May 2017 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 2.27.17

How far along are you?

How big is baby?

Any appointments this week?



What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? 

GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? 
Me: 29, DH: 31
Married: October 2014
Began TTC: April 2015
BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

Re: Monday Ticker Change 2.27.17

  • How far along are you? 27 weeks 

    How big is baby? Head of a cauliflower 

    Any appointments this week? Nope, next Monday

    Symptoms? No new ones

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: We're getting our house inspection today, and I'm nervous/excited for it. I didn't want to use PTO so DH is taking care of it. Hopefully he'll call me with good news!

    Rant: I have GAD that I can manage okay without medication, but it's really been ramping up the past few weeks. DH is super understanding but he did kind of reach a breaking point last night where he said he won't play the "what is going to kill the baby game" anymore. After some tears and a lot of talking, I'm going to increase my trips to the therapist and he's going to continue being supportive and doing whatever he can to help. We're both worried about how bad this might get postpartum. Medication is an option on the table, but I'd really prefer not to take it because I was on it for 10 years and it caused other side effects. 

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? I can't do too much until we move, but I sorted through the clothes that people have gifted me and packed away the larger sizes. I bought a few onesies over the weekend, and it was the first time I had bought anything for the baby, so that was fun. I'm going to increase my life insurance this week. 

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? Aside from the argument last night, my last pregnant tears came from a country song about dads and daughters. Kenny Chesney I think? 
    Me: 29, DH: 31
    Married: October 2014
    Began TTC: April 2015
    BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
    BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
    BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
    BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

  • How far along are you? 30 weeks

    How big is baby? Motorcycle Helmet ?!?! (that just doesn't seem right)

    Any appointments this week? Yup, on Thursday - just a quick regular check up (every two weeks now)

    Symptoms? Just lower back pain every once in a while, and I get tired easier

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Hubby and I picked out a daycare last week and I am feeling so relieved. It was a huge weight off my shoulders!

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? All the big items are checked off the list - now I am patiently waiting for my baby shower so I can organize and see where else I need to fill in. 

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? Last weeks episode of This is us...granted I would have cried at that episode without being pregnant but being pregnant for sure had me crying a little harder :)
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  • @kns1988 - FX for a good inspection! Sorry you are dealing with GAD... really hope it doesn't get bad pp and it sounds like your H understands the best way to help you, even if it might not always feel good. My H has OCD and it's always such a challenge not to get pulled in and feed it but I've learned that discussing the things that flare up his OCD just makes things worse for him. Really hoping therapy sessions help you.

    How far along are you? 31 weeks

    How big is baby? Romaine lettuce

    Any appointments this week? Just a quick check up on Friday. 

    Symptoms? I can tell my ligaments are loosening more because I seem to drop everything these days. I am also starting to have trouble rolling over in bed and bending down to pick things up off the floor. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I shared this on the randoms thread but we went on our hospital tour and I didn't love it so now we are considering going back to the hospital where I delivered DD, which is 20 minutes farther away. I am planning on going on a tour there this weekend just to make sure things haven't significantly changed and between that and talking to some of my friends who have delivered at the other hospital, we'll make a final decision on what we are doing. 

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? This past week I ordered my breast pump and I'm supposed to get it on Wednesday. I'm excited! This week I have my other hospital tour like mentioned above and I also want to get some photo prints ordered so that I can finish updating DD's photo book and I can move on and start working on this baby's. 

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? I feel like as soon as I got pregnant with DS, the waterworks were opened so I am a lot more emotional now than I ever was before having children. With that said, I don't feel like I am much more emotional this pregnancy than I normally am. Last tears were probably over some mommy blog post... those always seem to set me off. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
    BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
    BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

  • @kns1988 sorry the GAD is getting ramped up.  Hopefully you guys can get some relief by increasing your therapy.  

    @rosemarylaff I'm so happy for you that you have your daycare picked!  I need to get on that train!

    27 weeks...lettuce, cauliflower, camping lantern?  Strange items 

    I have my next appointment next Monday where I will do the GTT.  Dreading getting on the scale at that appointment.  I have been increasing my exercise and such but still seem to be gaining at every appt.  I'm trying so hard not to get too down about it but it's hard.  DH has been super supportive.  

    Baby to-do list:  awaiting a dresser to come that's now on back order.  I also have several decorations I ordered from Etsy that I have to wait patiently for.  I'm so excited for it all to come.

    Crying:  this is happening a lot.  Like almost every day.  I cried yesterday bc FB reminded me that my family's Disney vacation video had been posted 1 year ago yesterday . I watched the video and cried.  I cried bc it was cute. I cried bc that was a hard trip for us because we were in the throes of infertility and it was sad to be with all my million nieces and nephews and wonder if we were ever going to have or own LO.   And then I was crying because maybe this is really it and we WILL have our own little princess to take to Disney in a few years. And now I'm feeling tearful just thinking about it.  I think im broken... 
  • How far along are you

    28 weeks!! 3rd tri here we come!

