WAYDTGKU: Praying to the BBT and AF gods that something gives soon.
R/R: Thanks for the support yesterday! MIL's pug is responding well to medication. The ILs are home and going to visit him at the emergency center this morning. And on top of it all, I am no longer responsible for the dog or making financial decisions on behalf of my ILs. It was stressful to say the least.
CS/Q: If you flip my chart backwards or upside down, it looks like I ovulated yesterday. Does that count?
GTKY: Give me an ice cold glass of the most buttery and oaky chardonnay you can find. I'm having a glass today for sure.
Me: 23 | DH: 30
Married November 2016 TTC #1 November 2016
Dx Anovulatory/NIR PCOS April 2017 50mg Clomid June 2017 BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018
R/R: No temp rise today, but that means more time to GDTPT Rant: These past few days have been crazy weather wise. On Wednesday it was 70. On Thursday night we got hail. Last night it snowed.
CS/Q: Nothing today
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? $4.50 Moscato from Aldi
Happy Saturday @LoveInDC So glad to hear the little pug is doing better! I can't begin to imagine how stressful that would have been
Month/Cycle: 4/3
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: ya know
R/R: headed to crossfit soon and then a 10 mile run. Eek!! I'm going to be soooo sore!
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? My drink of choice is not impacted by CD. A nice glass of red (H3) has been my go to as of late.
R/R: So I think I ovulated either overnight or it is happening today. 2 days of + OPKs with the darkest one being yesterday morning, and negative today so we shall see what my CM and boobs do.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
First of all, you forgot the letter 's' on the end of drink. Its ok. I forgive you. My drinks of choice are red wine, red wine and red wine. I am a big fan of Tempranillos, Riojas, Cote du Rhones and Montepulcianos
@KariAnn323 The weather is so crazy lately! I think it's more of a rave on my end. I'd rather take random 70 degree days than have 40 degree days straight through.
@cdnrunning My choice is completely influenced by CD lol When I have the CD1 blues, I need the comfort of my favorite wine. If I'm having fun/indulging mid cycle, I love a peach Long Island iced tea. I can't be sad and enjoy a Long Island. It just doesn't work Enjoy your run!
@BertieMeetsGertie DH and I did Mission BBQ last night! Warm weather always gets me in the mood for a pulled pork sandwich.
@kiwi2628 Yay for O! FX this is it. And you're so right, one drink is never enough on CD1 lol
Me: 23 | DH: 30
Married November 2016 TTC #1 November 2016
Dx Anovulatory/NIR PCOS April 2017 50mg Clomid June 2017 BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018
@kiwi2628 If you're not sure about O, it's a good excuse to continue to HIO not that you need one lol
Month/Cycle: 9/13 (5 an-O)
CD: 6
WAYDTGKU: BBT, OPK, CM, CP, spelunking, vitamin D3, EPO, myo-inositol, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, pomegranate juice, PNV, magnesium
R/R: I got nothing today
CS/Q: nope!
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? If it's a really bad day, I'll pick up a bottle of Riesling. Recently, I've been cutting back on alcohol so I'll opt for water instead
"It's time to try defying gravity."
Me: 38 DH: 38 Married 6/11/16 TTC Since 6/2016 12/2016 RE appt; 1/2017 SA & HSG results - all normal 3/2017 Dx Hyperprolactinemia; 5/2017 Prolactin levels normal; 8/2017 Low Ovarian Reserve 8/2017 TTA for personal reasons; 10/2017 NTNP; 12/2017 Re-start TTC 7/2018 Clomid+IUI 11/2018 Letrozole+TI 12/2018 Letrozole+IUI 2/2019 NTNP 5/2019 Stopping all TTC efforts; living Childfree
@LoveInDC I'm so happy to hear your IL's dog is doing better and that stress and responsibility is off of you!
Month/Cycle: 16/15
CD: 19
R/R: @KariAnn323 This may have come up before and I'm forgetting, but from
your rant I suspect that you are geographically very close to me! Of course it's cold and snowy on Saturday and 70 during the middle of the work week.
