We aren't big Valentine's Day people but we do have fun celebrating all the holidays in some way. Typically we just exchange something small and fun.
In a perfect dreamy world, I'd wake up to breakfast in bed and on the tray next to my mimosa would be a note and plane tickets. Something to the effect of, I made all the arrangements, pack your bag, we're headed to_____. And since I get to dream, let's say Bora Bora. Umbrella drinks, sun, sand, and lots of sex. Yep, perfection.
Real talk though, him doing the dishes, some sex, and 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep would make me almost as happy
@LDSJM123 Oooooh, I like yours, can I steal that fantasy? Lol. Really though, bring me a mocha in the morning and some flowers and a full night of sleep that night, I'd swoon. DH isn't really big on any holiday/occasion except Christmas though, so I don't expect anything. (Not in a bad way, I just know that's how he is and it's ok!) I'll probably make him pizza and get him some Vanilla Coke and let him play video games judgement free, because I love Valentines Day!
Married 6/1/13
BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
BFP #4 4/2015 MC 7/1/15
BFP #5 10/21/15 EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow!
DH hates "Hallmark holidays" so I'm usually left to my own devices on V Day. The way to my heart really is with food, so dinner at a nice restaurant and some flowers and I would be a happy girl. And an uninterrupted night of sleep. Always sleep. Always.
Growing up my dad always got us valentines. Little presents and a card with stickers in it. Even in high school he still did it. It always made me smile, even as a sullen teenager. I hope DH does something similar for the twins.
I grew up celebrating Valentine's Day because it's my parents anniversary. It was special for the whole family. But when they got divorced, vday became kinda sad for me. I don't usually like to do anything on the day because I hate crowds and going out to eat at a busy restaurant so we usually just cook a nice dinner and open a bottle of wine.
A perfect day for me would be sleeping in, waking up to pancakes and coffee in bed, then going brewery hoping all day.
we don't really celebrate Vday but we usually exchange cards and I get some chocolates Perfect Vday would be lots of pampering and staying in bed alll day where the hubs cook and takes care of everything. i also wouldn't mind a mini getaway to somewhere warm as I"m a total island loving clear blue water kind of girl!!!
DH plans our anniversary and I plan Valentine's Day. Neither of us are big gift givers so these days are more about food or experiences. Since Valentine's Day is during the week, we are just going to cook a nice meal at home and share a bottle of wine. In the morning I might see if a few friends want to come over with their kids to play (DD1 has a Valentine's Day theme sensory bin, red play-doh) plus they can play with her toys and we can have lunch together.
In an ideal world, we would be flying somewhere warm for a week! The kids and babysitter would go with us. I don't want to be away for a week from them, but I would love a few hours by the pool by myself every day, more sleep and a few dinners with just DH ☀️
My perfect Valentine's day would be a surprise wine bus tour for the two of us. He would get up.with her and let me sleep in and take my time getting ready. He would fly my mom out here to watch J for the day. Then we would do the tour and just spend time together.
We're probably just going to make a nice dinner once Baby J goes to bed. And maybe sleep early.
I am turning 30 next month & the last time I spent Valentine's Day without a significant other was when I was 17
My ideal Valentine's Day would start off with stuffed french toast in bed, followed by a peaceful day of pampering...the works: hair, mani/pedi, & a massage.
I'd be ok with waking up somewhere tropical on a cruise ship too.
I guess mine doesn't really apply specifically to Valentine's Day...I would be happy to be surprised with either of those things on any given day.
In a fantasy world, I'd wake up (at noon) to a clean house with breakfast on the table, an appointment at a spa, and tickets to see Prince live in concert.
I've been SERIOUSLY thinking about this question since I saw it yesterday and I'm drawing a total blank. I have no idea what my "ideal" Valentine's date would be. We spent 4 years not able to celebrate Valentine's day on the actual day while I was away at school so really it's just nice to be able to be with DH on Valentine's Day for his cheesy cards. I think I have an ideal gift though...DH quit buying me flowers after he did a Pro Flowers order and they arrived broken and dead. And after 10 years together I've gotten 1 locket, a promise ring (which broke 3 times ) and then my engagement & wedding rings so I'm thinking it would be nice to get a jewelry item
Ha! In my perfect world the three of us would all be jet setting off to Tahiti where we'd spend a week in our bungalow on the water. Take part in some local excursions and all nap twice a day. I like the idea of bringing the nanny (that we don't have)...since this is my fantasy, right?!
Realty is we will probably co-plan a nice meal, open a nice bottle of wine and watch a movie. It's like the one time of year I can con him into a rom com! We do usually trade some sort of gift. I'm super behind the 8 ball this year...good thing he has an overnighter for a friend's party Saturday. I better think of something!!
Me and DH are not big valentines people, although it is C's 7 month birthday
My ultimate dream would be able to have a paid day off with DH and we sleep in and spend the day in bed and order in lunch and dinner. I would have a clean and organized house and it would stay that way! Then at night we would fly off to vietnam (a place we have been loved) and live there with C. Happily ever after.
We don't really get to celebrate Vday as DH travels so much, but dreamin, a day at Epcot with dining reservations and a babysitter who can help out with AJ. I'd want him with me as he is my little valentine. Oh, and for alcohol to not go through BM so I can drink as much as I want with DH
Re: GTKY 2-8
In a perfect dreamy world, I'd wake up to breakfast in bed and on the tray next to my mimosa would be a note and plane tickets. Something to the effect of, I made all the arrangements, pack your bag, we're headed to_____. And since I get to dream, let's say Bora Bora. Umbrella drinks, sun, sand, and lots of sex. Yep, perfection.
Real talk though, him doing the dishes, some sex, and 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep would make me almost as happy
Growing up my dad always got us valentines. Little presents and a card with stickers in it. Even in high school he still did it. It always made me smile, even as a sullen teenager. I hope DH does something similar for the twins.
A perfect day for me would be sleeping in, waking up to pancakes and coffee in bed, then going brewery hoping all day.
In an ideal world, we would be flying somewhere warm for a week! The kids and babysitter would go with us. I don't want to be away for a week from them, but I would love a few hours by the pool by myself every day, more sleep and a few dinners with just DH ☀️
We're probably just going to make a nice dinner once Baby J goes to bed. And maybe sleep early.
My ideal Valentine's Day would start off with stuffed french toast in bed, followed by a peaceful day of pampering...the works: hair, mani/pedi, & a massage.
I'd be ok with waking up somewhere tropical on a cruise ship too.
I guess mine doesn't really apply specifically to Valentine's Day...I would be happy to be surprised with either of those things on any given day.
I think I have an ideal gift though...DH quit buying me flowers after he did a Pro Flowers order and they arrived broken and dead. And after 10 years together I've gotten 1 locket, a promise ring (which broke 3 times
Realty is we will probably co-plan a nice meal, open a nice bottle of wine and watch a movie. It's like the one time of year I can con him into a rom com!
My ultimate dream would be able to have a paid day off with DH and we sleep in and spend the day in bed and order in lunch and dinner. I would have a clean and organized house and it would stay that way! Then at night we would fly off to vietnam (a place we have been loved) and live there with C. Happily ever after.
Me: 31 & Husband: 40
Married: November 2014