. Sometimes FF is wrong. That's where we come in. Get your second opinion here.

Post those charts, ladies!


Re: Weekly Chart Stalk & Questions Thread - Week of Feb 27

  • I have a question, rather than a chart stalk. 

    Last week, for pretty much the whole week, I had typical watery CM, but all negative OPKs (was worried I was drinking too much). Over the weekend, it started to turn more creamy - and LOTS of it. It feels different than my normal creamy CM, more lubricative/oily than sticky. 

    This weekend we went away and I wasn't able to do any OPKs, and although I had one higher temp Sunday morning, I knew that it was an hour late and I'd had a couple of glasses of wine. Plus, it was back to normal this morning, so although I know it could be a fallback, I felt like maybe I hadn't O'd.

    Just for fun (??), I just did an OPK this morning after a three hour hold and it was glaringly positive (plus my CP is still H and S). Maybe the darkest I've ever had (this is only my third cycle using OPKs, and with last month's marathon of a cycle, I gave up and missed O).

    So - my question is - does anyone else get a variation on creamy CM when they are ovulating? Am I potentially mis-classifying this CM? We're going to keep HIO just to be on the safe side, but would welcome opinions!
  • @Sailing_Mama when you wipe does it feel wetter or more lubricated than usual? if so I might call it watery. It can be normal to have a bit of a continuum of your CM. Does your CM have any color to it or is it clear?  Fx this is O for you!
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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  • @sailing_mama ***TW*** FWIW, I had a weird cycle the cycle I got KU, and I had recorded my CM around O as creamy, and it still worked. Even when I have EWCM, I feel like it's mixed with creamy most of the time, so I have to be diligent about checking. So in a nutshell, I get creamy stuff around O and/or you could be mis-classifying it. 

  • KatieElKatieEl member
    edited February 2017
    Can I get a glance at my most recent chart to confirm O date (I'm pretty sure it's right, mores the pity), but hoping there's an alternate explanation for a 7 day luteal phase!

    ETA I didn't temp the first part of the cycle (no thermometer and husband was out of town, so I sort of thought why bother. regretting that a bit now).

    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @KatieEl It certainly looks like FF has the correct date, but without all the previous temps it's hard to say for sure. It absolutely would suck to have a 7-day LP, but there are other factors that could be at play so it may not be permanent. Is this your first cycle off hormonal birth control?
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

  • @eggplantface no; I've been off BC since April 2012.  I am still nursing my youngest (but not very often).  **TW** I got pregnant nursing last time (about the same frequency I currently am), so that wasn't an issue previously, but even then my luteal phase was 10 days.**END TW** Last month, based only on CM, as I didn't temp, my luteal phase was 8 days. Ugh.  I don't even know what to do with a 7 day luteal phase.
    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @lulu1180 Thanks.  I was hoping not to have to wean my son. I will if necessary, but that definitely wouldn't be my first choice.  I guess one way or another I'll have more information to work off of this cycle.

    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @KatieEl It does depend on how often you are still BFing, you may not need to wean completely, but everyone is different and our bodies all react differently 

    "It's time to try defying gravity."

    Me: 38  DH: 38
    Married 6/11/16
    TTC Since 6/2016
    12/2016 RE appt; 1/2017 SA & HSG results - all normal
    3/2017 Dx Hyperprolactinemia; 5/2017 Prolactin levels normal; 8/2017 Low Ovarian Reserve
    8/2017 TTA for personal reasons; 10/2017 NTNP; 12/2017 Re-start TTC
    7/2018 Clomid+IUI
    11/2018 Letrozole+TI
    12/2018 Letrozole+IUI
    2/2019 NTNP
    5/2019 Stopping all TTC efforts; living Childfree
  • @Katieel how long have you been getting your period PP?  You may not have to wean fully to lengthen you LP it may happen gradually.  When my PP came my LP was 10-11days and over time has lengthened to 13days. We weaned last month but only to start fertility treatments.  It may mean your body just needs more time to regulate post partum. how often are you nursing overnight?  
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • KatieElKatieEl member
    edited February 2017
    @wabash15 it's been back since July and I'm not nursing at all overnight. I'm actually nursing less than I was with my first when I got pregnant last time!

