How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I'm exhausted...especially in the morning. My cravings are changing too...things I craved I don't want now.
When is your next appointment? 2/28 for NT scan and genetics bloodwork
Rant/Rave/Questions? This whole being pregnant while parenting a toddler thing is ROUGH! I just want to sleep in and relax but I am up at 6ish every darn day. The smell of the diaper pail makes me want to hurl! Right now I'm on the sofa with my kiddo while being forced to watch Peppa Pig...and my hubby is sleeping!!!! Eye roll...
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We will find out in about 3.5 weeks after the genetics stuff comes back...and I want to know! If the technology wasn't there I'd be team green but I'm way to if it's a boy I want to start selling some of my daughter's clothing etc so I can then go replace with some stuff for him! I'll share the news when I announce I'm pregnant...did the same thing with my DD.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Soooo exhausted ALL.THE.TIME. I havent had a good night's sleep in weeks. I can deal with the on and off nausea just this exhaustion is kicking my butt
When is your next appointment? TODAY TODAY TODAY! I have my 1st U/S this morning! Will update after! Rant/Rave/Questions? None today.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? My doc won't do the genetic testing unless it's necessary or something so it'll be at the 18-20wk anatomy scan. We have thought about doing a gender reveal party or something of that nature, but I dont think we're patient enough for that.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I have my first ultrasound sound tomorrow. Last one we learned of our missed miscarriage. So this is me right now....
When is your next appointment? u/s tomorrow, then discussion about testing options on the 16th
Rant/Rave/Questions? Do you have to ask for prints (if successful) or do they automatically give them to you?
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? we'll find out at whatever week ultrasound. DH not interested in learning earlier. Would like to have small dinner for our parents to announce (it will be everyone's first grandbaby).
@lahearn18 good luck today girlfriend!!! @jmn1985 good luck tomorrow and to answer your question...they've always printed mine for me without asking but when in doubt, no harm in asking during the US to make sure.
@jmn1985 Good luck tomorrow! They gave them to me without having to ask, but it wouldn't hurt to remind them before hand, or during the US
How far along are you? 9+6
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally... Okay, I guess. Normally I'm good, but I still check for blood every time I go to the bathroom. I wonder if that will EVER go away? Physically... the nausea is still hanging in there, I'm SO tired all the time, and can't stop burping... ugh! Pregnancy is just weird.
When is your next appointment? Next Friday Rant/Rave/Questions? Can't really think of anything... other than that teaching 1st grade is kicking my tail.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? My Dr's office offers an optional 16 week ultrasound just to determine gender, so we will be doing that. They will put it in an envelope for you so you can find out when/how you want, but I don't think I really want to do a big reveal party or anything like that. I may just tell them they can go ahead and tell us, or I may decide for us to open the envelope together afterwards, I don't know yet.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) good, I think...
When is your next appointment? a week today!! Part of me can't imagine there being anything wrong, but part of me can't envision actually having a successful pregnancy and baby after trying for what seems like so long (16 months). I feel like I'll be in first tri limbo for the rest of my life (though I also felt that about, there's that..)
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? haven't thought of it. I wonder if DH would be cool with getting them to write it on a paper in an envelope and finding out in Canada with our parents and siblings when we visit in the summer...that would be kinda fun I think, and a nice way to share the excitement when we are normally separated by an ocean. We'll see.
TTGP history (*TW*):
Started TTC Oct 2015 BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016 Re-started TTC Aug 2016 Started IF testing Nov 2016 Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017 BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
When is your next appointment? a week today!! Part of me can't imagine there being anything wrong, but part of me can't envision actually having a successful pregnancy and baby
That's pretty much how I'm feeling, too. Both scenarios seem unlikely to me at the point... I'm just all over the place!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Fine. Much more relaxed than when I was pregnant with DD. Physically, I feel good. It probably helps that I am not commuting 2.5 hours a day like when I was pregnant with her. I also have a 10 month old to run around after, which keeps my mind off the pregnancy thing. I threw up *a lot* with her, but so far barely feel queasy. Her morning poop diapers have made me puke a few times, but that's about it. Saw the heartbeat on Monday, which is so exciting!