CS/Q: Predicting when I'm going to O is always a fun game. FF is currently
pegging it for sometime between CD25-27 based on previous cycles, which
I'm sure is exactly when it will happen this cycle because then H will
be out of town for ALL of my fertile window. Nevermind that I didn't O
until CD32 last month. And I had such a good string of 30-34 day cycles
running for 3 months before that...
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? Add me to the red wine count. Usually cab or zin, but I've been really into some blends lately.
R/R: I let the stress of TTC and our finances get to me last night and had a mini meltdown when DH got home. Ended up going to work with a migraine and they sent me home around 10pm because every time I moved my head I felt like I was going to vomit. On the bright side, now that I'm feeling better I get to enjoy a Saturday with my family for the first time in months and DH has been super supportive about everything.
CS/Q: nope
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? I'm not big into alcohol but when the need arises I go for a rum and coke. Otherwise, all the coffee!!
TTC History
Me: 35 DH: 34 Married 07/2012 DD born 07/2014 DD2 born 10/2018 DS born 10/2022
IF history: TTC #2 since January 2016 June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018 FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
CS/Q: with so many ups and downs it looks like it would make a good roller coaster track.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? I'm typically a white wine girl,(I like a good Riesling like @lulu1180 ) but recently I have become obsessed with Cupcake Redvelvet. It's a blend, it's less than $10 and it is delicious.
TTC#1 10/2016 TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. BFP finally in 12/2018
TTC#2 06/2021 planning FET
"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks, some doors are open, some roads are blocked"
@shortstack930 Sorry for the stress of TTC and finances. Might I ask, what field do you work in? 10pm is a late time to work...do you work the night shift?
@zwink1 Ugh, hopefully you O and your FW is when your DH is in town! FF tries to predict mine, but so far, has got it wrong each time. It's close (within a day), but so far I have O'd on either CD 11 or 13 (alternating each month), so now it is settling on CD 12 as the average, lol.
lulu1180 Good morning cycle day buddy! Hope you have a great weekend!
@BertieMeetsGertie I am jealous of your dinner choice! I love bbq, especially ribs. We don't have a ton of good bbq places around us, but DH loves to use his smoker and we occasionally go to Rudys BBQ.
cdnrunning crossfit and a 10 mile run?!?! Good luck and hopefully you aren't too sore after! Wow...I look so lazy in comparison, lol. I think I might pull off 40 minutes on the elliptical today. I once was quite fit (ran track in college and ran triathlons after college), but I have since become quite lazy.
@LoveInDC Glad to hear the pug is doing better. FX he keeps improving. We have two pups and I get major anxiety about their health and well being, I can only imagine the stress your family is going through right now.
KariAnn323 FX O is soon, but get to HIO! Lol. We have had crazy weather too. Not sure where you are, but we are in the Southwest part of the US. 70 degrees on Wednesday, snow on Thursday and Friday and today is just cold. Ugh. I want the Spring to be here already!
Month/Cycle: 5/6 4 AL
CD: 6
WAYDTGKU: PNV, baby aspirin, pom juice and temping...all the rest starting CD 8 for FW
R/R: Rave: I slept through the night two nights in a row. I am hoping my new routine of greek yogurt, a hard boiled egg, Natural Calm and melatonin are doing the trick and keeps working. In theory, the snack before bed should keep my blood sugars up and prevent drops/waking me up. FX that this will keep working.
Rant: Trying to get DH to be a little more healthy, with little luck. He isn't unhealthy, but he doesn't eat very many vegetables, mostly eats meat and only exercises a few days a week...if I convince him to go. Trying to get him to at least be hydrated (which would help his night time leg cramps) and I force feed him a multivitamin daily. It's just frustrating that I have taken pretty big steps to become healthy and hopefully increase fertility, but he is dragging his feet. Ugh.
CS/Q: nope
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
I would have to say moscato, but I am not a very big drinker. I maybe have 1-2 drinks every other month. If I do, it's either moscato, hard cider or a mike's hard. I just don't care too much for alcohol though.