    Edit: grammar
    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @katieEl has your LP been this short the whole time or is that a recent change? sorry for all the questions!
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @wabash15 it's always been on the shorter side, usually between 9-11 days (I have a high prolactin secreting tumor, which I think affects progesterone.), but never, to my knowledge, been this short
    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @hartmich @wabash15 Thanks for the input - it is definitely slippery, so I'll mark it as watery and keep HIO!

    @KatieEl I agree with the others, it's hard to say because you didn't start temping until after the fertile CM. Based on the info, I think FF is right. There is also the chance that you missed the spike, and O'd on CD16. What are your normal pre-O temps?
  • @Sailing_Mama I haven't temped in almost two years now, so grain of salt etc, but last time I was temping my pre o/post o temps were almost exactly what this chart shows 

    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @KatieEl Hmmm... then maybe you did have a shorter LP. Did the cycle in March end early too?
  • KatieElKatieEl member
    edited February 2017
    @Sailing_Mama it did. Usually I'm around 9-10, which was concerning last time too, but 7 is really throwing me for a loop

    ETA tag
    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
  • @KatieEl Ugh - I can see how that would happen. Hopefully it's just a fluke 
  • If you were in WTO yesterday, you might know my situation. I had a positive Wondfo OPK a week ago Monday. I had a blood test on Monday and results yesterday proved that I did not ovulate. This is the first time I've ever noticed EWCM so I was so sure it was for real. The only other time I ovulated, I got a positive OPK on day 21, which is today. So last night I decided to do some ovulation tests. Wondfo was positive...again. That positive OPK last Monday is the first time I ever used a Wondfo. So I decided to try the Walgreens brand non-digital test, and it was negative. I've never had a false positive with the Walgreens tests, but digital tests don't work for me (I got the blinking smiley 10 days in a row). I know PCOS is supposed to screw with OPKs, but I'm confused as to why I never get false positives on the Walgreens tests like I do with all the others. Anyway, I was planning to do another Wondfo and a Walgreens test today since it's day 21, the day I ovulated in the past. But imagine my surprise when my CH showed up this morning and tell me I ovulated three days ago.

    After that novel...basically, I'm just wondering if this chart looks legit or not. I was fully prepared for another anovulatory cycle, so my hopes are 100% not up. (Also, anyone have any idea about the Wondfos giving me false positives and Walgreens tests not?)
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
  • @MJDsquared I'm no chart expert, but I use digital OPKs that don't use the blinking smiley. I found that I would get way too many days in a row of blinking and not necessarily a solid. I now use tests that are either a circle or smiley face and I feel they work better for me.  Not sure if that would help you any going forward? 

    I know there are definitely girls on here who are chart wizards, good luck I hope someone can help more than I obviously did! 
  • @MJDsquared I'm actually surprised FF gave you CHs because it doesn't look like your temp has shifted. I wonder if tomorrow, if you have a similar temp to today and yesterday, it will take away the CHs.

    I want to echo @50Wife's advice to try the digital, not advanced, Clear Blue test. Or are you happy with the Wondfos? I'd only invest in the expensive test if the Wondfos are confusing or hard to read.
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