When is your next appointment? Next Wednesday
Rant/Rave/Questions? I already freaking look pregnant, it's so annoying. I know it is bloat, but come on!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? Team green!
@Texafornian I am right there with you struggling with a toddler! My stellar parenting has included more screen time lately that I would like to admit. @lahearn18 good luck today! @jmn1985 They automatically gave us prints when there was something to see. @HollyGolightly09 I don't think the checking ever goes away... @BigBadWolf12 I think finding out with family would be special! If you are new this week... Welcome! Please introduce yourself. I was active in the first few weeks but dropped off because I've been too nauseous to bump. As a recap, I had a previous MC at 5 weeks and a ruptured ectopic. I was also super anxious because at 5 weeks they saw nothing, at 6 we saw an empty sac and said it could be a blighted ovum but then at 7 weeks we saw the baby and heartbeat! How far along are you? 8+5
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I feel like death and I can't wait to get past the first trimester. Emotionally I am doing okay after seeing the heartbeat in the right spot last week.
When is your next appointment? tomorrow for my first prenatal and will get another ultrasound!
Rant/Rave/Questions? None right now, just waiting out this exhausted, yucky feeling.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? I don't want to find out and DH does, we shall see what happens in time...
@jmn1985 Good luck!! I think it depends on the Dr. my OB always just
prints them but with my RE he has us bring a flash drive to download them or he
lets me take a pic of the screen with my phone when he is done.
How far along
are you? 10 Weeks 4 days How are you doing? (Mentally,
physically...) good!
When is your next appointment?
Rant/Rave/Questions? I get so tired around 2 and if I try to lay down for a
quick nap (I work from home) I can never actually fall asleep
GTKY: How/when do you
plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything
special to share the news? As soon as I can! We
are going to have the dr write it down and seal it them I’m giving it to my
best friend. She is going to plan a fun way to surprise us with our closest
friends there.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Physically I am completely and utterly exhausted. Definitely taking care of a toddler makes things 10x harder. We found out on Monday that we are expecting twins. So that explains the extreme fatigue I've been experiencing. I haven't been able to sleep at night. I just toss and turn. So I have officially moved into the guest bedroom so DH can at least get a good nights sleep. And I can't eat hardly anything these days.
Mentally I am doing ok. Now that we are expecting twins I am just praying that both stick, so that's the only thing concerning me for now.
When is your next appointment? 2/22
Rant/Rave/Questions? So thankful DH had experienced me KU before because he has been so incredibly understanding.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? Since we are having twins I don't think we can do the early blood test, so we'll have to wait until the AS around 20 weeks or so. Probably not doing anything big to announce to anyone.
i'm 10 weeks today!! so excited.... I see every week as a victory haha 11 week ultrasound is next week and i pray there is still a heartbeat, at 9 weeks it was nice and strong at 170 BPM .... no matter what happens next week tho today I am pregnant and just excited to get this far
Me: 36 years old DH: 42 years old
Married: 05.2012 TW:
TTC #1 Since April 2016 HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube) spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL! Cerclage placed on 03/02 Cerclage removal 08/02
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Ok. I feel generally "unwell." Nothing too crazy, just extra tired, slightly nauseated, etc. Mentally...I'm just chugging along.
When is your next appointment? 2/21!
Rant/Rave/Questions? I had the opportunity to sleep in today and DH woke me up early anyways. He thought I was awake because I moved...ugh!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We will find out from genetic testing if this LO is a boy or girl. We actually aren't planning on announcing the pregnancy at all at this point, other than to our people who mostly know already. We will probably announce publicly (i.e. social media) when we *hopefully* have a healthy baby in our arms!
