TTC after 35

TTC for 5 months

Hi everyone,

My husband and I have been trying for 5 months. I always have a regular 29 days cycle, but this month I was late for 3 days. I plowed through tons of pregnancy test, hoping that I would eventually see the second line. But this morning, I got my AF. I feel horrible. I have made a doctor's appointment for next week to see if everything is OK with me. Hopefully it is. 

I guess I am joining this group to see if anyone else out there going through the same thing. And hope we can support each other along the way of TTC. I guess that's all for now. 

Good luck everyone!

Re: TTC for 5 months

  • Welcome! I was ttc 6 months when I got pregnant with #2 and lost it at 4 weeks back in late December. Back on the ttc train currently. This group is supportive. It only took us 1 month to get pregnant with DD so this has been frustrating to me. I did have basic fertility testing done at 6 months and dh had a sperm check. Everything looks good so far. I get my progesterone checked this weekend. I know for me having these tests done is a peace of mind for me.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Welcome and good luck!
    DD1: 2/28/12
    DD2: 9/12/13
    Baby #3: Due January 2018

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  • Thank you. My situation is pretty similar to you. We got pregnant with DS right away. So this time around, I was expecting it wouldn't be too hard either. Little as I know... 

    We did everything we could in our power for the last 5 cycles. No success. I have a doc appointment booked for next week. I am not sure what to expect. You said you had the basic fertility test done. What are they if you don't mind me asking? 
  • sure - I had CD3 blood work done which they test like 8 things, CD 8 HSG test for blocked tubes, DH had a semen analysis and also CD21 progesterone test.  I had all this done in December.  Started using OPKs again around O time so I could get the progesterone tested on the accurate date when the OPK was positive for 3 days in a row I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.  I actually tested for pregnancy the morning of the HSG the week prior and it was negative so that was a huge surprise for me.  Only knew I was pregnant for about a week before I found out it was a CP.  So I never got that accurate Progesterone test which I'm finally getting tomorrow!  I'm so excited lol.  It's kind of like the final frontier of all the fertility testing lol.

    Personally I think stress had a lot to do with it taking us 6 months for our loss.  DH was finishing up construction on his studio and we were helping him pack and move out of his old place and then unpack and clean up his new place.  BD was very stressful and forced at times during those first 5 months.  That 6 month we were both much more relaxed and it happened then go figure.  So that's why I'm hoping it won't take as long for TTC after my loss.  We aren't stressed and BD is much more relaxed and enjoyable because I'm not putting pressure on us with timed BD and he's not stressed.  So I want to wing TTC until June and then look into clomid if need be but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
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  • Hi : )  I just made an appointment for an RE consult just to see if there is anything wrong with DH or myself.  I have no clue what the RE will recommend as far as testing though.  


    It took us 4 months to get preg in Aug.  Unfortunately I ended up with a mc late Oct.  We have been trying since then and nada.  
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • I had same experience as you, easy the first time around, and this time it's been over a year and I'm on IUI #2 and then moving to IVF if that fails. Good for you to make that appointment- if I could do anything differently than I did, it would have been to get to an RE earlier. Welcome and good luck!
  • QpanQpan member
    Hi ladies,

    Thank you for all your replies. It helps me a lot for coping this hard situation. 

    Just an update, In out this month again. So disappointed as we actually timed it perfectly this month. Anyways, I have 21 day blood test done and ultrasound done as well. Tomorrow is my cycle 3 day blood test. Then see the doctor for the result. At the same time, we are still actively trying... Wish everyone good luck!

  • It's a journey isn't it @Qpan. I'm currently taking prog suppositories. All our testing came out great but I was a tad low on the prog.
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