WAYDTGKU: OPK, BBT, PNV, EOD, Preseed when needed.
R/R: It's Saturday and I've been up since 4. Enough said.
CS/Q: I'll prob have to use OPK detector this month. This is ridiculous.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? I do like a Grand Traverse Riesling or a moscato. Usually It's whatever we have in the house at that point.
@dragonfly87 yup, I work night shift. I'm a medical technologist in a hospital lab. I work part time, only Friday and Saturday nights which is nice, but it's 6:30pm-7am and then the rest of the week I'm home with DD so I operate on a normal schedule. I think the constant flip flop in my schedule is really starting to get to me, hence the added stress, and since we need my salary and I need those type of hours for childcare I can't just up and find another job. I'm thinking of asking my boss to modify my hours a bit because my mental and physical health has been suffering over the last year. I'm glad to hear you've slept better the last two nights! Insomnia is the worst. And as for trying to make your DH healthier, I feel your pain. My DH rarely exercises and while he's nowhere near overweight, he has high cholesterol. I'm constantly trying to push him to do some form of exercise.
TTC History
Me: 35 DH: 34 Married 07/2012 DD born 07/2014 DD2 born 10/2018 DS born 10/2022
IF history: TTC #2 since January 2016 June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018 FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
@LoveInDC forgive me if you don't actually live near D.C., but have you been to Garden District?? Highly recommend if you haven't been there. Amazing BBQ and a beer garden!
Me: 31 DH: 32 Dating since: 11/17/2001 Married: 9/26/2009 TTC: June 2016
R/R: I feel like a million bucks! I got a new haircut and color today. The sunshine these past few days has done WONDERS for my mood, I feel like a new person, like me again. I have a party tonight for my biz. All's well in the world.
CS/Q: OK ovaries, if you could get your ish together and just ovulate already
I never really had fertile CM this month..A tiny bit of EWCM and then barely watery, so it's hard to tell in that end... My OPK was darker yesterday but still equal today and I got a teeny tiny bump of an increase in temp so nothing is sure. DH leaves Tuesday on business so I hope it's definite before then.. Still HIO
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? All the wine.
@BertieMeetsGertie I'm in NOVA DH and I met working in DC. Between DH still working in the city and most of my family/friends living in MD, we're up there all the time. I'll have to add that to our list of places to check out!
Me: 23 | DH: 30
Married November 2016 TTC #1 November 2016
Dx Anovulatory/NIR PCOS April 2017 50mg Clomid June 2017 BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018
WAYDTGKU: Well we HIO'd a lot. My FW should be over now but my chart is a mess. I think I have this high temp that is an outlier and I should invalidate it or whatever, because I think it's confusing FF. (Note: This is my first full cycle of temping, so I have no history to go off of.)
R/R: The sun is out!
CS/Q: I'm posting below from mobile. I've never done this before so I hope it isn't enormous. As you can see my temp spiked by a lot on CD 12 (doesn't help that I didn't record temps the two days prior). But basically I way over indulged at a wedding Saturday night and got sick. I felt shitty all day Sunday and even on Monday morning, which is the morning of the temp spike. Should I leave it, or disregard it?
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? My favorite drink is a Moscow mule or a margarita on the rocks. But if I'm drinking at home it's probably prosecco or hard cider.
@KariAnn323 okay, so we haven't talked about it before then, but close enough that we have the same weather!
@TravelingCouple It's amazing what a little pampering can do for you. I hope your party goes well tonight!
@MJDsquared I think you're fine to leave the temp. I usually make a note as to what might have thrown the temp off. As you temp more, you'll get better at seeing what affects your temperatures. Some people notice large jumps after having a few drinks the night before, some people see jumps and others see dips if they wake up during the night. It really is just one of those things that takes a little time to learn. So, that being said, when temping it's important to look at the picture overall. After you O, there should be a clear upward shift in temps that are consistently higher than the temps pre-O. One high pre-O temp isn't going to throw that off. However, FF does need something to compare your post-O temps to, so if you O-ed on CD15, FF may be off because your temp 3 days prior is artificially high. I still don't think you need to discard it, just be aware that this cycle may not be super accurate, and use it is a chance to practice for next cycle (though I hope you don't have a next cycle).
