July 2017 Moms

Traditions/Keepsakes to Start or Continue

yanchussyanchuss member
edited February 2017 in July 2017 Moms
**Sorry if this topic has already been covered, I haven't seen any posts so far.

Last year, my step-daughter's biological mom died. She was young and her death was very sudden and unexpected. As a result, my step-daughter was left with no memories of her mom, with the exception of a few pictures/selfies we were able to recover online. Now that I'm having my own children, I want to start something while they're young so in the event anything does happen, they have something to hold on to. I also want to start a new tradition for my step-daughter so she has memories of her dad down the road. I know homemade videos have become a thing of the past, however, I'll still try to record video's when I can.

I'm thinking of writing them notes on their milestones and creating a memory box of their childhood. I'm also considering or starting an on-line (private and controlled) blog that I can upload pictures, videos, and letters to. When they get older, I'll give them the password and they can do as they please. Scrapbooking is nice, but it's also expensive and time-consuming.

Does anyone else already have traditions/keepsakes they do for their kids? Any suggestions or recommendations? I don't only want to start this in case something happens to my husband or me, but I also think it would be a meaningful way to help document their lives.

*edit = I can't spell, apparently*
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Re: Traditions/Keepsakes to Start or Continue

  • I think this question was in a GTKY section of one of the check-in threads a while back...but it's nice to have a thread dedicated to it to share ideas!

    I love your idea about being intentional with saving memories, photos, and/or writing letters to the kids throughout the year. I've also considered doing something similar (easier than a scrapbook). I also want to make sure that my kids have more photos of us all as a family. I hardly have any recent photos of my parents and/or my parents and I, outside of photos taken on holidays. I think it's important to have a lot of pictures of family, because one day they'll have those to look back on!

    One tradition I definitely want to start with our children is being more intentional with giving and being generous. Of course this can be done year-round, but I hope to make it part of our Christmas tradition to serve a meal at a homeless shelter as a family, or make cookies to take to a nursing home, or something else that lets them serve other people during a season that is focused on "getting". We never did this when I was growing up, not that my parents didn't care, it just wasn't a priority. But as I've grown up I definitely want this to be a usual thing for our kids to experience. 
  • I'm planning on making a little scrapbook for the pregnancy, the first year, and then however much I can fit in for subsequent years. Definitely want to actually have a baby book filled out, not just buy it and not end up using it. There are very few pictures of me as a baby, like 2 of my mom pregnant, and my baby book is a joke. It always kind of bothered me.

    As for holidays,
    CHRISTMAS: we will be continuing with my family tradition of opening Christmas presents one at a time (so you can actually see what everyone gets and properly thank people) but not keeping the stocking gifts. My husbands family just rips in, and I hate it. My parents (all the way back to my great grandparents) have stuffed stockings with things like toothpaste and deoderant but the tradition just takes forever, costs a lot of money, and ends up with us having a bunch of stuff we don't really need, so we'll be dropping that. I want to start something special for Christmas Eve, but I'm not sure what yet. Also going to do the 4 gift rule. 1 want, 1 need, 1 wear, and 1 read. And hoping to start with my kids being charitable and donating a toy to Toys for Tots every year for a kid their age. Also want to help the kids either pick out or "hopefully" make gifts for everyone at the holidays. I handmake all my Christmas gifts, and if I end up with a crafty kid, I would be so over joyed to have them do things like that with me. But if they aren't, that's cool too. I won't force them. 

    NEW YEARS: We play board games all night, and sometimes the night before, and I want to continue this tradition. 

    SMALL HOLIDAYS: I find it weird that my grandmother gets us gifts for things like Children's Day and Valentines Day. So I'll be dropping those. 

    EASTER: Love doing Easter Egg Hunts. Love hiding, love finding. Definitely going to keep this going. I just can't put prizes inside the eggs, cause I always lose some, and if it was chocolate...... yikes. 

    MOTHERS/FATHERS DAY: Definitely going to make sure they get small gifts for the grandparents and my husband and to spend time with everyone if we can. Not sure what my husband will do for Mother's Day for me, but at this point I feel like I will want to spend the day with my kids, not getting a break from them which seems to be a trend. 

