September 2017 Moms

Monday Ticker Change | 20 Feb

If your due date falls on a Monday - 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, or 9/25, this is the check-in for you!

****PSA**** my due date has changed to Sunday the 24th, so someone else needs to take this over for next week and beyond. Thanks!

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Upcoming appointments this week? 

Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 


GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?

TTGP history (*TW*):

Started TTC Oct 2015
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

Re: Monday Ticker Change | 20 Feb

  • How far along are you? 
    10 weeks
    How big is baby? 
    A strawberry or a lego man or a green olive (can you tell i have many pregnancy apps?  :D )
    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    No, but I have an ultrasound next Monday
    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    Last week my nausea reached a point where I couldn't stand it any more, so my OB put me on Diclegis and it has helped tremendously! I still get nauseated in the mornings and slightly dizzy, but it's much more tolerable. I think I have the beginnings of a yeast infection, FX that my body heals itself. Anyone else have one yet?
    Many many food aversions, and no cravings yet.
    I didn't realize how much I would love telling people I'm pregnant. I was working nursery at church yesterday, and I told one of the ladies that I might not be in as often depending on how I feel, and she got so excited for me she started to cry. She knew how long we had been struggling to get pregnant and had been praying for me. So sweet it made me tear up!
    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?
    So this is probably lame, but I eat cereal and watch Vampire Diaries on Saturday mornings before DH gets up...

    @BigBadWolf12 I can take over starting this thread  :)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Totally lurking because I'm a Friday ticker change BUT @mrsmgsee I LOVE vampire diaries!!!!!! Totally not lame lol!!
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  • How far along are you? 
    12 weeks :) 

    How big is baby? 
    Plum sized 

    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    I have an appointment on Friday. Not sure when my next ultrasound will be. 

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    I am eating everything since the morning sickness has faded. I've had headaches just about everyday. The girls at my work came down with a bug and now I have it. I've have had the worst sore throats and white patches in my throat. I have been gargling an abundance of salt water. 

    I'm just tired of feeling like butt. 

    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?
    I really love playing video games. 
  • How far along are you? 
    12 weeks
    How big is baby? 
    A lime I think
    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    No.... unless I switch OBs I like the doc okay but the nurses and office staff are awful
    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    STILL SICK and I'm super bloated so I'm in maturity pants already. Embarrassing but none of my pants fit and these are SO COMFY I'm in love 
    My boobs were hurting last night and they were swollen so my grandma told me to put a cabbage in the fridge and then put the leaves on my boob. Lord that felt good lol it was like the perfect temperature ice pack and it helped so much even today!
    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?
     Cabbage leaves lol no I hate exercising but I love to pole dance lol and it's such a good work out! I can't now though im afraid of falling when I go upside down or something 
  • homemakermamahomemakermama member
    edited February 2017
    How far along are you? 
    12 weeks 
    How big is baby? 
    A plum
    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    Yes, Wednesday and I believe I am getting another scan, fingers crossed anyways. 
    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    I stopped feeling nauseous about a week ago but this morning I did get sick making my older kids breakfast, but I still have all the food aversions. 
    More like a TMI warning haha. I just have to say EW at all the extra discharge it was like overnight 
    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?
    I will say cheesecake I love it. I not sure if it's a guilty pleasure though haha cause I never feel guilty after. 

    *ETA- I didn't really realize that my R/R/Q could have been better under symptoms until now haha. Oh well. 
                                                             Met DH 2008-engaged 8/10/2011-married 7/21/12 
                                              DD1 born on her due date 05/01/2012 7lbs12oz and 19 3/4 inches long
                                                     DD2 born 12/07/2013 @ 39w6d 8lbs15oz 20 3/4 inches long
                                                          #3 EDD 09/27/2015 ~ we are going for a HOME birth!

  • Lurking to say, @Msashley2010 if you have white patches in your throat, you should definitely go to the doctor. It could be strep throat, which can infect your kidneys if left untreated.

  • @amandarene112 Thank you! At first I wasn't going to go but SO is really concerned. I've never had strep before and had no idea it could affect my kidneys. I'll probably end up going to urgent care today since I'm off work. 
  • How far along are you?
    12 weeks today 

    How big is baby?
    a plum

    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    None my next will be the 28

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    Nausea for the most part is gone thankfully! I'm craving a hot coffee with lots of Carmel..I've never liked hot coffee 

    I'm already having trouble sleeping that didn't start until I was big and couldn't sleep on my belly with my daughter. 

    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?
    Any kind of sweets
  • How far along are you? 

    How big is baby? 

    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    A week from Tuesday for NT scan and blood stuff

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    I had a sharp chest pain this morning and some tightness when I inhaled so keeping an eye on that!! Cravings and aversions are kind of waning...depends on the day.

    DD is boycotting her nap today which sucks cuz she's going to miss it tomorrow when we travel back to TX from CO so she might be a bear! Rave...she saw snow yesterday for the first time and it was seriously the cutest darn thing ever. It's my favorite thing about having a child...seeing the newness and wonder of things through their eyes. 

    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure?
    I love watching The Bachelor on Tuesday afternoon when my DD naps! Only time I can squeeze it in...I also love (and greatly miss) my FaceTime wine lunches with my bff! We FT around lunch once a week and have wine and cheese lol...she's in CA and I'm in TX. It's our kid free "adult" time!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     #1: 8wks MMC 4/16
    #2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
  • Sorry y'all, I'm a little late to the game.  I'm learning that the few days before appointments are tough for me and I kind of go into hiding!

    How far along are you? 11 weeks (11+1 today!)

    How big is baby? lime

    Upcoming appointments this week? Had both OB and MFM appointments today!  Baby is looking great, measuring right on track, if not a little big, and NT scans show low risk of Downs...ANDDDDDD my MFM is pretty sure IT'S A GIRL!  Blood work will confirm 100% but she's pretty sure.  

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? Nothing new!  Waiting for my energy to get better!

    Rants/Raves/Questions?  IT'S A GIRL!  I am happy either way, I just want a healthy baby to bring home, but I think my daughter and God knew that my heart needs girl <3<3<3

    GTKY: What's your guilty pleasure? Hershey's Hugs and all the crappy TV
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • Breath_Easy92Breath_Easy92 member
    edited February 2017
    @sableeg YAY A GIRL! I'm so excited for you and I understand pre appointment anxiety  (Albeit a different a perspective) take all the time you need we will always be here when you return :) 

    edited words are hard
  • Thank you @Breath_Easy92 <3
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
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