This is my second time around this birthing bit. The first time with my son, I had terrible round ligament pain. This time I feel like I'm incredibly hyper-aware of where my uterus is sitting in my body at all times. Like, if I lay on my sides it bothers me because I can feel the ligaments stretching and my uterus moving. By far the weirdest experience of this pregnancy so far.
Surely I can't be the only one who's been experiencing weird stuff like this lol.
Re: Odd things I've noticed
I can't lay on my back. I feel like I'm running out of oxygen with the "weight" of the baby on my lower spine. This was a common theme at the end of my first pregnancy. I'm pretty sure it's all in my head, but I actually feel short of breath. Also, my boobs look and feel as if I'm breastfeeding - sensitive, full, tender. If anything sweeps over my nipples, I feel nauseous. That didn't start before until my milk came in and the breastfeeding hormones calmed the eff down, not early first pregnancy.
It's as if my body remembers being pregnant and breastfeeding, and it's like, "Yes! I'm doing it ALL right now, not even 9 weeks in!!".
I'm sure I'm going to be able to tell for sure when it's actually baby, I'll never forget the first kick with DS, it felt like popcorn popping!