    SUMMER VACATION: I don't know if it will always be in the summer or not, but we hope to take the kids on a vacation at least once a year, and really get them out and about to interesting and different places every year. I know when they are younger they won't remember as much, but I'm hoping to get them to at least all 48 continental states if not all 50, and hopefully some international travel at some point as well. 

    HALLOWEEN: Trying to curb the candy thing right off the bat, I will probably have some kind of exchange set up so they can go get the candy, but then they will get something better in return when they get back. One, I doubt they would even be able to stomach the candy considering what is normally given and how I plan to feed them. Two, it's not like gorging yourself on candy is that great anyways. 

    THANKSGIVING: Definitely going to keep the big family dinner as much as I can. Possibly do some volunteering that month, and keeping it focused on 

    RELIGION: We'll be dropping everything religious personally, but be teaching the kids about all of the different religions and exposing them to the various ones as much as we can. 

    I also want to keep my kids focused on only keeping what they need, and so when they get new stuff as presents or want new things, we'll go through what they have and donate things. Teaching them to keep their areas tidy, be generous and charitable, and keeping my house organized. I'm already having a huge problem with my mom buying them stuffed animals. She already bought one, she wants to buy two a year, and I'm doing the math and it isn't good. Going to have to talk to her about it again. 

    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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  • My son's GiGi makes him a photo book every year for Christmas. We buy ornaments wherever we go so we can remember those trips when we do our tree. 
  • I've used Mixbook to create a new family photo album every year since DS1 was born.  I include a page for each kid's growth and accomplishments, where we live that year, any trips/exciting events, etc.  I also try (but can't always) to get professional family photos done once a year, at least while they're this little.  It's the best way to get great pictures of all of us together.  I take a lot of the candids during the year and on family trips, so it's also the best way to get me in any pictures. ;)   I like the idea of having copies of each book printed for my kids when they are "launched" as adults.  If something were to happen to me or my H, they would be a physical memory for the kids.
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
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  • @MamaRN13 I'm on the verge of tears! That is seriously the sweetest thing I've ever seen!  I soooo want to copy you. 

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    Me: 26  Him: 27
    Dating: 5/2011 Married: 6/2014

    Mirena out/TTC: 02/2016

    BFP #1: 12/01/2016

    EDD: 07/24/2017

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  • I just planned to do the email thing. 
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    Highly monitored internet and no cell service in the office, so I'm postin' and ghostin' while I'm workin' 
  • I know my sister syncs some pics and videos to a google page we all get. It's a good spot for the aunts and grandparents. We've been together since 2004 and we are such bad picture takers so I need to figure out the balance or habit.
  • MamaRN13 said:
    I know it's not much yet, but when DS was born I started an email for him. I send him pictures of trips, cute videos of him, memories, etc. Sometimes I just send a note telling him a funny story that happened, something silly he said, or just to tell him I love him. I used an email address that is simple with his initials and last name so that he can have it forever (if he wants). 
    We did this too!! We send her little things all throughout the year and we plan on giving her the password for her 18th birthday.  <3
  • @PurplePoppy424 what a great idea about giving it to them on their 18th bday! I wasn't sure when I was going to share the password with him but I really like that idea 
  • There was a story a few years ago about a father's graduation present to his daughter. As the story goes, he got a copy of "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Suess and secretly got every teacher she had ever had to write a note to her in the book. I'm not sure how sustainable that would be; I feel like I would start it and forget or lose it after a couple of years, but it sounds like a really great idea.

    Not nearly as sentimental, but I think kind of fun: for each of my four nephews, I have purchased and stowed away a cheap (read $10-20) bottle of wine from the year in which they were born. When they turn 21, it will be well aged and whatnot. I will probably do the same for my kid(s).
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • We have tons of family traditions that we plan on carrying on.