Sable Married to David 3/22/14 Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15 Started TTC again October 2016 BFP on 1/6/17!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Oh, I've been better. Had some bleeding yesterday, that has tapered off into spotting today. No large clots or cramps, but doctor but me on bedrest for the next week to be safe. I'm mentally ok- better than yesterday, anyway. Physically, other than the spotting, I'm just really exhausted and nauseated, so about the same as usual. I'm going to take all the naps this week, since I'm stuck in bed anyway.
When is your next appointment? Monday the 27th, though I may go in for ultrasound earlier if the spotting doesn't stop. Rant/Rave/Questions? Nausea is a twatwaffle. That is all.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
We may find out early-ish because we plan to do some genetic testing. (Our state covers certain procedures for everyone, and comps up to a certain amount on others.) We're most likely going to do the cell free DNA. Nothing special planned- we're not really gender reveal party people, and we don't plan to publicly announce this pregnancy until late second-tri anyway.
pretty good! Nervous about Zika testing of course, nauseated, constipated, exhausted! Mentally I'm all over the place, between the hubs nagging me constantly about not having enough sex (I mean it has only been like once per week since I got pregnant) and weaning my DS from breast feeding and pregnancy my hormones are crazy!
When is your next appointment?
Not until the 21st I have my 12 week appt and have Zika testing done that day
Rant/Rave/Questions? Men. Just men. They be so needy
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
Last time we found out at the 16 week gender scan (please don't jump on me that's what my doctors office calls it) and my hubs and I found out in the office together and then we had a reveal party that was for the grandparents. My parents were convinced we were having a girl and H parents were convinced it was a boy, so we gave each of them a box, and put white balloons in the girl box, and blue balloons in the boy box. We had a nacho and taco bar and only invited family and very close friends. It was a lot of fun and family got to hang out together and we provided lots of food! Also no gifts!! My parents brought something for each sex just because they love to give gifts but we said no gifts! This time we are doing cell free DNA at my 12 weeks appt so we will find out when the results come in.
@lap018 You need to tell your DH how lucky he is- many of us here are having no sex at all, if for no other reason than nausea. Once a week in the first tri is a pretty sweet deal for him! We've had sex three times since my BFP, and the last time wound us up in no-sex-until-March jail, so my poor DH is up a creek.
@amandarene112 right?!?! He's all frustrated at work and taking out on me, which is not ok, I told him that I was just so tired and felt so not in the mood since I got pregnant and he was just going to have to deal. I mean they don't step up the hand holding, kissing, hugging, when we get pregnant and need a little extra affection but we are supposed to be horn dogs all the time? Even when feeling like crap? Really?
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) pretty good so far. Had a successful US last week but around now is the time our previously baby stopped growing. I won't feel totally out of the woods until the IPS US in a few weeks.
When is your next appointment? seeing the family doctor on the 21st and have to schedule my US for sometime after that
Rant/Rave/Questions? vacation on Friday!! Can't wait to be near a pool since the weather has been particularly nasty up here this week.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? team green! Even if we were finding out the sex, we wouldn't do anything. We're not big on being the centre of attention so a party or big reveal just for that wouldn't cross our minds.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) My life has been crazy (buying a home and rehoming a furbaby) so that has been a welcomed distraction from worrying about baby. Physically, I am tired and hungry all the time (but nothing sounds good!)
When is your next appointment? 2/23 with my new MFM
Rant/Rave/Questions? Do any of you see an mfm and your OB? It feels like so many appointments.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We will definitely find out. With our loss, we found out at 12 weeks through the NIPT. I'm on the fence about getting this again because it caused so much stress and gave a false hope. My son didn't have t13,18 or 21 but did have a rare deletion. Unless the NIPT can detect the exact deletion, I doubt we'll do it and we'll just wait for a later sono to find out the sex of the baby. I've hoarded all my older son's clothes and need to swap them out for girl stuff if it isn't a boy.
