June 2017 Moms

MBF 2/20

What's got you b*tching today, ladies? 
Me: 29
DH: 29
DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017 
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Re: MBF 2/20

  • My DF and I have a full day off with nothing to do and he volunteered us to go to my SIL's house to help them continue to heavily renovate their house. Pass. 
  • As I was walking into the office at around 12:30 the owner of the practice I work for called to tell me that my 1:00 intake's insurance turns out to be a plan I am not in network with, so I won't be seeing this client. My next appointment isn't until 2:30 so I'm just kind of hanging out here on TB and twiddling my thumbs. I only get paid for the clients I bill so I would rather be at home on the couch right now!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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  • My in-laws. We have VERY different political and religious beliefs. I usually just keep my mouth shut because it isn't worth it but being sick and pregnant has made me less tolerant. This weekend my FIL said, "you don't go to Catholic Church every weekend. Well eternity is a long time."  Seeing as we got married in a Catholic Church and baptized DS Catholic to make THEM happy and the fact that FIL plays on his phone all service. I couldn't help retorting "I didn't realize he was up there taking attendance." It got really quiet after that. This was one of many...."your opinion is stupid" comments they directed at me this weekend.

    Me: 34  DH: 35
    Married: July 2009
    BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC     DS born August 2013
    Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
    3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
    First IUI: 9/17/16            BFP: 9/30/16              EDD: 6/11/17

  • These bitch ass artists that I hired to do a painting for my husband are now ignoring my emails asking for status of the my shipment. Going on 3 weeks now. I had to resort to commenting on their Instagram for an answer (oh and they're still posting frequently on IG) and THEY DELETED MY COMMENT. I paid them close to $400 for this project. Really?
  • So my BIL who lives in CA got engaged last Thursday. Yay we are so happy and love future SIL!

    Yesterday BIL calls husband and says wedding is in late May... Surprise! Then wanted to know why I wouldn't be able to fly or drive cross country a few weeks before my due date. Seriously??

    Oh and icing on the cake, it's Mother's Day weekend. 
  • My MBF is being sick :s One of those terrible coughs that once starts, continues on for what seems like forever, barely a voice, and now the congestion, ugh.  My doctor's office is closed today, and I can't find any definitive information on safe decongestants. Anyone have experience with decongestants we can take while preggo?
    Me: 34, FTM, DH: 34
    BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17
  • @sparrow My Dr okayed lower dose Sudafed, but said no no to Sudafed PE. I stayed away from any combo cold medicine as well. Saved me during a cold a few months back. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @sparrow My OB said low-dose Sudafed is fine as well. I just take children's since I can't swallow pills/tabs.
     I was also told that a dextromethorphan cough/chest decongestant is okay as well. Like @merrylea said, no combo cold meds, but my OB said you can take both kinds of decongestant and acetaminophen and get the same relief. 
  • email2ash said:
    So my BIL who lives in CA got engaged last Thursday. Yay we are so happy and love future SIL!

    Yesterday BIL calls husband and says wedding is in late May... Surprise! Then wanted to know why I wouldn't be able to fly or drive cross country a few weeks before my due date. Seriously??

    Oh and icing on the cake, it's Mother's Day weekend. 
    One of my good friends is getting married first weekend in June too. She really wanted us to come. But it's a 5 hr drive. So no can do. I haven't rsvped back because I'm afraid of her reaction, but I'm not risking our health for a wedding. I do feel really bad because she was my bridesmaid though. What's worse is I think she picked that weekend thinking it would be easier for us than the other option which was late July. But she doesn't understand that baby could easily come early June instead of mid June. :/
  • @kylieslip24 ugh that's tough too! Nothing like crazy stress we don't need while growing babies. Not to mention all of the money that goes into a destination wedding so close to being out of work. I looked into it today and between flights, rental, hotel, food and wedding gift my DH is easily going to drop a grand in a long weekend. It's just awful timing all around :(
  • So now these "artists" have blocked me on Instagram. Someone tell me what is wrong here? I pay $400 for an item, don't receive it, and now besides not responding to my emails they start blocking me after I reach out on social media?
  • @email2ash that is a super short engagement! What a rush and what a bummer to have to dish out all that money when you can't even go enjoy it with DH. 

    @Kylieslip24 maybe you could have your OB or midwife confirm your fear of the trip being risky? Then call your friend and blame your midwife or OB for strongly recommending against the trip and let her know you are really sad to miss it. I wouldn't want it to ruin a friendship. 
  • @Knottie42089123 hopefully you paid through PayPal or by credit card where you can dispute the charges :/ that is super shady. 
    Lilypie Maternity tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • edited February 2017
    Both my Dad and my Boss decided to visit this week without letting me know or making any plans for the week.