ETA: @dragonfly87 Thanks! FF is rarely right with me either. Then again, it's not like I have even remotely consistent cycles so I can't really blame the app. I'm just sure it's right this time because that's how this journey has worked for us! I think it's interesting that FF splits the difference for you. Given that women frequently have different O dates depending on whether it's the L or R ovary, it would be helpful if it would pick up in that in its predictions.
@BertieMeetsGertie@zwink1 thanks friends! I've always been affected by the winter months but never actually thought I had seasonal affective disorder.. But this winter I think it was exacerbated by all the feelings I'm having about not being pregnant so it definitely has hit me harder this winter. I literally crave the sun over winter. The doc didn't say my vitamin D was low but maybe I'll ask if they specifically checked it. My PNV does have some but maybe it's not enough.
@LoveInDC You make a very good point. I may need to rethink my drinking strategy @zwink1 I'm in the same boat. I probably have a better shot at winning the lottery than guessing when I'm going to O @dragonfly87 I feel like I'm trying to get caught up on the few weeks of workouts I missed while I was sick. I can say for sure it wasn't pretty but I got the mileage in and that's all that matters. I so wish I could be disciplined enough to get a few more workouts in during the week though @mispanda when I read OPK detector, I was thinking more like detective - you know Sherlock Holmes with his magnifying glass searching for the illusive O
Re: WTO Saturday 2/25
CD: 39
WAYDTGKU: Praying to the BBT and AF gods that something gives soon.
R/R: Thanks for the support yesterday! MIL's pug is responding well to medication. The ILs are home and going to visit him at the emergency center this morning. And on top of it all, I am no longer responsible for the dog or making financial decisions on behalf of my ILs. It was stressful to say the least.
CS/Q: If you flip my chart backwards or upside down, it looks like I ovulated yesterday. Does that count?
GTKY: Give me an ice cold glass of the most buttery and oaky chardonnay you can find. I'm having a glass today for sure.
TTC #1 November 2016
50mg Clomid June 2017
BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018
Month/Cycle: 6/6 (3/3 AL)
CD: 19
R/R: No temp rise today, but that means more time to GDTPT Rant: These past few days have been crazy weather wise. On Wednesday it was 70. On Thursday night we got hail. Last night it snowed.
CS/Q: Nothing today
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? $4.50 Moscato from Aldi
Dating: 2/2007 Married: 4/2011
TTC #1: 9/2016
BFP #2: 3/9/2017 - CP: 3/10/2017
08/2017: DH's SA = normal
08/2017: Low progesterone (4.6) all other BW normal
11/2017: HSG Clear; Pelvic Ultrasound Normal; and AMH, FSH, and Estradiol normal
12/2017: 1,000mg Metformin
12/2017: 50mg Clomid + TI = BFN
01/2018: 100mg Clomid + TI = BFN
01/2018: RE Consult
03/2018: 5mg Letrozole + 50 units Gonal-F + 500 μg Ovidrel + IUI = BFP #3: 4/1/2018 - CP: 4/4/2018
04/2018: 5mg Letrozole + Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP #4: 5/2/18
Month/Cycle: 4/3
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: ya know
R/R: headed to crossfit soon and then a 10 mile run. Eek!! I'm going to be soooo sore!
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
My drink of choice is not impacted by CD. A nice glass of red (H3) has been my go to as of late.
@LoveInDC glad to hear the pup is responding
Month/Cycle: 9/10
CD: 3
WAYDTGKU: pnv right now. Might look at adding coQ10 and a multivitamin for DH
R/R: I think we are getting BBQ for dinner tonight! Yay! On the negative side, still trying to decide which HVAC to purchase.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? Replace the white with red...