DS1: 12/17/2014 DS2: born sleeping at 26 weeks on 8/8/2016 due to chromosomal deletion Pregnant with baby 3 - EDD 9/14/2017
@lap018 You need to tell your DH how lucky he is- many of us here are having no sex at all, if for no other reason than nausea. Once a week in the first tri is a pretty sweet deal for him! We've had sex three times since my BFP, and the last time wound us up in no-sex-until-March jail, so my poor DH is up a creek.
Totally this! Except the last time we had sex was right before my BFP!
How far along are you? 9+4 How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally ok. I've been panicking because since yesterday I've had this dull, crampy, uncomfortable feeling in my lower abdomen and lower back. I ended up calling the office today and the nurse said that it's common because the uterus is stretching. I feel better about it now. It just came right when my nausea started to subside so the 2 together scared me!
When is your next appointment? Not until next week on the 15th! Rant/Rave/Questions? None today really. Just very excited and blessed to have come this far!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? I'm having the Harmony blood test done in the next couple weeks and it will tell you! I can't decide if I want to know the results asap or if I should wait until our Reveal Party and be surprised with DH. Lol I really don't like surprises, but part of me feels like it would be special to find out together. Our party theme is Rifles or Ruffles. Definitely a no gift thing. We're having people wear camo if they think baby is a boy or pink if they think baby is a girl! I think it'll be a lot of fun!
@jmn1985@lap018@amandarene112right there with y'all. we have a pretty consistent/frequent schedule normally so I can tell my husband is less than thrilled. too bad, by 10:30 PM every night that is the last possible thing on my mind. @cmar1006congrats on the twins!! do they run in your family? @lahearn18FX for your ultrasound! Looking forward to an update!
How far along are you? 8+5!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Like most of you, physically I am not so hot. Slight nausea all the time, worse when I haven't eaten for an hour or more (how do people lose weight in the first trimester?? I know the answer, their nausea is probably worse than mine so I should shut up, but the only thing that makes me feel halfway normal is eating like an entire bagel or half a pizza 12 times a day). Mentally I am just going day by day until my appointment in two weeks when hopefully I can see the heartbeat again.
When is your next appointment? As mentioned above, two weeks from now! Will be getting blood drawn for the genetic screening and sex test. Then have to make another appointment a week or so after at the ultrasound place for the NT scan? Though I'm not sure that will be covered by insurance since I'm not (quite) AMA? My doctor seemed to say everyone does it anyway.
Rant/Rave/Questions? None. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone on this board and me too. No more bad news from anyone please!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We'll find out as soon as my blood results are back after my appointment! Eek! Haven't told any family yet so we will do a joint baby/sex announcement. I think my parents will be so excited for their first grandchild.
@zetega I've lost six pounds in the last two weeks, and it is absolutely from nausea. But I actually look like I've gained 10 pounds because of the bloat, so it all evens out.
@amandarene112 and @zetega i've lost about 12 lbs in the last 5 weeks.... i'm starting out overweight so it is a combination of just eating healthy and morning sickness... but yeah i look so bloated so i actually look heavier than i was 12 lbs ago
Me: 36 years old DH: 42 years old
Married: 05.2012 TW:
TTC #1 Since April 2016 HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube) spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL! Cerclage placed on 03/02 Cerclage removal 08/02
@harleyquinn0621I started out overweight as well. I'm sorry you're so bloated, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling with a serious blump!
@harleyquinn0621 props to you on eating healthy despite the morning sickness! I've been leaning heavily on pizza, muffins and bread. Lots of bread. and I hear you and @amandarene112 on the bloat. already time to stop buttoning my jeans.
