I figured since it is Valentines Day and it is a day of love we could write about some things we are super thankful for today. Feel free to share your thankfulness here!
Married 12/17/2011
K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
Re: Thankful Tuesday Anyone? (2/14)
Now for a not so AWish Thankful Tuesday.... it is raining and gross outside and I am very thankful that my "commute" to work does not involve leaving the house, and that I am able to spend my work days with my dog.
I am thankful for my work and my team that I love.
I am thankful for our families who support us in our decisions and celebrate our wins with us... and for trying not to make TOO big a deal when one of our choices doesn't turn out for the best.
I am thankful for hitting V DAY on VD!!
I am thankful for my husband, who supports us while I do the SAHM thing and puts up with my quirks.
I am thankful for my first daughter who fills my life with laughter and silliness.
I am thankful for this new baby and how she will bring even more joy and love to our lives.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
I'm thankful for my husband putting up with my crazy hormones.
I'm thankful my 5 and 8 year old will still snuggle with me.
I'm thankful for donuts. Holy crap I love donuts.
I'm so incredibly thankful for DH...he really keeps me sane and always makes me laugh (even when I want to strangle him).
I'm also very thankful for our expecting mother, as she's so excited to make us parents. She's been wonderful to get to know over the last month or so, and I look forward to seeing our relationship grow throughout the years.
He also does little thoughtful things, like bringing each girl their favorite snack and has it ready for them in the car when he picks them up, he just always thinks about us in little ways.
I'm thankful for my children. They're each special in their own way. My youngest always has the perfectly timed leg hug and 'lub you, momma.' My middle is the sweetest and cares so much about her sisters. My oldest is my first baby, but she's such a great, caring girl.
I'm thankful for our home, our health, my job, etc.
ETA - sorry about the pic size. Mobile bumping.
I am thankful for belly bands and maternity pants.
I am thankful that we are halfway into February and we have not had any puking or fevers this winter yet (oh God, please don't jinx me).
I am thankful my mom is ordering us a heart pizza tonight so I don't have to think about dinner.
I am thankful for school v-day parties so I get to leave work early today.
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016
Thankful for my husband who convinced his work to let him work second shift. Its a huge sacrifice but he gets more time with our son and we can pull him out of daycare. He started second shift last night.
Thankful for my sweet little boy who lights up my life. And thankful to be pregnant again and feeling great so far.
I am thankful for an amazing set of ILs. Most people complain about theirs, but mine are so helpful. When I was so sick after having DD and DH was running back and forth to the NICU to take care of her, MIL took care of me without hesitation. From tying my shoes, cleaning my floors, cooking, and doing laundry that probably resembled a murder scene. FIL is always working on projects around the house with DH and teaching us things as he goes.
I am thankful for my job. I truly love teaching math and although we have our rough days, the kids and their families are pretty amazing.
Finally, I am thankful for DD and future DS. I was always terrified that my medical issues might prevent me from being a mother and they both have made that dream come true. DD is so special and I learn something about or from her everyday. She is also really funny and makes me smile.
I'm thankful for having the support of my loved ones, especially my mom.
I'm thankful that so far the unsolicited belly touching has been light. I really hate it but also really hate confrontation and having to stick up for myself. I basically imagine worst case scenario for most social situations so I imagine me telling someone they can't touch my belly and them getting really upset, even though in truth the couple people I've had to ask not to touch have been totally chill.
I'm thankful for my sister for keeping me updated the entire day since I live out of state and couldn't be there in person.
I'm thankful for my Dad for attempting to be good at updating me, but failing miserably (tells me an hour after she goes in and 56 mins after my sister text me that she went in, that they took her in.)
I'm thankful for DH who puts up with this crazy pregnant woman who only has two moods: giggling or irate, with no complaints. He tells me every day that I'm beautiful even though, let's be honest, I've looked way better. He makes me dinner, does the laundry, vacuums, and lets me relax every day after work. I'm normally his rock, the ever positive one of the couple, and during this whole growing a baby thing it's switched and he has filled my shoes seamlessly.
I'm thankful to have a bestie only ten weeks ahead of me that I can text and say things like, I just puked and the entire time all I could think about was how it better stop soon bc I have to pee, and know that she totally gets it.
K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
I'm thankful that DH shows his love for me like every day is Valentine's Day! I'm thankful our daughter will have our example of love and marriage to witness. I hope this helps her have healthy relationships and partnerships of her own.
I'm thankful for my wonderful group of girl friends and that we get to celebrate Galentines Day together this weekend!
Lately, I've been thankful for baked goods and ice cold milk!
@berg I hope your mother has a quick and easy recovery!
Me: 34 DH: 35
Married: July 2009
BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC DS born August 2013
Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
First IUI: 9/17/16 BFP: 9/30/16 EDD: 6/11/17
On a lighter note, I am so thankful for sweatpants.
BFP #1 6/13 DD 3/14
Mirena 10/14-5/16
BFP #2 9/2/16, CP confirmed 9/8/16
BFP #3 10/10/16 EDD 6/22/17
I am thankful for DH who picked up dinner tonight so I didn't have to cook (my one request other than wanting a card on Valentines Day, my birthday and our anniversary). I am thankful he puts up with my emotional ups and downs and has been my rock through life but especially through our rollercoaster of the last few weeks.
I am thankful for baby kicks.
I am thankful for my job, my family, food to eat, having a roof over our head and heat to keep us warm.
Lastly, (and I am sure I am forgetting things) I am thankful that my co-workers didn't eat all the funfetti cupcakes I made and brought to work today, because they are delicious and I just had one for dessert
Always thankfuk for DH. I love him so.
Thankful for DS and his typical development. There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not conscious of how lucky we are. As a Ped OT I work with kids and families who are shattered for their little ones development or diagnosis. I'm so beyond thankful DS is just right on track. It's seriously the biggest blessing to have a happy, healthy, typically developing child.
Thankful for my parents and in laws. Both sides are always available to help us out with anything. MIL told me last weekend they're buying us our double stroller. She may drive me batty sometimes, but I remind myself how crazy lucky I am to have her. She's always there to help and check in on us.
DH: 29
DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017