  • @MJDsquared I also switched to the digital (not advanced) CB OPKs this month. I wasn't using Wondfos but a similar style test and was never really certain with them, Plus I used a lot of tests. With the digital tests and FF's OPK Optimizer feature, I was able to zero in better on a testing window and ended up only needing to use 3 tests. I had planned to start testing last Thursday but forgot that morning. I began on Friday and got a solid smile that day, then again Saturday and the empty circle Sunday. I would definitely recommend the digital (not advanced)  tests!
    Me:31 ~ DH: 28
    Swiped Right: 6/2014
    Married: 9/2016
    TTC # 1: 11/2016 
     BFP: 5/2017
    Baby Boy: 1/2018
    Link to FF Charts
  • @50Wife @SoldiersMom @eggplantface Definitely not happy with the Wondfos at this point because of all the random positives, but I've been happy with the non-digital Walgreens brand. I'll definitely try some non-advanced digital OPKs next cycle though! Thank you!
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
  • @MJDsquared I haven't used wondfos, but I you easy at home brand which seem similar in that they are cheap OPKs.  I have gotten a positive on the cheapies and a negative on the Walgreens brand at the same time.  I generally get about 3 days of positive on the cheap ones with the first and last being the same as the control line, but the 2nd day being much darker.  I only get a positive with the Walgreens when my cheapie is darker than the control.  So maybe the Walgreen brand just has a higher threshold for LH needed to turn a positive?
  • @mjdsquared With PCOS, it's very common to get a surge and then a temp spike that does not stay high after a day or two... which is what you may be seeing here. I'm not confident this indicates ovulation either.

  • Would love some thoughts on my chart situation. So, temped this morning after having slept like usual (yes, I woke up briefly at 4:40am to go pee, but that literally happens every night). Then I temped at 6:00am before doing anything. Room conditions were the same as usual.

    Temp spike this morning to typical post O temp...but I usually O CD 11 or CD 13 (have for the past 5 cycles). I also typically get three days of positive OPKs before O. Yesterday's OPK was a clear positive, today's was an immediate blazing positive though.

    I will keep temping to see if the rise is sustained...but if you ladies had to guess, would you say O was yesterday?

  • Would love some thoughts on my chart situation. So, temped this morning after having slept like usual (yes, I woke up briefly at 4:40am to go pee, but that literally happens every night). Then I temped at 6:00am before doing anything. Room conditions were the same as usual.

    Temp spike this morning to typical post O temp...but I usually O CD 11 or CD 13 (have for the past 5 cycles). I also typically get three days of positive OPKs before O. Yesterday's OPK was a clear positive, today's was an immediate blazing positive though.

    I will keep temping to see if the rise is sustained...but if you ladies had to guess, would you say O was yesterday?

    This is a tough one. It could go either way! It's possible you were tossing and turning before you temped, so your temp is high and you didn't O, but it's also possible that for some reason this cycle your ovary decided to let go of the egg right when your surge started. I think you have to just keep temping to see what happens and keep HIO to cover your bases.
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

  • I was referred over her from TWW. I'm new to charting and TTC and appreciate your insight in advance :) 

    So this morning when I added my temp FF reassessed my chart and shifted my crosshairs by two days to CD 22. Before FF gave me the original crosshairs (CD 20), I sort of thought it might have been CD 22 based on the distinct rise the following day. My question is this: Why would today's temp just around the coverline prompt FF to shift things? I'm a little confused. Also, based on my positive OPKS on CD19-20, what do you ladies think? (I'm also bummed because if our timing was so good and we were still unsuccessful, I'm worried something is wrong -- I know, it's only been two months but the BSC thoughts are creeping in nonetheless). 

    High School Teacher Reluctant Floridian * Steelers Fan 

    Family info in Spoiler

    Married 6/2013
    DS 11/2017
    MMC 10/2019 @ 12 weeks 
    Planning to try for our rainbow 01/2020

  • @candyapple2012 The only thing I can think of is that because your temp has been lower for the past couple of days, but you haven't recorded any sort of flow, FF is adjusting based on that... because it is uncommon to have your temps drop without AF showing up within a day or so. Is there anything that would have caused your temps to drop the past couple mornings? 

  • @lulu1180 @wabash15 I totally stopped reading and missed that part. Thanks for chiming in, ladies. 

  • @CandyApple2012 You acknowledged your thoughts of having something wrong are your BSC creeping in, which is good, so I just want to echo others and say please do not think something is wrong after only two cycles! You are SO in the early stages of TTC that there's no reason to think something is wrong. Try to forget what we were taught in health class; it's not that easy to get pregnant!