@zetega haha thank you, i wish i could say its because i want to.. unfortunately i am a type 2 diabetic and have to eat healthy to keep my blood sugar under control.. otherwise i would be eating all the carbs, that seems to be all my body wants
Me: 36 years old DH: 42 years old
Married: 05.2012 TW:
TTC #1 Since April 2016 HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube) spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL! Cerclage placed on 03/02 Cerclage removal 08/02
How far along are you? 8+6 How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Exhausted but otherwise good When is your next appointment? 3/8 for our NT scan and genetic testing with the MFM also have our regular 12 week appointment with the OB Rant/Rave/Questions? Not very excited about the sugar test. My OB wants to do it early at 12-13 weeks and then again later in 2nd tri. GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? Our genetic testing should tell us the sex as well. Haven't really thought about how we plan to share the news. We still haven't told friends and family yet.
Ultrasound went well. The babies heartbeat was in the 170s. The tech was awesome and explained what she was doing and that everything looked great. I cried when she said there was a good heart beat and things were good. I am so relieved.
How far along are you? 8+4 How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally, I feel so scattered all the time and physically, I am exhausted--can't get enough sleep! lol But with a 7yr old and A 9yr old, I never get enough sleep! I feel like I am constantly eating everything in sight! This is so different than my other (2) successful pregnancies. I haven't had morning sickness, thankfully. When is your next appointment? Tomorrow is our u/s and like many of you, I too, am nervous and excited, all at the same time! Rant/Rave/Questions? My co-worker asked how far along I am, and when I said 8 weeks she told me I'm already showing and that I look huge! She totally ruined my day with that one! In my teens and 20's I struggled with an eating disorder so hearing someone say I'm huge just kinda threw me for a sec. Everyone else in my life cant even tell I'm preg, in fact, many people don't even know yet! I'll be a big girl and get over it lol
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? Yep, we plan to find out! Mostly because neither one of us can wait to find out, plus, the people in our lives would drive us nuts if we didn't, and I don't have time for all that! lol
@lahearn18@Hopefulmommy1980 So glad to hear you both had good ultrasounds!! I'm also team no sex since conception. Partially because of nausea and being tired, but mostly because I'm on pelvic rest until my next appointment. DH has been a trooper.
How far along are you? 8+6
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Physically I'm doing better today except for the major dizzy spell I had this morning for a couple of hours. I'm amazed I stuck it out at work. Mentally, I'm alright. Just taking things day by day.
When is your next appointment? Early March.
Rant/Rave/Questions? Rant: I know I've been told (and have told people on here) not to worry about symptoms coming and going but it always bothers me. I feel like I can't be happy about feeling a little better today in regards to nausea because then a small part of me worries. So dumb. Rave: I have to brag about myself. I had to take a test at work today to be able to fix/calibrate more equipment in the lab and even though I was a little uncertain, I passed! It's the little things.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We're going to find out (hopefully) at the 20 week scan. As a PP said, I don't like being the center of attention so we aren't going to do anything special like a party. With DS I called family/friends to tell them and then announced publicly with an u/s picture and his name. We'll probably do more or less the same this time.
@runbyfruiting team pelvic rest here too...well, she said "no sex until second tri"...but i'm assuming that means "don't stick anything in your vagina and no orgasms no matter how they're achieved...until second tri."
@runbyfruiting I get dizzy throughout the day. I think its also blood sugar related (as well as vessel dilation like discussed before) because its real bad first thing in the morning before I've had any food.
ETA - with my MMC i had a hard stop of all symptoms. It was very clear in retrospect. Subtle fluctuations in intensity are nothing to be worried about.
@mamachick2614 oh my god I'm so sorry someone said that to you!! That's awful
How far along are you? 10+0!!! Omg!!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I'm good! Tired, tailbone pain, but good! I was naughty and tried to find the hb today. My blood sugars were AWFUL last night and this morning, I just needed some confirmation. But I couldn't find the hb and CRIED. Until I moved the doppler around to a place I've never found baby and.. of course, sneaky little Cardinal fish (Ovia) was there! I was never so nervous and upset than right then! Slap my hand. I shouldn't torture myself. But I'm going to do it the morning of my 12 week appt to "make sure" also... -.-
When is your next appointment? 2/24 Doppler, NIPT blood work, and Pap.
