Sorry for the way late post! I had my parents visiting this weekend.
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
Any new symptoms or changes?
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
Married 8/12
MC 4/15
BFP 10/10/16
Re: Sunday ticker change 2/19
23 weeks
How big is baby?
Grapefruit or fertility idol from Indiana Jones.
Appointment updates?
Nothing, although I will have lots of comments for my "new" doctor, as part of their practice share of patients.
Any new symptoms or changes?
Leg cramps and eye ticks make me think I might be magnesium deficient, though I'd like to have confirmation before I start dosing myself with supplements.
I've got my DC hay fever going on. I picked up allergy medicine and then got home and realized I got Loratadine with Sudafedrine. I just wanted Loratadine. (Claritin D vs plain Claritin) So I went back later to exchange.
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
I wanted 4. My DH just wanted 2, but we will see how life pans out. 4 seems a bit ambitious now, and we might do adoption vs pregnancy, which I did not think about too much when I was younger.
MC 4/15
BFP 10/10/16
How big is baby? grapefruit
Appointment updates? next appointment is march 3rd and have to take my glucose test soon
Any new symptoms or changes? no new symptoms but feeling baby move ALOT lately!
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
I wanted 4 when my husband and I first got married but he only wanted 2, so we met in the middle at 3
20 weeks
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
I had my monthly OB check up yesterday, and baby sounded good. Very active.
Any new symptoms or changes?
Hungry ALL THE TIME. Nothing new though.
Everyone says 2nd trimester is where you have so much extra energy... Where is mine?!
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
I always wanted 3-4. This is number 3 (2nd biological) so still seems to be the plan. Although, now I am thinking this will likely be our last.
23 weeks
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
Nothing until the heart scan and glucose test on 3/6
Any new symptoms or changes?
Nothing new.
STILL getting over this sinus congestion. 3+ weeks now... so ready to be able to breathe again.
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
I never wanted kids until a year or two ago. Not sure what changed my mind, but now we want 2.
22 weeks 2 days
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
I have another ultrasound on Friday to re-check her stomach size. Then my 24 week appointment and glucose test in a few weeks.
Any new symptoms or changes?
My lower back pain is getting worse and worse. Like @mtvkv5 I've been congested for weeks!
Nothing today.
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
I've always wanted 2 or 3. DH says he only wants 2. We will see what happens after 2!
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
Glucose screening but not until March 14th
Any new symptoms or changes?
I'm back to being exhausted. My energy was short lived
Was totally thinking there was something wrong with my app with no ticket change lol
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday)
4-5 but now just 3. This will be the last one...I also said that after 2
How big is baby? Cantelope
Appointment updates? next apt is March 1 glucose testing March 28th ish. Glucose test seems later than others on here, which is strange since I showed signs of insulin resistance before becoming pregnant and diabetes (both types) runs in my family (both sides). I'm also older and was overweight when we conceived (165lbs and only 5'2"), which I thought were increased risk factors.
Any new symptoms or changes? feeling guilty I feel so great most of the time. Between 7 and 11 pm my side and back start hurting, and I'm getting tons of kicks now (yay!?).
Rants/Raves/Questions? I never have any when I'm bumping! I think them up all week and then I get here and blank. Maybe I should write them down...
GTKY: How many kids did you want when you were a kid (and how has that changed now)? (Stolen from Friday) 0 ... Or 20. I have always been efficiency minded, and figured once I broke the seal, why not go all in. Now that I'm having my first at 34, 3 biological seems the maximum. 0 was a very real likely outcome of we hadn't gotten pregnant by Dec 2018.