September 2017 Moms

UO Thursday 2/16

This board needs a little more energy today! Tell us your most unpopular opinions, and we probably won't snark on you too much. :wink:


Re: UO Thursday 2/16

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  • @jesigirli The college I work at has a cafeteria that serves packaged sandwiches and one day of the week is Nutella sandwiches. Makes me gag just to think about it. I do like Nutella with pretzels though.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I don't get the obsession with Big Bang Theory.  I'm a scientist, and I honestly just hate the show.  In the same vein, I hate having my parents and in-laws at our house later in the evening, because they *have* to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, which I also really don't like.  

    True story- I love tv.  I have a million tv shows I love to watch.  Just not those ones.
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • My UO is that I actually love pink girly outfits on babies.... not huge on all ruffles all the time, but I love me some pink and some girly details. Conflicted because I was a pretty tomboyish girl and I'm not about to force a certain gender/girly identity on a child who isn't interested... but while they're too young to have preferences I will have my all-pink outfits, thanks very much. Of course now that I have put this out into the internet the universe will make sure I have a boy (which would be wonderful too!). 
  • @zetega Along those same lines, I love buying super over the top clothes for other people's kids. I plan to dress my baby in simple onesies for as long as possible. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • It's because Beyoncé empowers a marginalized group of individuals plus she's a good entertainer. Lady Gaga and Adele are great, too.

    My UO: I have zero sympathy for parents who bitch about not being able to bring cupcakes in for their kid's birthday at daycare/school because of food allergies. My kid could literally die from a cupcake. I also don't like people who pretend they're allergic just because they're picky eaters. 
    I am a special needs teacher and let me tell you... if it doesn't have a nutrition box where I can cross off each allergy including cross contamination... I send it home!! I totally agree with you!
  • I think big, elaborate pregnancy announcements on social media are ridiculous and a bit AW-ish. I never shared my pregnancy on social media with DD and don't plan to do it this time, either.
  • @BookitBoo I agree.  If you can/ want to provide breast milk (I EP'd for almost a year), great.  If you can't do BM/ only want to FF, great.  For as long as your baby is fed, that is the only thing that matters. Full stop.
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • In first world countries (which most of us do live in first world countries, I'm assuming) the benefit is marginal at best.

    My problem is specifically with the aggressive "Breast is Best" campaign. It's detrimental to new mothers who choose to or are unable to breastfeed.It is not my job to try and inform mothers about the "best" way to feed their child when I have no idea of their medical history -- I'm not a doctor. No expectant mother is unaware of the purported benefits to breastfeeding and I wont ever #breastisbest and it makes me roll my eyes majorly at the women who choose to do so. 

    I'm all about normalizing breastfeeding. If you want to, and can do it, go for it! I'm going to support you and your right to breastfeed anywhere you want. But miss me with that "Breast is best" bull. 
  • @BookitBoo
    I get where you're coming from. Shaming is not ok towards any moms. However, I think the breast is best campaign started to reverse the detrimental opinion and lack of education on breastfeeding/breastmilk. There are many many many people, grandparents, and even doctors who are telling new moms their baby isn't eating enough because the volume is less than a typical formula baby, or that there are no benefits to breastmilk after six months, etc etc etc. There's so much false information out there that does hurt the normalization of breastfeeding. However, yes, a fed baby is the most important part and that decision does lie solely on the family raising that baby. 
    <><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><>
    <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
  • @sableeg Yes. And the first one ever to have twins. No one else has ever done that before. I totally get celebrating successful pregnancies after having a loss, I'm in that boat too, and woman to woman, I'm really happy for her. But the fertility goddess act was the definition of what I believe the kids are calling "extra" these days. 

  • @amandarene112 Did she have a loss?  I'm happy for her to have a healthy pregnancy, every mama deserves that.  I still want her to go away :)
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • @Becky012016 I'll admit to occasionally faking an allergy, but that's because I'm a vegetarian and a lot of restaurants are incredibly lazy over checking the ingredients in food. Or you have servers who don't understand that fish stock isn't vegetarian :expressionless: The fake gluten allergy people annoy me, especially since they're so inconsistent over it. "I feel so much better now that I'm avoiding gluten!" they say, as you watch them pile pasta salad onto their plate. 

    @sableeg iirc, Bey had a miscarriage a couple years before she had Blue Ivy. She talked about it in a documentary, but I don't remember the name. 