Rant/Rave/Questions? My mommy is on board with us to do cloth diapering!!! I'm SO excited!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We have decided to do the cell free DNA test due to t18 and t21 being in the family. We are going to request the sex not be told to us over the phone but rather put in a letter that we can pick up from the office and look at on our own time. I'm pretty sure we'll look together first. Plan on doing a gender reveal to parents and siblings on DH'S birthday (per his request) with inside-colored cupcakes, neutral frosting. Haha.
Me: 27 years old DH: 27 years old Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
Married in July 2014
TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
BFP #1 3/29/16 MMC: 5/5/16 BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16 BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17 My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: Juicebox Podcast Episode 118 A1Cs: 1/12/16 6.7% 5/25/16 6.0% 11/2/16 6.1% 3/22/16 5.8% 4/27/17 5.4% 6/13/17 5.3% "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
Re: PGAL check-in 2/8
How far along are you?
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
I'm exhausted...especially in the morning. My cravings are changing too...things I craved I don't want now.
When is your next appointment?
2/28 for NT scan and genetics bloodwork
This whole being pregnant while parenting a toddler thing is ROUGH! I just want to sleep in and relax but I am up at 6ish every darn day. The smell of the diaper pail makes me want to hurl! Right now I'm on the sofa with my kiddo while being forced to watch Peppa Pig...and my hubby is sleeping!!!! Eye roll...
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
We will find out in about 3.5 weeks after the genetics stuff comes back...and I want to know! If the technology wasn't there I'd be team green but I'm way to if it's a boy I want to start selling some of my daughter's clothing etc so I can then go replace with some stuff for him! I'll share the news when I announce I'm pregnant...did the same thing with my DD.
#1: 8wks MMC 4/16
#2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
8wks 4days
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Soooo exhausted ALL.THE.TIME. I havent had a good night's sleep in weeks. I can deal with the on and off nausea just this exhaustion is kicking my butt
When is your next appointment?
TODAY TODAY TODAY! I have my 1st U/S this morning! Will update after!
None today.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
My doc won't do the genetic testing unless it's necessary or something so it'll be at the 18-20wk anatomy scan. We have thought about doing a gender reveal party or something of that nature, but I dont think we're patient enough for that.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I have my first ultrasound sound tomorrow. Last one we learned of our missed miscarriage. So this is me right now....
When is your next appointment? u/s tomorrow, then discussion about testing options on the 16th
Rant/Rave/Questions? Do you have to ask for prints (if successful) or do they automatically give them to you?
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? we'll find out at whatever week ultrasound. DH not interested in learning earlier. Would like to have small dinner for our parents to announce (it will be everyone's first grandbaby).
Edited b/c of autocorrect
Me: 35 | DH: 38
Met: 2007
Married: 2013
BFP #1: 06/21/16 MMC: 08/04/16
BFP #2: 01/08/17 DD: 09/23/17
BFP #3: 06/10/20 EDD: 02/11/2021
@jmn1985 good luck tomorrow and to answer your question...they've always printed mine for me without asking but when in doubt, no harm in asking during the US to make sure.
#1: 8wks MMC 4/16
#2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
@jmn1985 Good luck tomorrow! They gave them to me without having to ask, but it wouldn't hurt to remind them before hand, or during the US
How far along are you? 9+6
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Mentally... Okay, I guess. Normally I'm good, but I still check for blood every time I go to the bathroom. I wonder if that will EVER go away? Physically... the nausea is still hanging in there, I'm SO tired all the time, and can't stop burping... ugh! Pregnancy is just weird.
When is your next appointment? Next Friday
Rant/Rave/Questions? Can't really think of anything... other than that teaching 1st grade is kicking my tail.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? My Dr's office offers an optional 16 week ultrasound just to determine gender, so we will be doing that. They will put it in an envelope for you so you can find out when/how you want, but I don't think I really want to do a big reveal party or anything like that. I may just tell them they can go ahead and tell us, or I may decide for us to open the envelope together afterwards, I don't know yet.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) good, I think...