    One of my favorites is getting an ornament for each child each year. When we were big enough we could pick out our own that we thought represented the year for us (hobbies, favorite thing, etc) 
    When we moved out my mom wrapped all those ornaments and gave them to us. It was so special to have a whole tree of ornaments that meant something to me, especially my first Christmas "alone"! Even my husband comments on how cool it is when I get my ornaments out every year, so I plan on continuing that tradition for sure!

    My mom scrapbooks and I have like 8 books from birth to graduation, which is so special cause it's in her handwriting and written to me from her perspective. But I'm just not a scrapbooker, so I need to figure out a yearly photo book on shutterfly or something like that.
  • I really like the idea of a baby book, especially in the digital age when no one prints photos anymore. My mom and I actually put my baby book together as a team, when I was 6/7 and she was pregnant with my sister.

    She also created a photo book (cardboard with glued photos) of individual photos of family members - grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. This was helpful for me to picture them, especially since we didn't see her side of the family more than once a year. I'd like to duplicate that for our child, since we have a lot of family out of state. I'm really close with some of my cousins, and I want our child to feel a similar connection even if we don't get to see each other that often anymore.
  • oh gosh do you guys remember the gmail Dear Sophie commercial? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R4vkVHijdQk

    we did a printed picture book for dd's first year and then i got lazy and have tons of pics on my google drive but not much beyond that. OP's story about her stepdaughter's mom kind of made me realize i really do need to be IN the picture more! 
  • @satsumasandlemons My mom showed me that last night!  I told her about the email thing and she showed me the video. I cried and cried.  Hormones are kicking my ass.

    Me: 26  Him: 27
    Dating: 5/2011 Married: 6/2014

    Mirena out/TTC: 02/2016

    BFP #1: 12/01/2016

    EDD: 07/24/2017

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  • @satsumasandlemons Oh geez bring on the water works. I have never seen that and now I am so excited that I started doing it when DS was born. I really need to do a better job of staying on top of it! 
  • For those of you who want to do a baby book or some sort of memory keepsake (not online), what's a good place to find a unique book? I looked in BRU last time I was there and they have some cute ones like "letters to baby" but I didn't know if anyone knew where to get something more unique. 
  • stokesm21stokesm21 member
    edited February 2017
    A game I always do now if I'm hosting a baby shower is "letters to baby" for them to open when they are older. It's been a hit so far.  I've also heard a similar idea for 1st birthdays to ask guests to write a card for them to open when they are 18 (or whatever age) The article where I read it, the lady said it's amazing to see how many people have come and gone in your life and those who are no longer with you.  I always loved that idea.  1y olds don't know what's going on anyways and I don't want a bajillion gifts. 

    @kerils I took a screen shot of an idea for Christmas Eve that I liked.  It's a little box for them to open that has a new pair of PJ's (for them to wear that night), a packet of hot chocolate, a movie for the family to watch together that night and some snacks (like a bag of popcorn etc.)  I thought it was pretty cute and simple. 

    My family has always been very giving and compassionate (my parents use to volunteer at soup kitchens, I have a diploma in social services etc.) so that's definitely ingrained in me.  I've always hoped to have my kids go through their old toys a month before Christmas or so and donate what they don't use anymore.  We have a local Christmas program that helps out families in need.  While I wasn't able to donate financially this year, I work at a trampoline park and get free passes every paycheck so I saved those for a good 4 months and donated them for the lady to distribute between the families.  I'm a scrapbooker but I suspect I won't have the time.  My Mom did our baby books for a few months then there's just nothing.  I think the email thing is a good idea and photo books as well.

    I'm also okay with stockings on Christmas, especially when they get a bit older.  I'd just fill it will dollar store stuff but to me the hope is that it would keep them occupied for a while so that they let Mom & Dad sleep a little bit longer haha!  (Put it beside or at the end of their bed so it's there for them to open when they wake up)  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
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  • @stokesm21 I love the letters to baby/on first birthday idea. Also, we always got pjs and a new movie on Christmas Eve!  We loved it and would usually fall asleep watching the movie. I'll definitely continue the tradition with this LO. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @stokesm21  that is a great idea! that reminds me ... i tried looking for a baby shower post but couldn't find it so i'll just post it here - for our baby shower, our host had DH and me pick out a song for every year we were together and then one for the tenth year to represent when baby made us a family and she burned mix CDs for everyone as part of the party favors  :) we had everything from The Strokes (2001) to our wedding song (Wilco California Stars in 2007), Arcade Fire, and Radiohead of course and the last one for baby was the Fiona Apple/Jon Brion cover of Buddy Holly's Everyday. People don't really listen to CDs or anything, but I've certainly kept it and treasured it! 
  • There are sooooo many good ideas on here, I don't even know where to start. I am not a big keepsake person, but I do think it's important to have traditions and keep some memories going. 