    How big is baby?


    Any appointments this week?

    I have to do the 3 hour glucose test on Friday...I only failed the one hour by a little so I'm hoping that I pass. I've been trying to eat healthier and less sugar since my appt last Monday when they told me I had gained 10 pounds in a month- after gaining nothing in December. 


    lots of GI fun- I have HG so I still have nausea here and there and trouble sleeping from here on out. 


    Time with my son is feeling really special lately- I got him a baby doll and seeing him take care of it is melting my heart. 

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? 

    We moved the crib crib out of DS room and he has transitioned well to his big boy bed- other than that I feel
    very behind- we have a ton of stuff to move up from
    our garage and still have a double
    bed in the room for guests until a little closer to the due date. 

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? 

    Any of the the songs in moana. They are so beautiful and my son loves singing hem together it's just too sweet ❤️
  • 29 weeks (thats all????) 

    Two acorn squashes!

    My next appointment is next monday for another growth ultrasound sjnce the discordance is creeping up. Hopefully its the same or better.

    The last thing that made me cry was trying to get comfortable enough to go to sleep last night. 
  • How far along are you? 28 weeks

    How big is baby? Old school Nintendo game system 

    Any appointments this week? Tomorrow. Had my GD test Friday. Hopefully I passed.

    Symptoms? Movements and it's getting a little ridiculous getting up out of bed.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I've been having weird movements near my pelvis. Very fast rapid fire type movements. It's a little unsettling and Google doesn't provide an answer. It's on my list of things to ask the doctor tomorrow. 

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? We've ordered a car seat/stroller combo and have a bassinet. Still paying off some bills before buying the big things.

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? I had my ugly cry when I started bleeding last Tuesday. Other than that I haven't really cried. I feel like I'm always about to cry though.
  • @Kateriee I bet those rapid movements near your pelvis are baby hiccups and baby is head down! 

    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • How far along are you?
    28 weeks! Hello Third Trimester! 

    How big is baby?
    eggplant or a rollerblade 

    Any appointments this week?

    Feeling very full all the time, and just exhausted. 

    I'm over the cold weather and winter in general. 

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? 
    We cleaned out the nursery closet, but now I need to put the finishing touches on the nursery. We have all the "major items" for baby. Everything will be on hold for a month or so as DH is getting ready to leave, so I can do little things here and there but nothing major. 

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? 
    I haven't actually been overly emotional this pregnancy. Super stressed but it hasn't made me cry, yet. 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • How far along are you? 29 weeks

    How big is baby? An acorn squash

    Any appointments this week? Nope, not until next week.

    Symptoms? SPD, heartburn and serious shortness of breath

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I feel like all of you ladies really have it together as far as getting things ready for baby and every time I start reading, I get anxious because I feel like I have nothing together.

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list? I need to order the stroller we've been looking at forever and figure out what we're going to do for a glider. DH is going to finish up painting the nursery this weekend, so hopefully after that I can start bringing stuff up from the basement and figuring out what I have and what I need to buy.

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? Watching a silly show on the CW. A character died and I was a hot mess, which is ridiculous because I don't even like the show that much!
  • How far along are you? 29 Weeks!!

    How big is baby? A Barbie Convertible... This doesn't seem right...

    Any appointments this week? Nada, just need to get in for the Chiro

    Symptoms? My back and hips are still bugging me, other than that not much.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? OMG I can't handle being congested 24/7 anymore!! It's awful and allergy season isn't even here! I'm also sick of needing to pee everytime I move...

    What's your progress or plans for your baby to do list?  My hubs just put in an outlet in the babies room, we need to paint next!

    GTKY: What's the last thing that made you cry pregnant tears? Pregnant tears would be This is Us, that was a huge ugly cry. Although I did cry on Sat, my mom is a witch and not coming to my baby shower. Originally she offered to host it/ offered two dates, the one didn't work since my husband is working. Looong story made short when it didn't go EXACTLY her way, she backed out completely. Now she's not even coming, claiming she is too busy, that she has to read at church. I suggested to her wouldn't someone switch with you knowing it's your daughter's babyshower? Her response "The world does not revolve around you Stephanie, this would be so much easier if you weren't involved" Ummm yeah, pretty sure I'm the one popping out the baby... We are even having it on the day she offered to throw it and  it was offered to her to have a later start time, she said 12:30 was fine... She's still using it as an excuse that we scheduled it at a time when it really didn't work for her schedule... Can we say Grandma of the year!! 

     I'm really mostly upset since my sisters, who are in 5th grade, will not be there. If my mom is making a choice for herself that's her decision, my sisters should be able to be apart of this. They are really excited and I am also for them to be aunts. 

  • @Cubslove12 that is terrible!! I'm so sorry your mom is being like that and especially because your sisters won't be able to come. When is the shower?  Maybe she will
    come to her senses before then. 
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