I'll go first. I wasn't really able to BF my first child but I'm doing well this time around. I am curious to what happens once you 'maintain' your supply and baby starts sleeping through the night. Since you have to feed every 2-3 hours for the first 6-8 weeks....will you truly keep making plenty of milk if you let baby sleep 6 hours? I feel paranoid that my milk production will dwindle. TIA
I don't think so on the first, cause your body will also change with baby's eating habits. So when they start slowing down on the feeding, your body will make milk when it knows it's time to feed. Also pumping before bed helped me with my son. He also slept with us after 4 months so if he wanted to feed I was right there, that might have made some difference. My daughter sleeps in her own bed, so I get up to feed her. I really don't want to get her used to sleeping with us, if I can avoid it lol as for baby acne, my sons doctor told me just to wash it in the bath and otherwise it was okay. He had it bad. DD doesn't have it terrible but she has a couple bigger pimples. DS always had his go away rather quickly
We're BF and DD will do longer stretches at night. When she does wake up, I'm pretty engorged so I just make sure she empties both sides. It's been working well and I don't have a supply issue at all. I also take BFing supplements to help keep my supply up so that might help too.
For the baby acne, I just put a little breast milk on the spots and it's gone pretty quickly. The stuff is magic. Lol
DD1: EDD 12/21/11 - Born 11/24/11 at 36w1d DD2: EDD 1/16/17 - Born 1/12/17 at 39w3d
I wondered about the BFing when it comes to longer sleep stretches at night. LO slept for a good 5 hour stretch last night and my boobs were so full, I had soaked through both breast, my night gown, and got on the bed.... lol. I loved the sleep, but holy milk it was messy. Lol... then LO only nursed one side before passing out again.
If my munchkin sleeps a long stretch and doesnt drain both sides before falling asleep again, I pump so that i dont wake up again completely full and leaky. Its kind of a pain because im so tired i just want to sleep, but i know jts good for my supply, building up my stash and my sanity!!
Anyone's LO suddenly not very interested in night feeding? Mine snacks enough to go back to sleep...a couple minutes...then he's out again and I can't wake him up to finish. Maybe he's ready to start sleeping long periods like 6 hours (crossing fingers). My poor boobs though. I don't pump anymore at night because I was getting an oversupply. (Like pumping 6 oz on one side and LO was drowning in milk).
Re: Stupid questions February
For the baby acne, I just put a little breast milk on the spots and it's gone pretty quickly. The stuff is magic. Lol
DD2: EDD 1/16/17 - Born 1/12/17 at 39w3d