I didn't see this yesterday, so hopefully we can all catch up here.
This is for people with due dates 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, and 9/28
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Upcoming appointments this week?
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings?
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it?
Re: Thursday Ticker Change 2/23
This is for people with due dates 9/7, 9/14, 9/21, and 9/28
How far along are you? 13+1!
How big is baby? Lemon or jalapeno
Upcoming appointments this week? 12 week appt today... hoping to hear that heartbeat for the first time!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? My skin has now broken out, allergies flared up yesterday, and I get random headaches. Cravings aren't as extreme now, but I'll still have random ones from time to time.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: Finally got my genetic screening results after 2.5 weeks. Negative! Very low risk of chromosomal abnormalities, which is a relief since I have genetic disorders in my family. Rant: I'm sure my high blood pressure and weight gain will be a topic of discussion at today's appt, but I'm hoping for the best. No questions right now.
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? My name is Valerie. My parents had some WEIRD names in mind, and luckily my uncle talked them out of them. There was a Mallory on Family Ties at the time, and I think that inspired Valerie, which was a little less popular. I like my name! I usually go by Val, and I think it suits me.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
How far along are you? 12+1
How big is baby? a plum, or a toy soldier, lol
Upcoming appointments this week? nope
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? more discharge, which is annoying, and I've been getting headaches. Also, my hips have been hurting, especially when I get up in the morning- don't know what that's about! The nausea is slowly getting better, though... so I'll take the trade!
Rants/Raves/Questions? Just super excited to be at 12 weeks
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? My name is Briana (Bre-anne-uh) My mom originally wanted to name me Montana, but my dad vetoed it. (She was naming me more after Joe Montana than the state, haha) Then, she really liked Anna, but with our last name being one syllable she thought it sounded choppy. She found Briana and really liked it. I like my name now, but growing up I hated it because 1. no one else was named that and 2. I could never find my name on anything, lol. I wanted my name to be Ashley (because there were approximately 18 of them at my school, haha)
How far along are you? 11+1
How big is baby? poker chip
Upcoming appointments this week? Ultrasound next Friday...so far away!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? My boobs feel extra big and the exhaustion hit me like a train this week!
Rants/Raves/Questions? nothing really!
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? I don't know why they picked it but it's good. I have two long German middle names which took me a while to like though. One was for my grandma who passed shortly before I was born. The other for my great-grandma whose birthday I was born on.
How far along are you? 10 weeks + 1 day
How big is baby? The size of a petit four. So cute!
Upcoming appointments this week? I'm actually sitting at one right now. I've spent 45 minutes in the waiting room so far and the office is swamped. I'll be making my next appointment on literally any other day than a Friday.
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? My nausea has pretty much subsided, but the food aversions continue unabated. Aka: I still miss cake.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I love my OBGYN, but her office plays nothing but Christian pop music and it's driving me insaaaaane. It's all so repetitive and autotuned. Why can't offices just stick to classical music that fades into the background? Listening to this is actively killing me.
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? I'm named after both of my grandmothers, one Mary and one Beverly. I hated it growing up, since the only other Marys at school were teachers and librarians. Now, however, I like having a classic name. What I don't like? Being called "Mare" as a nickname. I'm not a horse, ffs.
Also, I'm apparently very grumpy today. Sorry, folks! I'm blaming the music.
How big is baby? lime
Upcoming appointments this week? yep on Monday!
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? I feel my energy levels coming back up woot!!
Rants/Raves/Questions? Nope
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? my name is Isabella. My parents are Polish but met in Italy so it's nod towards a mutual love of theirs. Growing up I had NEVER met another Isabella (only like 2 Isabel's) until I turned 19. Now it is everywhere bc of Twilight. I also Never go by Bella. But after the movie came out people assumed I went by that nickname. Nope!
Edited to fix the word tag.... it autocorrected to take and that's just creepy lol
How big is baby? Plum
Upcoming appointments this week? Just had a blood draw and NT Scan.
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings? Nothing new, still have near constant nausea, can barely tolerate liquids, no appetite, and dry mouth. Missed a dose of B6 and Unisom to discover the pregnancy insomnia is still going strong.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I feel very luck that my parents were here and able to get to see their grandchild happily moving at the end of the scan, it made their day/trip. And just SO lucky that we have had an easy road to having children. I know it's so many that have struggle and try to be grateful, even when I'm dry heaving
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? My parents knew a few woman by my name and though very highly of them. I like it but have occasionally longed for a more exotic/unique name.
How far along are you? 10 weeks + 2
How big is baby? Lego guy
Upcoming appointments this week? Monday! Hoping to gear the heartbeat for the first time.
Any new symptoms or changes or cravings?
Rants/Raves/Questions? rants: I've been having pain right where my left leg rotates and it makes rolling over at night hard.
GTKY: How did you get your (real) name? Do you like it? I don't like my middle name and my first name was so common growing up, but i respect how my parents chose to name me after my grandmothers.
No appointments until March 10th
No new symptoms.
My grandma was going to name my mom Cathrine, Laura, or Elizabeth. She named my mom Cathrine, so I am Laura Elizabeth. I didn't like it when I was younger and there was usually at least one other Laura in the classroom, but I'm fond of it now.