September 2017 Moms

Odd things I've noticed

This is my second time around this birthing bit. The first time with my son, I had terrible round ligament pain. This time I feel like I'm incredibly hyper-aware of where my uterus is sitting in my body at all times. Like, if I lay on my sides it bothers me because I can feel the ligaments stretching and my uterus moving. By far the weirdest experience of this pregnancy so far. 

Surely I can't be the only one who's been experiencing weird stuff like this lol. 

Re: Odd things I've noticed

  • I can't feel my uterus move, but everything in my pelvic area feels very squished, especially when I lay or bend at certain angles. And I'm sure the constipation makes it worse.

  • sugarrushsugarrush member
    edited February 2017
    @maddisonwallace I am with you.  I don't know if I was more focused on the nausea/vomiting the first time around that I didn't realize what was going on down in my abdomen, but this time I am feeling the weirdest shit (for lack of better word), especially when laying down and switching laying on my sides.  In my mind its playing out like a lava lamp with the goop moving one end to the other.  So weird!
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  • I've noticed RLP in the opposite side I'm laying on, like my uterus is being pulled. If I'm laying on my right I feel it on the left and vice versa. It's weird. i definitely didn't notice it this early last time. Maybe because I've been pregnant before so I know how it feels? I'm also feeling these super light gas like flutters in the very center right behind the pubic bone, same place every time, at least once or twice a day. I'm telling myself it's gotta be gas because we're only 9+4 and there's no way it's baby flutters. One time it happened a few minutes after I drank some cold milk which is when DS would always kick... its just so strange!!! And no gas follows.... It's probably muscle twitches or something. Muscle twitches or stretching or gas. Pregnancy is weird. 

    I'm sure I'm going to be able to tell for sure when it's actually baby, I'll never forget the first kick with DS, it felt like popcorn popping! 
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