Dating since: 11/17/2001
Married: 9/26/2009
TTC: June 2016
EDD: 5/14/2018
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: Many things
R/R: So I think I ovulated either overnight or it is happening today. 2 days of + OPKs with the darkest one being yesterday morning, and negative today so we shall see what my CM and boobs do.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
First of all, you forgot the letter 's' on the end of drink. Its ok. I forgive you. My drinks of choice are red wine, red wine and red wine. I am a big fan of Tempranillos, Riojas, Cote du Rhones and Montepulcianos
@cdnrunning My choice is completely influenced by CD lol When I have the CD1 blues, I need the comfort of my favorite wine. If I'm having fun/indulging mid cycle, I love a peach Long Island iced tea. I can't be sad and enjoy a Long Island. It just doesn't work Enjoy your run!
@BertieMeetsGertie DH and I did Mission BBQ last night! Warm weather always gets me in the mood for a pulled pork sandwich.
@kiwi2628 Yay for O! FX this is it. And you're so right, one drink is never enough on CD1 lol
TTC #1 November 2016
50mg Clomid June 2017
BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018
@KariAnn323 Yay for impending O!
@cdnrunning Have a good run!
@BertieMeetsGertie Enjoy the BBQ!
@kiwi2628 If you're not sure about O, it's a good excuse to continue to HIO not that you need one lol
Month/Cycle: 9/13 (5 an-O)
CD: 6
WAYDTGKU: BBT, OPK, CM, CP, spelunking, vitamin D3, EPO, myo-inositol, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, pomegranate juice, PNV, magnesium
R/R: I got nothing today
CS/Q: nope!
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? If it's a really bad day, I'll pick up a bottle of Riesling. Recently, I've been cutting back on alcohol so I'll opt for water instead
"It's time to try defying gravity."
Married 6/11/16
TTC Since 6/2016
12/2016 RE appt; 1/2017 SA & HSG results - all normal
3/2017 Dx Hyperprolactinemia; 5/2017 Prolactin levels normal; 8/2017 Low Ovarian Reserve
8/2017 TTA for personal reasons; 10/2017 NTNP; 12/2017 Re-start TTC
7/2018 Clomid+IUI
11/2018 Letrozole+TI
12/2018 Letrozole+IUI
2/2019 NTNP
5/2019 Stopping all TTC efforts; living Childfree
Month/Cycle: 16/15
CD: 19
R/R: @KariAnn323 This may have come up before and I'm forgetting, but from your rant I suspect that you are geographically very close to me! Of course it's cold and snowy on Saturday and 70 during the middle of the work week.
CS/Q: Predicting when I'm going to O is always a fun game. FF is currently pegging it for sometime between CD25-27 based on previous cycles, which I'm sure is exactly when it will happen this cycle because then H will be out of town for ALL of my fertile window. Nevermind that I didn't O until CD32 last month. And I had such a good string of 30-34 day cycles running for 3 months before that...
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
Add me to the red wine count. Usually cab or zin, but I've been really into some blends lately.
@BertieMeetsGertie yummm to BBQ!
@cdnrunning I wish I was as motivated to exercise! Enjoy!
@kiwi2628 yay for O day!!
@KariAnn323 that is some crazy weather!!
Month/Cycle: 15/15
CD: 5
WAYDTGKU: too many things
R/R: I let the stress of TTC and our finances get to me last night and had a mini meltdown when DH got home. Ended up going to work with a migraine and they sent me home around 10pm because every time I moved my head I felt like I was going to vomit. On the bright side, now that I'm feeling better I get to enjoy a Saturday with my family for the first time in months and DH has been super supportive about everything.
CS/Q: nope
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? I'm not big into alcohol but when the need arises I go for a rum and coke. Otherwise, all the coffee!!
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
@cdnrunning you're a fitness inspiration! GL with your run
@KariAnn323 I'm with you on the crazy weather. Also, $4.50 moscato sounds wonderful
@BertieMeetsGertie yay for a night out. BBQ sounds yummy.
@kiwi2628 FX this is the one
Month/Cycle: 4/5
CD: 16
WAYDTGKU: the basics
R/R: it's a lazy Saturday!