When is your next appointment? a week today!! Part of me can't imagine there being anything wrong, but part of me can't envision actually having a successful pregnancy and baby after trying for what seems like so long (16 months). I feel like I'll be in first tri limbo for the rest of my life (though I also felt that about, there's that..)
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
haven't thought of it. I wonder if DH would be cool with getting them to write it on a paper in an envelope and finding out in Canada with our parents and siblings when we visit in the summer...that would be kinda fun I think, and a nice way to share the excitement when we are normally separated by an ocean. We'll see.
BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
Re-started TTC Aug 2016
Started IF testing Nov 2016
Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Fine. Much more relaxed than when I was pregnant with DD. Physically, I feel good. It probably helps that I am not commuting 2.5 hours a day like when I was pregnant with her. I also have a 10 month old to run around after, which keeps my mind off the pregnancy thing. I threw up *a lot* with her, but so far barely feel queasy. Her morning poop diapers have made me puke a few times, but that's about it. Saw the heartbeat on Monday, which is so exciting!
When is your next appointment? Next Wednesday
Rant/Rave/Questions? I already freaking look pregnant, it's so annoying. I know it is bloat, but come on!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? Team green!
@lahearn18 good luck today!
@jmn1985 They automatically gave us prints when there was something to see.
@HollyGolightly09 I don't think the checking ever goes away...
@BigBadWolf12 I think finding out with family would be special!
If you are new this week... Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
I was active in the first few weeks but dropped off because I've been too nauseous to bump. As a recap, I had a previous MC at 5 weeks and a ruptured ectopic. I was also super anxious because at 5 weeks they saw nothing, at 6 we saw an empty sac and said it could be a blighted ovum but then at 7 weeks we saw the baby and heartbeat!
How far along are you? 8+5
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I feel like death and I can't wait to get past the first trimester. Emotionally I am doing okay after seeing the heartbeat in the right spot last week.
When is your next appointment? tomorrow for my first prenatal and will get another ultrasound!
Rant/Rave/Questions? None right now, just waiting out this exhausted, yucky feeling.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? I don't want to find out and DH does, we shall see what happens in time...
DD2 born 9/10/17
@jmn1985 Good luck!! I think it depends on the Dr. my OB always just prints them but with my RE he has us bring a flash drive to download them or he lets me take a pic of the screen with my phone when he is done.
How far along are you? 10 Weeks 4 days
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) good!
When is your next appointment? 2/14
Rant/Rave/Questions? I get so tired around 2 and if I try to lay down for a quick nap (I work from home) I can never actually fall asleep
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? As soon as I can! We are going to have the dr write it down and seal it them I’m giving it to my best friend. She is going to plan a fun way to surprise us with our closest friends there.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Physically I am completely and utterly exhausted. Definitely taking care of a toddler makes things 10x harder. We found out on Monday that we are expecting twins. So that explains the extreme fatigue I've been experiencing. I haven't been able to sleep at night. I just toss and turn. So I have officially moved into the guest bedroom so DH can at least get a good nights sleep. And I can't eat hardly anything these days.
Mentally I am doing ok. Now that we are expecting twins I am just praying that both stick, so that's the only thing concerning me for now.
When is your next appointment?
So thankful DH had experienced me KU before because he has been so incredibly understanding.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
Since we are having twins I don't think we can do the early blood test, so we'll have to wait until the AS around 20 weeks or so. Probably not doing anything big to announce to anyone.
11 week ultrasound is next week and i pray there is still a heartbeat, at 9 weeks it was nice and strong at 170 BPM .... no matter what happens next week tho today I am pregnant and just excited to get this far
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02 Cerclage removal 08/02
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Ok. I feel generally "unwell." Nothing too crazy, just extra tired, slightly nauseated, etc. Mentally...I'm just chugging along.