    I guess my UO is that I liked Bey's performance at the Grammys, mostly because I really appreciate it when people commit to an aesthetic. She obviously had a vision for her performance, and she made it happen. And since a lot of nasty people spread rumors that she faked her first pregnancy, I can understand why she would make an effort to show off her bump now. We've seen her entire stomach, that is definitely not a pillow! 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I'm shame to admit I don't know what iirc means @mightymcqueen !  A lot of people loved her performance!  I probably would have loved it if it were another artist.  I'm just anti-Bey for reasons I don't even really understand! Always disliked her, back to Destiny's Child days!
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • @sableeg iirc- if I recall correctly 

  • @sableeg iirc- if I recall correctly 
    Yes....? If you recall correctly what...?

    lol... just kidding....  >:)
  • I'm a day late to this, but I have a very traditional marriage and that always seems to be unusual to people. So I guess my UO is that more women should at least try it because you might be surprised that you like traditional roles.
    Me (29) + DH (34) = 4/25/06
    J (B) - 1/26/07 | L (G) 5/23/08 | F (B) 3/14/10 | E (G) 12/5/12 | A (G) 7/17/15 | #6 AND #7 (!) due 9/15/17

  • I'm a day late to this, but I have a very traditional marriage and that always seems to be unusual to people. So I guess my UO is that more women should at least try it because you might be surprised that you like traditional roles.
    I'm really curious about what your definition of traditional marriage is?  
    Me too! 
  • I'm a day late to this, but I have a very traditional marriage and that always seems to be unusual to people. So I guess my UO is that more women should at least try it because you might be surprised that you like traditional roles.
    I'm really curious about what your definition of traditional marriage is?  
    Me too! 
    I've always thought of 'traditional marriage' as 'one straight cisgendered woman married to one straight cisgendered man.' But since you say most people haven't tried it, I'm guessing you're adding additional criteria...? No two marriages are the same and different things make different people happy so you won't get any judgement from me. But by the time we are adults, most if us know ourselves well enough to know what kind of lifestyle would make us happy or miserable, without having to try 'em all on for size. My two cents.
  • Thank you @amandarene112 :kissing_heart:
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • I definitely won't judge I was just curious.
  • I don't know that anything is "traditional" anymore!  I took it to mean maybe the 1950's ideal of SAHM who cleans, raises the kids, has dinner on the table, etc.  I must be the "traditional" man in my marriage!  Since my husband works from home and takes amazing care of us, he does a lot of the cooking and laundry!
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • I'm pretty sure that she means her marriage is traditional in the sense that she and her H take on the traditional (Christian) gender roles. He as the breadwinner and her as the mother, caregiver, homemaker. Typically in these relationships, the man is the head and spiritual leader of the house. DH and I have some friends who practice the traditional marriage in the old school Christian sense (he's the breadwinner and head of the house). He's a pastor. Works really well for them. Wouldn't work for me, but there's nothing wrong with it. As long as everyone's happy and healthy. We just very much rely on my paycheck as I make more than DH. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • mrs_tacosmrs_tacos member
    edited February 2017
    I'm pretty sure that she means her marriage is traditional in the sense that she and her H take on the traditional (Christian) gender roles. He as the breadwinner and her as the mother, caregiver, homemaker. Typically in these relationships, the man is the head and spiritual leader of the house. DH and I have some friends who practice the traditional marriage in the old school Christian sense (he's the breadwinner and head of the house). He's a pastor. Works really well for them. Wouldn't work for me, but there's nothing wrong with it. As long as everyone's happy and healthy. We just very much rely on my paycheck as I make more than DH. 
    So, part of why I asked is that I grew up in a conservative Christian environment. My parents have a fairly traditional marriage, though my mom has worked at least part time most of my life because my dad is a prison chaplain in a state system, and that's not going to make anyone rich. 

    Then I met my in-laws, and to them, my parents marriage is far too "modern." My mother has equally say in their finances, and even makes most of the daily financial decisions. My mom doesn't cook every day, gives my dad chores to do on his days off, and does things like go on occasional weekend retreats and vacations with her sisters, which means my dad will have to cook and clean for himself. She voices opinions that differ from my fathers in front of us kids (even though he has the last say inmost things). They used birth control, and purposefully chose to only have two kids. The list goes on. My in-laws haven't said anything directly to me in years, but I'm sure, at the very least, they don't think my mother or I are submissive enough, and I know that they don't like that I went away to college, as they think young women should live under their father's roof until they get married. They're wonderful people, and I love them, but their idea of traditional marriage is just not something either my DH or I are interested in. 

    So I guess my whole point is, even traditional, Christian, cisgender marriage can mean different things to different people. 

  • Sorry I think I'm on a different time zone then a lot of you. I do mean traditional roles, like more 50s style. I have no problem with what other people choose, but I just find a lot of joy in my life and I have heard many comments about why I shouldn't feel joy. It makes me want others to try it and realize I'm not some prisoner who can never speak for herself.
    Me (29) + DH (34) = 4/25/06
    J (B) - 1/26/07 | L (G) 5/23/08 | F (B) 3/14/10 | E (G) 12/5/12 | A (G) 7/17/15 | #6 AND #7 (!) due 9/15/17

  • kelseyrayaykelseyrayay member
    edited February 2017
    And that is exactly why I was curious because it can mean so many different things.
    ETA:  there is no reason someone should tell you you shouldn't be happy in your marriage just because it's not their cup of tea. @kingfamilywife
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