CS/Q: with so many ups and downs it looks like it would make a good roller coaster track.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
I'm typically a white wine girl,(I like a good Riesling like @lulu1180 ) but recently I have become obsessed with Cupcake Redvelvet. It's a blend, it's less than $10 and it is delicious.
TTC#1 10/2016
TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each.
BFP finally in 12/2018
TTC#2 06/2021
planning FET
"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
some doors are open, some roads are blocked"
@zwink1 Ugh, hopefully you O and your FW is when your DH is in town! FF tries to predict mine, but so far, has got it wrong each time. It's close (within a day), but so far I have O'd on either CD 11 or 13 (alternating each month), so now it is settling on CD 12 as the average, lol.
lulu1180 Good morning cycle day buddy! Hope you have a great weekend!
kiwi2628 FX that O is happening!!
@BertieMeetsGertie I am jealous of your dinner choice! I love bbq, especially ribs. We don't have a ton of good bbq places around us, but DH loves to use his smoker and we occasionally go to Rudys BBQ.
cdnrunning crossfit and a 10 mile run?!?! Good luck and hopefully you aren't too sore after! Wow...I look so lazy in comparison, lol. I think I might pull off 40 minutes on the elliptical today. I once was quite fit (ran track in college and ran triathlons after college), but I have since become quite lazy.
@LoveInDC Glad to hear the pug is doing better. FX he keeps improving. We have two pups and I get major anxiety about their health and well being, I can only imagine the stress your family is going through right now.
KariAnn323 FX O is soon, but get to HIO! Lol. We have had crazy weather too. Not sure where you are, but we are in the Southwest part of the US. 70 degrees on Wednesday, snow on Thursday and Friday and today is just cold. Ugh. I want the Spring to be here already!
Month/Cycle: 5/6 4 AL
CD: 6
WAYDTGKU: PNV, baby aspirin, pom juice and temping...all the rest starting CD 8 for FW
Rave: I slept through the night two nights in a row. I am hoping my new routine of greek yogurt, a hard boiled egg, Natural Calm and melatonin are doing the trick and keeps working. In theory, the snack before bed should keep my blood sugars up and prevent drops/waking me up. FX that this will keep working.
Rant: Trying to get DH to be a little more healthy, with little luck. He isn't unhealthy, but he doesn't eat very many vegetables, mostly eats meat and only exercises a few days a week...if I convince him to go. Trying to get him to at least be hydrated (which would help his night time leg cramps) and I force feed him a multivitamin daily. It's just frustrating that I have taken pretty big steps to become healthy and hopefully increase fertility, but he is dragging his feet. Ugh.
CS/Q: nope
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
I would have to say moscato, but I am not a very big drinker. I maybe have 1-2 drinks every other month. If I do, it's either moscato, hard cider or a mike's hard. I just don't care too much for alcohol though.
@avrilmai the cupcake red velvet is the best! I usually don't like reds but that one is good
Dating: 2/2007 Married: 4/2011
TTC #1: 9/2016
BFP #2: 3/9/2017 - CP: 3/10/2017
08/2017: DH's SA = normal
08/2017: Low progesterone (4.6) all other BW normal
11/2017: HSG Clear; Pelvic Ultrasound Normal; and AMH, FSH, and Estradiol normal
12/2017: 1,000mg Metformin
12/2017: 50mg Clomid + TI = BFN
01/2018: 100mg Clomid + TI = BFN
01/2018: RE Consult
03/2018: 5mg Letrozole + 50 units Gonal-F + 500 μg Ovidrel + IUI = BFP #3: 4/1/2018 - CP: 4/4/2018
04/2018: 5mg Letrozole + Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP #4: 5/2/18
@KariAnn323 we have had some crazy weather the past few days too!
@cdnrunning good luck on your run!
Month/Cycle: 11/11, 1AL
CD: 11
WAYDTGKU: OPK, BBT, PNV, EOD, Preseed when needed.
