September 2017 Moms

Monday Ticker | 13 February

If your due date falls on a Monday - 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, or 9/25, this is the check-in for you!

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Upcoming appointments this week? 

Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 


GTKY: Any springtime traditions?

TTGP history (*TW*):

Started TTC Oct 2015
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

Re: Monday Ticker | 13 February

  • How far along are you? 8 weeks. I feel so good about that and then remember some of you are already at 11 :D

    How big is baby? Raspberry

    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    Yes!!! U/s on Wednesday. Couldn't be more excited or nervous :o

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? nausea comes and goes, super tired all the time, bloated, food aversion

    Rants/Raves/Questions?  I woke up feeling normal and it freaked me out..I think this u/s is coming at a good time.

    GTKY: Any springtime traditions?
    not much.. it doesn't help that the main spring holiday for me (Easter) happens at a different time each could be a snow blizzard or a warm spring day..

    TTGP history (*TW*):

    Started TTC Oct 2015
    BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
    Re-started TTC Aug 2016
    Started IF testing Nov 2016
    Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
    BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

  • How far along are you? 11 weeks 

    How big is baby? Lime :) 

    Upcoming appointments this week? None til the 24th 

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? It's pretty much all of the same symptoms coming and going. Headaches, fatigue, backne, soooo emotional. The nausea has started to wane only to be replaced by heartburn. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions?  Now that the nausea has subsided I cannot stop stuffing my face!!! Lol 

    GTKY: Any springtime traditions? Bathing suit shopping! This year is going to be quite different though lol. 
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  • How far along are you? 
    9 weeks
    How big is baby? 
    a pecan
    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    not til the end of the month
    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    nausea really picked up this last week, so I'm hoping it wanes a bit this week. My back has started to ache on and off.
    Not pregnancy related, but I'm almost out of data and I still have 11 days til I get more  :s Here's to hoping DH lets me steal his.
    GTKY: Any springtime traditions?
    Planting a garden. We just moved into our first home, so this is our first time we get to have a large garden.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 9w

    How big is baby? Cherry

    Upcoming appointments this week? Not til 2/28 but trying to get in today or tomorrow for a peace of mind check before I take a week long trip on Wed. 

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? Symptoms have come and gone...I changed up taking my prenatals from AM to PM and ended up tossing and turning and getting headaches while sleeping last night...not cool. Might go back to taking them in the morning. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions?  Hate the come and go's freaking out my pgal brain. I want to tell my dad/stepmom/sibs this week in person so I really need that heartbeat check for peace of mind before I tell them!!

    GTKY: Any springtime traditions? Easter bunny! My grandma used to leave a trail of jelly beans or eggs etc from my room to my Easter basket so I continued the tradition with my DD last year. She's 2.5 so this year will be even more fun! Last year we let her do a hunt in the yard with empty plastic eggs...pretty sure I need to fill them this time as she's clued in lol

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     #1: 8wks MMC 4/16
    #2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
  • How far along are you? 10 weeks!

    How big is baby? Sweet Strawberry :)

    Upcoming appointments this week? Nothing this week, and then next week I see all of the doctors!

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? Ugh acne.  All.  Over.  Last night I really wanted Hamburger Helper, but the thought of ground beef made me sick. :lol:

    Rants/Raves/Questions?  Nada

    GTKY: Any springtime traditions? Our anniversary is March 22 so we always do a trip in the spring!  This year we are keeping it simple and going to Galveston, TX for a few days.  I am not traveling during this pregnancy, so I 4-5 hour car trip is my max :)
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • @sableeg wave at me when you drive by lol...I'm about 30 mins north on 45 from Galveston!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     #1: 8wks MMC 4/16
    #2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
  • Sorry I've been MIA lately between my anxiety and my grandma dying life got the best of me and I felt like it was best for me just to stay off the internet. I'm back though! Feeling more relaxed now :)

    How far along are you? 
    11 weeks - thank God I need this second trimester to come! This first one has just been terrible.

    How big is baby? 
    A lime? I think lol I'm not real up on that 
    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    Tomorrow we get to hear the heartbeat again :) I can't wait I'm so excited!  I'm also getting some blood work that tells us boy or girl (among other things) I'll find out the 21st the results will be back.
    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? 
    Craving pineapple alllllll the time! Morning sickness is improving in the morning but still bad at night. I threw up all Saturday night ugh. Boobs are hurting a little less too so that's cool and I'm getting a little better with smells. Also I'm so tired! Like tired to the point I'm dumb during the day I look at my patients charts forever because I think so slow I feel like I'm in a fog. Any one else having this?
    Just if any one else is feeling super foggy in their thinking and if anyone has any hydration tips? Water makes me SO sick 
    GTKY: Any springtime traditions?
    Does my birthday count? Haha other than that I don't know most of our traditions we're with my grandma so I guess we will have to make new ones.
  • How far along are you? 11 weeks :)

    How big is baby? Lime

    Upcoming appointments this week? Nope, but 2 next week.

    Any new symptoms, changes, or cravings? Carbs all day, every day. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions?  I'm so over gagging and coughing, I really hope this acid reflux subsides after the first tri. 

    GTKY: Any springtime traditions? Usually we take a beach trip, but can't go due to Zika this year. 
  • Welcome back @Breath_Easy92 !  I'm sorry for your loss <3
    Married to David 3/22/14
    <3o:) Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 o:)<3
    Started TTC again October 2016
    BFP on 1/6/17!
  • @sableeg thank you, it's been rough but it's getting better.  It was my first funeral/close family death... I work at a hospital so I'm around dying people often but it was a very different experience from this side. 
  • *Lurker*
    @Breath_Easy92 so sorry for your loss. Glad you're back and feeling more relaxed. 
    Together 2007 | Married 2011 | Me: 36 | DH: 38
    Adopted Furbaby: 2014
    TTC#1 : 1/2016 | IUI #2 - BFP 12/24/16 -- born 9/8/17
    TTC#2: 11/2019 | Dx DOR (AMH 0.3), AMA
    IUI #2 - BFP 7/1/20 -- EDD 3/14/21
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