    I don't know why FF would change cross hairs so late in the game, but I could make a case for O on either CD20, 21 or 22. It depends on when you typically O after a +OPK. E.g., I usually O the day after the second positive test. The CD22 dip could be a fall back rise. So I guess I'm not much help :)
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

  • @hartmich, @lulu1180, & @eggplantface thank you ladies for the quick and insightful input. I haven't been sleeping great this last week (my elderly dog has been a major pain in the butt) so potentially the lower temps are because of interrupted sleep (I understand that you should have 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep).

    My brain knows that you are all correct and I've lurked for a long time so I know about the standard of 12 months... but my heart hurts even if it is early. Ugh, I'm glad for this community because no one IRL knows we're trying and it's been so consuming this week. Thank you for helping to put it back in perspective. Happy weekend!

    High School Teacher Reluctant Floridian * Steelers Fan 

    Family info in Spoiler

    Married 6/2013
    DS 11/2017
    MMC 10/2019 @ 12 weeks 
    Planning to try for our rainbow 01/2020

  • @candyapple2012 Every BFN hurts no matter how long you've been trying, we get that. Please just don't assume that just because you were not a 1/1 or even a 2/2 that there is a problem. This is an amazing community of support especially when IRL you can;t talk about TTC. GL next cycle
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • This is my first cycle using FF. Before BC my cycles were pretty consistently 29-30 days long (with the occassional wonky cycle). Based on my pre-BC cycles and tracking I was pretty sure I O'd on CD 16, but after entering my temp this morning FF moved my estimated O date to CD 19. Due to working nights, I can't temp at the same time which definitely adds an unfortunate amount of variability in temps. I'd love further insight from you ladies. Thank you in advance. 

    Me: 29 | DH: 29
    Married 12/2016
    DSS born 01/2016
    TTC since 01/2017
    Letrozole + TI = BFP 01/30/2018 | EDD 10/11/2018
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @morado23 I agree with FF on CD19 based on the fact that you didn't have a +opk prior to CD16 also because your cp was high on CD18 along with the watery CM

    "It's time to try defying gravity."

    Me: 38  DH: 38
    Married 6/11/16
    TTC Since 6/2016
    12/2016 RE appt; 1/2017 SA & HSG results - all normal
    3/2017 Dx Hyperprolactinemia; 5/2017 Prolactin levels normal; 8/2017 Low Ovarian Reserve
    8/2017 TTA for personal reasons; 10/2017 NTNP; 12/2017 Re-start TTC
    7/2018 Clomid+IUI
    11/2018 Letrozole+TI
    12/2018 Letrozole+IUI
    2/2019 NTNP
    5/2019 Stopping all TTC efforts; living Childfree
  • @lulu1180 - Thank you for looking at my chart. I took an OPK early on CD 15 before I left for Florida, but then wasn't able to use any while I was down there. I wish I had taken them every day when I got back. Lesson learned. 
    Me: 29 | DH: 29
    Married 12/2016
    DSS born 01/2016
    TTC since 01/2017
    Letrozole + TI = BFP 01/30/2018 | EDD 10/11/2018
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I have a question, no charting here yet. When temping, does it have to be at the exact same time each day? Or just as soon as you wake up? I want to temp, but my work schedule varies, so some days I'm up at 6 while others I sleep in as long as my son allows (usually no later than 8:30). If I still take my temp right as I wake up, would that work? Or do I need to get in the habit of waking at 6 each day? I guess I could always go back to sleep after right? Lol, I value sleep, but am a night owl and tend to stay up late a lot.
    DS1 born 2/28/16
    DS2 due 12/12/18

  • @CecilB93 I too value you sleep and just take my temp when I wake up which is usually between 6-630 but when I travel for work I sometimes get to sleep in a little more to like 7-730.  My temperature tends to be slightly higher when I sleep later but I still can easily see the temp shift after O.  You can always try taking your temp when you wake up the first month and if your chart isn't making sense try taking it at 6 every day the second month to see if that helps.
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