May 2017 Moms

Weekend Ticker Change

I didn't think I saw one yet...hopefully it will work on my phone. That's why I typically don't start them, that and our internet sucks at home so I never know if anything will we go! Oh, and I stole it from another ticker change lol lazy

How far along are you

How big is baby

Any appointments this week




GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done?

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin

Re: Weekend Ticker Change

  • How far along are you? 26 weeks 

    How big is baby? For H, a pair of work or a size of a big gulp cup

    Any appointments this week? Nope

    Symptoms? Achy and feeling full all the time. 

    Cravings? Not really...

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Tired of the buying a house process. In the last stages though so fingers crossed it all works out! H was so sweet and sent me a text the day it was really rough and said thank you for all you do growing a baby house stuff and taking care of us. So sweet :) and I know last week I mentioned. Or feeling baby much, oh man have a felt him this weekend! Probably because I've been able to relax and lay around a bit. H finally got to feel him, too, without doubting it! 

    GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done? Our first Valentine's Day together he set up dinner outside at his ah at house and had his cousins serve us. There were cut out hearts leading to the backyard that was all decked out. It was super cute and romantic. He usually gets up early now and decorates my car or leaves flowers and chocolates out. <3 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
  • How far along are you? 26 weeks (less than 100 days, eeeeek!)

    How big is baby? butternut squash or a bowling pin

    Any appointments this week? No.

    Symptoms? Another UTI, this one worse than the last. Afraid nausea might be creeping back in. Sore nipples. 

    Cravings? Everything! Watching TV is dangerous because I want everything I see. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Yesterday was a tough day pregnancy wise. Just felt so uncomfortable and big. 

    GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done?
    I was having a terrible morning one day. By the time I got to the office I was already feeling defeated. About an hour later my coworker walked in with a dozen white roses, my favorite flowers. There was a note from H telling me that everything would pass and that he loved me!

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  • How far along are you? 25 weeks

    How big is baby? Cauliflower 

    Any appointments this week? Not this week, but I do need to go get my GD test done

    Symptoms? Had a couple boughts of nausea and vomiting episodes the last two days and I feel like baby is physically bigger 

    Cravings? Pancakes and my mother's chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave- Just super excited for V day! I did a really cute craft with DD and can't wait to give it to DH

    GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done? He made me a ceramic turtle box as an engagement present when we were both basically homeless and knew we wanted to get married

  • How far along are you
    ? 25 weeks (yesterday)

    How big is baby? Prairie dog/baseball glove, such weird things 

    Any appointments this week? Had a follow up with my GI doctor, and they said it is most definitely acid reflux pain that I've been feeling, and gave me another medication to take. No OB appts until the 28th

    Symptoms? Acid reflux like hell, lots of movement, feeling uncomfortable, back pain. 

    Cravings? Salami, orange juice. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going by. May will be here before I know it. 

    GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done? It was our proposal story. It was Christmas and I had asked for an upgrade of my diamond earrings. He surprised me with a scavenger hunt to get my present. The clues were glass ornaments and the final clue was a white ornament I had to smash to see what it said. The last clue was also at a gazebo in our town which was decorated with Christmas lights. He was on his knee and I was crying like a baby. 
  • @Jen_Shoes oh my gosh! I forgot about the acid reflux I've been having! Horrible! I broke down and bought tums and I hate tums!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
  • @BabyMC517 it is seriously horrendous. It's daily and I just realized the only position that I feel relief is lying flat on my back and I can't do that at work obviously. Makes me not want to eat because it hurts so bad!
  • Thanks @BabyMC517 I was going to post this quick this am and was about to hit new discussion when I figured I should refresh the page real quick!
    @Jen_Shoes That's how bad mine was before I got some good medication! I was in pain and nauseous because I needed to eat, but didn't want to because then I'd be in so much pain I would cry.
    How far along are you? 25 weeks!

    How big is baby? Cauliflower. yuck.

    Any appointments this week? Nope.

    Symptoms? I've been feeling nauseous again, and my snowpants are getting tighter.

    Cravings? OJ, give me the OJ! And green apples.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I think I forgot this last week, but H finally felt some kicks. Also, I think baby has been flipping every now and then. It feels like something is scooping something out of me and makes my stomach drop. OOF.

    GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done? One instance doesn't stand out to me. For our first Christmas, he made me an extra long warm blanket and once I said it would be cool to receive a live flower or plant instead of roses on a day that roses would be expected and he randomly brought me home a beautiful flowering plant he picked out himself (sadly, it may be currently dying).
  • @jen_shoes yuck! Laying on my left side seems to help me. When it's really bad or I known I'm going to war skemthing that might cause it I take a Zantac. I take omeprazole (generic for Prilosec) every morning and read that some people have to take Zantac at night when it gets bad. I don't want to take too much Zantac so I thought I'd give the tums a try...I got mint ones but haven't had to try them yet today. 

    No provlem @absbubbs I meant to do it yesterday br forgot and then when I got on this morning I notice there still wasn't one lol 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin

  • How far along are you? 29 weeks

    How big is baby? An acorn squash

    Any appointments this week? Nothing

    Symptoms? Heartburn and rib pain are still top. 
    @jen_shoes I frequently lay down in a hiding spot after my students leave. Usually behind a table. Some days I just CANNOT sit up by that point it's so bad. Anywhere you can hide? I've been caught once by my boss and she just kinda laughed and said "whatever works"

    Cravings? Waffles

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Strangely my belly seems to have shrunk the past few days. I can see my feet again. Not sure why. Not concerned as baby is still moving a ton but weird to feel smaller

    GTKY: Continuing the spirit of Valentine's, what's the most romantic thing your SO has done?
    Definitely the way he proposed. He did it at Atlantis and had a dolphin bring me my ring. Was semi-expecting the proposal but Didn't expect that level at all 
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • @BabyMC517 I started the generic for Zantac yesterday, and it seems to have helped today, which is fantastic!

    @sarah0985 unfortunately there's no where to lie down at work, other than the carpet and they're filthy, so that's a hard no. I'm crossing my fingers that adding Zantac is the key to get me through the rest of my pregnancy
  • Maybe try papaya enzymes for heartburn relief. It really helps me, but it might not be strong enough for some
  • @Jen_Shoes I forgot to mention that you may want to try, if you haven't already, saltines and sprite/7up. That tends to help me when I'm feeling acidic! Glad you're feeling a little bit better! :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
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