please tell me I'm not alone. My first pregnancy was a breeze. I never understood when people complained (the final 4 weeks were hard on my body but other than that it was easy peasy). This one not so much, first tri I was exhausted, like needed 20+ hours of sleep a day and spotted every few days (heartattack every time!). Now second tri the "easy trimester" I'm constantly dizzy. No matter what I do I'm dizzy. I drink plenty of water, eat small meals, drink juice if I think my sugar could be low. Nothing works.
Anyone else experience this? It ends, right? I'm starting a new job this week and I pray this dizziness ends.
I'm 16w3d today
Re: Dizzy dizzy dizzy
She told me to lay down on my side if possible, or put my head between my knees. Basically get your head on the same level as your heart. It usually helps after a couple of minutes.
5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19