September 2017 Moms

Two U.S. bills that could impact IVF and surrogacy - please read!

Hi guys,
I'm cross posting from TTGP.
"Hello all,

If the personhood bills are your jam, I respect your religion and your right to your opinion, but you might want to skip this thread. 

I attended a local civic fair today to learn some things about my community and meet my legislators. My local chapter of was there and I talked for some time with the organizer (who had her beautiful daughter through surrogacy). There is an advocacy day on May 18 and I may head to DC with them, or at least help in some way. In the meantime, they gave me information on what we can do to STOP two bills (H.R. 586 and H.R. 681) that aim to undermine access to safe and reliable infertility medical treatments.

Essentially - the way these bills are worded will pretty much outlaw IVF and surrogacy. Once sperm meets egg, it would be illegal to do absolutely anything to the embryo, including transfer, genetic testing, ICSI, and disposal of unused embryos. **THESE BILLS HAVE LEGS. In the past, it was almost a given they would die in sub-committee, but not in our current situation. 

Look up your representative ( and CALL IN, EMAIL, or WRITE this letter:"

Dear Rep,

I am your constituent and I care about (OR: I AM ONE OF) the 7.3 million people (NSFG, CDC) living with infertility. I urge you to oppose H.R. 586 and H.R. 681, "To provide that human life shall be deemed to begin with fertilization." These bills have dangerous unintended consequences that will interfere with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and make it harder for any American who struggles to have a child gain access to safe and effective medical treatment. Today, 1 out of every 100 births in the U.S. is from assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF. 

By equating microscopic embryos with born human beings, H.R. 586 and H.R. 681 have implications that pose a serious threat to infertility treatment. If microscopic fertilized eggs/embryos are deemed as human life, anything that puts and embryo at risk could be a violation of the law, even if its goal is the undeniable social good of helping someone have a baby. 

It is unclear at this time precisely which assisted reproduction technology (ART) procedures would be deemed illegal because of their possible risks to an embryo, but we believe the legal uncertainties stemming from the proposed bill would make it difficult or impossible for fertility doctors to treat patients at all using ART. This law would also drastically change the practice of cryopreservation (freezing of embryos not currently needed for treatment) in ways that would drastically reduce patients' options and could even pit embryos against their own progenitors. Cancer patients rely upon embryo cryopreservation to preserve their fertility before cancer treatments.

H.R 586 and H.R. 681 would prevent couples from being able to have families. I urge you to show that you are pro-family, and vote against H.R. 586 and H.R. 681.

For more information, please contact RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association at

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Me: 35 | DH: 38
Met: 2007
Married: 2013

BFP #1: 06/21/16                MMC: 08/04/16
BFP #2: 01/08/17             DD: 09/23/17 <3
BFP #3: 06/10/20             EDD: 02/11/2021

Re: Two U.S. bills that could impact IVF and surrogacy - please read!

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