R/R: It's Saturday and I've been up since 4. Enough said.
CS/Q: I'll prob have to use OPK detector this month. This is ridiculous.
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
I do like a Grand Traverse Riesling or a moscato. Usually It's whatever we have in the house at that point.
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
WAYDTGKU: bbt,cm,pnv,hio
R/R: Went with H to test his homemade windmill, but it wasn`t quite windy enough to get a good reading on his multi-meter.
CS/Q: nope
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice? I don`t drink alcohol so it would be earl grey tea.
Dating since: 11/17/2001
Married: 9/26/2009
TTC: June 2016
EDD: 5/14/2018
CD: 21
WAYDTGKU: All the things
R/R: I feel like a million bucks! I got a new haircut and color today. The sunshine these past few days has done WONDERS for my mood, I feel like a new person, like me again. I have a party tonight for my biz. All's well in the world.
CS/Q: OK ovaries, if you could get your ish together and just ovulate already
I never really had fertile CM this month..A tiny bit of EWCM and then barely watery, so it's hard to tell in that end... My OPK was darker yesterday but still equal today and I got a teeny tiny bump of an increase in temp so nothing is sure. DH leaves Tuesday on business so I hope it's definite before then.. Still HIO
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
All the wine.
TTC #1 November 2016
50mg Clomid June 2017
BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018
CD: 17
WAYDTGKU: Well we HIO'd a lot. My FW should be over now but my chart is a mess. I think I have this high temp that is an outlier and I should invalidate it or whatever, because I think it's confusing FF. (Note: This is my first full cycle of temping, so I have no history to go off of.)
R/R: The sun is out!
CS/Q: I'm posting below from mobile. I've never done this before so I hope it isn't enormous. As you can see my temp spiked by a lot on CD 12 (doesn't help that I didn't record temps the two days prior). But basically I way over indulged at a wedding Saturday night and got sick. I felt shitty all day Sunday and even on Monday morning, which is the morning of the temp spike. Should I leave it, or disregard it?
GTKY: Whenever CD1 hits, what is your drink of choice?
My favorite drink is a Moscow mule or a margarita on the rocks. But if I'm drinking at home it's probably prosecco or hard cider.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
Dating since: 11/17/2001
Married: 9/26/2009
TTC: June 2016
EDD: 5/14/2018
@TravelingCouple It's amazing what a little pampering can do for you. I hope your party goes well tonight!
@MJDsquared I think you're fine to leave the temp. I usually make a note as to what might have thrown the temp off. As you temp more, you'll get better at seeing what affects your temperatures. Some people notice large jumps after having a few drinks the night before, some people see jumps and others see dips if they wake up during the night. It really is just one of those things that takes a little time to learn. So, that being said, when temping it's important to look at the picture overall. After you O, there should be a clear upward shift in temps that are consistently higher than the temps pre-O. One high pre-O temp isn't going to throw that off. However, FF does need something to compare your post-O temps to, so if you O-ed on CD15, FF may be off because your temp 3 days prior is artificially high. I still don't think you need to discard it, just be aware that this cycle may not be super accurate, and use it is a chance to practice for next cycle (though I hope you don't have a next cycle).
ETA: @dragonfly87 Thanks! FF is rarely right with me either. Then again, it's not like I have even remotely consistent cycles so I can't really blame the app. I'm just sure it's right this time because that's how this journey has worked for us! I think it's interesting that FF splits the difference for you. Given that women frequently have different O dates depending on whether it's the L or R ovary, it would be helpful if it would pick up in that in its predictions.
@zwink1 I'm in the same boat. I probably have a better shot at winning the lottery than guessing when I'm going to O
@dragonfly87 I feel like I'm trying to get caught up on the few weeks of workouts I missed while I was sick. I can say for sure it wasn't pretty but I got the mileage in and that's all that matters. I so wish I could be disciplined enough to get a few more workouts in during the week though
@mispanda when I read OPK detector, I was thinking more like detective - you know Sherlock Holmes with his magnifying glass searching for the illusive O
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020