    ***my child is 17 months old and I need to finish his baby book for the first 12 months of his life!!!!**** gosh, I feel awful that it isn't finished but my goal is to finish it before this baby comes. 

    Now that im having a daughter, I'm starting to wonder if I should keep a clothing basket behind of fun, trendy things?! My mother did this and for our 70's day in high school, we had the real gear!!! It was so fun and great to think she wore this stuff for real. Haha. 

    I have never ever been camping, but my husband thinks it would be a fun thing to do on weekends with our family when they are a little older. 
  • kat0607 said:
    For those of you who want to do a baby book or some sort of memory keepsake (not online), what's a good place to find a unique book? I looked in BRU last time I was there and they have some cute ones like "letters to baby" but I didn't know if anyone knew where to get something more unique. 
  • I wrote a bunch of songs inspired by motherhood. I plan to turn them into a few books. I try to illustrate them but so far it seems I'm a lot more talented in writing than drawing. My pipe dream is to record them but I will need some professional help with that so I don't know. For now I sing to her and she's always clapping and saying yay and more. Awwwww
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  • @kat0607 shutterfly is really customizable. 
    @LoveLee85 me too! DD is turning 17 months this week and I'm 30% done with her photo book I started on shutterfly to summarize the first year. I reckon I'll probably be doing it on maternity leave. 
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  • Ooo maternity leave goals: catch up on the photo books. Good call!! 
  • I gave up on doing my own personalized and put together photo books, so I do Chatbooks now which print directly from my Instagram as soon as I get 60 pictures. We have maybe 30 books that include all of my pictures from before DS was even born. It's also cool because I can hashtag certain pictures with a certain hashtag I.e #ddcssme and then in the Chatbooks app I can choose to print a book with pictures with just that hashtag. It's my lazy way of getting pictures printed.

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    EDD: 7/27/2017

  • We've been doing the something you wear, something you read, something you want, and something you need idea for Christmas since DD was born.  The "wear" is usually Christmas pj's so we open them the night before.  It's easy to get carried away with gifts so this is a good way to keep it in check, especially now that we'll have more than one kid.

    I suck at doing photo books.  I did one with DD's newborn photos and haven't done one since.  I'm ok with keeping digital pictures organized in folders but actually printing them feels overwhelming lol.
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  • There are some great ideas here! I'm loving the email account idea. It seems like a great way to make sure the little things don't get lost over the years. 

    I always have received a pair of pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve and I plan on continuing this for my daughter. My mom actually still does this for me and I love it. 

    Another tradition i want to continue is family dinner. Dinner time was sacred in my house growing up (no tv, no phone calls, no excuses). I think with even more tech distractions now this one will be important. 

  • Another tradition i want to continue is family dinner. Dinner time was sacred in my house growing up (no tv, no phone calls, no excuses). I think with even more tech distractions now this one will be important. 
    Yes!!! I really want to follow through with this, dinner time should still be sacred! 
  • This really wouldn't work until the kid is a little older, but when I was younger Sant used to leave one present in our rooms. We could then open it when we woke up, play with it for a bit (or read it as it was often a book), and give mom and dad some extra sleep. I always remember that and hope to continue it. 

    I I also really like the 4 gift idea (wear, read, want, need) several posters have mentioned. My mom has gone way overboard with presents for my niece and nephew for every holiday (she even gives Spring/summer clothes for Easter) and I know that while I can ask her to tone it down, it probably won't happen. But at least I can control what we do at our own house. 
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