Baby Names

MN for Shiloh, MN for Roger

DH and I are planning to TTC this summer. I've posted here before, but we have new top contenders. 

For girl, we've agreed on Shiloh, but are uncertain of a middle name. Looking for something a little more classic. 

For a boy, one of our top contenders is Roger, after my grandpa who has passed. Totally unsure about a middle name.

DD is Ainsley Odette

Re: MN for Shiloh, MN for Roger

  • Shiloh Ruth
    Shiloh Joy
    Shiloh Elaine
    Shiloh Irene
    Shiloh Jean
    Shiloh Diane
    Shiloh Virginia
    Shiloh Isolde

    Roger Samuel
    Roger Albert
    Roger Edward
    Roger Charles
    Roger Daniel
    Roger Drake
    Roger Jacob
  • Shiloh Eleanor
    Shiloh Grace
    Shiloh Daphne
    Shiloh Juliet
    Shiloh Marie
    Shiloh Elizabeth

    Roger Matthew
    Roger Paul
    Roger Owen
    Roger Elliot
    Roger Isaiah 
    Roger Liam
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
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  • Thanks ladies! I love the suggestions of Roger Elliot and Roger Samuel, as well as Shiloh Jean and Shiloh Juliet. Adding those to the list! :) 
  • Just thought of Shiloh Jeanette too. Matches your daughter without being ridiculous i think. Jeanette means god is gracious.
  • My sister is Shiloh Ryan. 

    Shiloh Marie
    Shiloh Diane
    Shiloh Sienna
    Shiloh Noelle
    Shiloh Eloise
    Shiloh Annalise
    Shiloh Beatrice
    Shiloh Amelia

    Roger David
    Roger Silas
    Roger Michael
    Roger Paul
    Roger James
    Roger Atlas
    Roger Alexander
    Roger Arlo
    Roger Henry
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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