    With my luck they will both want to do dinner the same night... SMH

  • DH is suddenly in bed, sick, claiming to have the same thing DS had.  Except he says he has been back and forth to the bathroom (which DS didn't have).  So clearly it's not the same thing.  It's happening so often with him, I think he seriously needs to reevaluate his diet, and its more of a digestive issue than an illness issue, but he'll never listen to me.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @merrylea and @ladylolly89 thank you!  sudafed is helping, slowly...
    Me: 34, FTM, DH: 34
    BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17
  • How can you schedule an appointment on the same day... and then not even show up, or call to reschedule?!
    also... people just a heads up for when you're going to get a massage... if you're appointment time is at noon, that means you are supposed to be on my (or whatever therapists table) AT noon... not walking through the door
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • My grandfather and his wife always complain to my dad that my brother and i don't send him enough pictures of our kids. Apparently two of our cousins text him pictures and videos every day. I don't have a smart phone, so it is more of a hassle for me, but I do email them some pics once or twice a month. Recently I have been texting him pictures taken on my shitty flip phone, because I realized that they actually look mediocre when you can see them on a bigger screen, and it seems like that is better than nothing, right? But he never responds! And he never ever calls me or talks to me for more than two minutes if I call him. Also, they have never come to visit to meet any of my or my brother's kids, despite that they travel been and forth from Wisconsin to Florida twice a year and often do side trips other places along their way. I just feel like if you are going to complain about not being involved in my child's life, you should be making some small effort or at least respond to the efforts I do make to include you.
  • @ellie111227 I really never send anyone pictures of DS. It doesn't even occur to me. My SIL, on the other hand, is constantly sending pictures.
    I'm sure my in-laws are very unimpressed with me in that aspect. 
  • jennas312jennas312 member
    edited February 2017
    Today was my Monday sooooo....
    Everything today.  Woke up sleepy and everything annoyed me. Different schedule at work throws me off too.
    Substitute coming in my room interrupting me asking if teacher is next door. I don't effing know, go look yourself, lady!
    Coming all the way in my room irritated me for some reason, I don't even know her lol.

    Students asking me if I had something graded yet and attacking my desk like it was a french fry and they were a flock of seagulls .

    Calling insurance and breastpump people. Got somewhere, but still need to make calls tomorrow. 
    Husband not calling anyone on today, his day off and looking at me like while I'm making insurance call like "what's for dinner?"
    I was going to lose it. Doesn't want leftovers and expects me to do something about it. He made himself a grilled cheese.
    It's time for bed.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • jennas312jennas312 member
    edited February 2017
    email2ash said:
    So my BIL who lives in CA got engaged last Thursday. Yay we are so happy and love future SIL!

    Yesterday BIL calls husband and says wedding is in late May... Surprise! Then wanted to know why I wouldn't be able to fly or drive cross country a few weeks before my due date. Seriously??

    Oh and icing on the cake, it's Mother's Day weekend. 
    Shotgun? Tell them to wait until summer lol
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @jennas312 we arnt sure why there is a rush but their cousin has a destination wedding on Labor Day with a lot of the same people going, so I think they are trying not to crowd their wedding. Ugh!
  • @kyreno11 that's exactly what I plan on doing. I feel bad and am truly sorry I can't go. Luckily the shower is going to be close by so my mom and I are going to go in on a really nice present for her. I still feel terrible though. I told her I needed to ask the midwives first, but I already know what they will say and my gut says definitely no:( 
  • I went to my in-network lab for a blood test in December and they then sent it to an out-of-network lab without letting me know. I just got the bill today. They want $550 of what my insurance did not cover. It double sucks because I then went to a follow-up blood test a month ago so I am assuming that is out-of-network too. I am fighting it, but not sure if I will win. $1100 yesterday for a water heater and another $1100 this if I do have to pay this. That is a month's pay for me!

  • I know it's Wed now but I am still gonna b*tch.  My DD's preschool had one lice case yesterday.  EWWWW!  Pregnancy is NOT a good time to have to deal with lice so I'm praying she doesn't get it.  Probably won't, but I'm still stressing out and itching now just thinking about it.
    MC Sept 2010
    BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
    TTC again since July 2014
    First IUI 9/26/16:  BFP!
    EDD 6/19/2017
    It's a girl!
    Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
  • @kdanjou put a couple drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo bottles. Lice hate it. And back when I nannied one of the families I worked for had lice, all four of them. Before going to work each day I put my hair in a really tight bun and hairsprayed it into a helmet. Very unattractive but I did not get any, even though I had to clean their house pick their nits and cuddle the kids on their furniture. I really hope you don't catch any, such a yucky feeling. 
  • @kdanjou put a couple drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo bottles. Lice hate it. And back when I nannied one of the families I worked for had lice, all four of them. Before going to work each day I put my hair in a really tight bun and hairsprayed it into a helmet. Very unattractive but I did not get any, even though I had to clean their house pick their nits and cuddle the kids on their furniture. I really hope you don't catch any, such a yucky feeling. 
    This. My little sister had lice three times as a child, and I was the lucky one to treat it. Tea tree oil in my shampoo, a couple drops in my hair and rubbed around my hairline, and I have never had any. Lice love dark places, so be extra vigilant with your scalp on the back of your head/neck.
  • Paul Mitchell also makes a tea tree oil shampoo/conditioner, we use it to keep lice and ticks at bay. I also reinforce with tea tree oil. 
  • kdanjou said:
    I know it's Wed now but I am still gonna b*tch.  My DD's preschool had one lice case yesterday.  EWWWW!  Pregnancy is NOT a good time to have to deal with lice so I'm praying she doesn't get it.  Probably won't, but I'm still stressing out and itching now just thinking about it.
    Gak.  DS2's preschool room has a "Illnesses this week in Preschool" list posted outside the door.  This week's includes Lice, Chicken Pox, and Mystery Intestinal Sickness.    :s
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • So far we are clean so hopefully that one kid stays home and no more cases show up.  I bought some tea tree shampoo like you all suggested.  The kids actually have spring break the next week and a half so if we can get through Friday with no little hitchhikers we will be in the clear.
    MC Sept 2010
    BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
    TTC again since July 2014
    First IUI 9/26/16:  BFP!
    EDD 6/19/2017
    It's a girl!
    Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
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