We have a friend of DH's stopping by tomorrow morning for brunch, but other than that we have only planned to look for some new (used) furniture and to starting to clear out the closet of the guest room, which is slated to become LO's new room before the new baby arrives. Not very exciting!
As to favorite weekend activities, we are members of a local children's museum and also like to go to parks/be outside when the weather permits.
Tomorrow I have a newly preggo friend from my childhood, her boyfriend, and her stepdaughter coming over for dinner. Then Sunday and Monday are still up in the air. I'm really hoping to hit a park while SO is free (2 toddlers means 2 adults). Otherwise, I'm not really sure... I have a really hard time taking the kids anywhere because my son is barely 2 and is completely nonverbal/uses sign language to communicate. It's hard enough to keep up with 2 toddlers running in opposite directions, but when one is unable to communicate? It's just that much more of a challenge out and about.
We are in Budapest, Hungary for the long weekend! We are going to eat our way through this town as we find parks for LO to play at. Also, we are going to clap at everyone on the metro because we are a ham
It's insanely warm here for this time of year, so on Saturday, we went to the park. LO didn't like it at all, because it was a zoo! (Seriously, there was a LINE for the swings.) She ended up in the Kinderpack observing everything very seriously. Even her brothers couldn't coax her into playing. Saturday night was my first night ever away from her--she stayed with my in-laws overnight, so my stepson and I could go to Chicago to see Hamilton on Sunday. We got back so late last night that I should have just left her again, but I didn't have the heart to just have them send her to daycare this morning without seeing me. At least she got to cosleep with me. Chicago was a blast, and my stepson was the best companion. We had a great meal, walked around the loop and Millennium Park, and then finished with Hamilton--his first professional show! (Better than mine, which was Cats.)
The weather was awesome here too so we spent the weekend outdoors letting little explore all the leaves, grass, twigs, and dirt to her hearts content! It has felt like a looooong cooped up winter so this was pretty much heaven sitting in the sunshine! Plus we're all in the process of getting over colds so breathing fresh warm air felt great. She was so cute in her little shoes walking around.
I still love to baby wear so a standby favorite of ours is loading little up in her pack and taking hikes by the local river, having picnics, and playing at the park. We even did that all winter just to get OUT.
Well I had a random opportunity to go out last night with a friend to see David Duchovny. He's apparently in a band on tour, and it was so much fun. Other than that, I just tried to go on walks with LO. She loves to get outside and pick up leaves and sticks, even if it's cold and rainy.
Re: Weekend plans
As to favorite weekend activities, we are members of a local children's museum and also like to go to parks/be outside when the weather permits.
Saturday night was my first night ever away from her--she stayed with my in-laws overnight, so my stepson and I could go to Chicago to see Hamilton on Sunday.
We got back so late last night that I should have just left her again, but I didn't have the heart to just have them send her to daycare this morning without seeing me. At least she got to cosleep with me.
Chicago was a blast, and my stepson was the best companion. We had a great meal, walked around the loop and Millennium Park, and then finished with Hamilton--his first professional show! (Better than mine, which was Cats.)
I still love to baby wear so a standby favorite of ours is loading little up in her pack and taking hikes by the local river, having picnics, and playing at the park. We even did that all winter just to get OUT.