When is your next appointment? 2/21!
Rant/Rave/Questions? I had the opportunity to sleep in today and DH woke me up early anyways. He thought I was awake because I moved...ugh!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We will find out from genetic testing if this LO is a boy or girl. We actually aren't planning on announcing the pregnancy at all at this point, other than to our people who mostly know already. We will probably announce publicly (i.e. social media) when we *hopefully* have a healthy baby in our arms!
Married to David 3/22/14
Mommy to my angel Ella Lynne born into heaven 8/24/15
Started TTC again October 2016
BFP on 1/6/17!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Oh, I've been better. Had some bleeding yesterday, that has tapered off into spotting today. No large clots or cramps, but doctor but me on bedrest for the next week to be safe. I'm mentally ok- better than yesterday, anyway. Physically, other than the spotting, I'm just really exhausted and nauseated, so about the same as usual. I'm going to take all the naps this week, since I'm stuck in bed anyway.
When is your next appointment?
Monday the 27th, though I may go in for ultrasound earlier if the spotting doesn't stop.
Nausea is a twatwaffle. That is all.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
How far along are you? 10+1
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
pretty good! Nervous about Zika testing of course, nauseated, constipated, exhausted! Mentally I'm all over the place, between the hubs nagging me constantly about not having enough sex (I mean it has only been like once per week since I got pregnant) and weaning my DS from breast feeding and pregnancy my hormones are crazy!
When is your next appointment?
Not until the 21st I have my 12 week appt and have Zika testing done that day
Rant/Rave/Questions? Men. Just men. They be so needy
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
Last time we found out at the 16 week gender scan (please don't jump on me that's what my doctors office calls it) and my hubs and I found out in the office together and then we had a reveal party that was for the grandparents. My parents were convinced we were having a girl and H parents were convinced it was a boy, so we gave each of them a box, and put white balloons in the girl box, and blue balloons in the boy box. We had a nacho and taco bar and only invited family and very close friends. It was a lot of fun and family got to hang out together and we provided lots of food! Also no gifts!! My parents brought something for each sex just because they love to give gifts but we said no gifts! This time we are doing cell free DNA at my 12 weeks appt so we will find out when the results come in.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) pretty good so far. Had a successful US last week but around now is the time our previously baby stopped growing. I won't feel totally out of the woods until the IPS US in a few weeks.
When is your next appointment? seeing the family doctor on the 21st and have to schedule my US for sometime after that
Rant/Rave/Questions? vacation on Friday!! Can't wait to be near a pool since the weather has been particularly nasty up here this week.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? team green! Even if we were finding out the sex, we wouldn't do anything. We're not big on being the centre of attention so a party or big reveal just for that wouldn't cross our minds.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) My life has been crazy (buying a home and rehoming a furbaby) so that has been a welcomed distraction from worrying about baby. Physically, I am tired and hungry all the time (but nothing sounds good!)
When is your next appointment? 2/23 with my new MFM
Rant/Rave/Questions? Do any of you see an mfm and your OB? It feels like so many appointments.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We will definitely find out. With our loss, we found out at 12 weeks through the NIPT. I'm on the fence about getting this again because it caused so much stress and gave a false hope. My son didn't have t13,18 or 21 but did have a rare deletion. Unless the NIPT can detect the exact deletion, I doubt we'll do it and we'll just wait for a later sono to find out the sex of the baby. I've hoarded all my older son's clothes and need to swap them out for girl stuff if it isn't a boy.
DS1: 12/17/2014
DS2: born sleeping at 26 weeks on 8/8/2016 due to chromosomal deletion
Pregnant with baby 3 - EDD 9/14/2017
#1: 8wks MMC 4/16
#2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
Me: 35 | DH: 38
Met: 2007
Married: 2013
BFP #1: 06/21/16 MMC: 08/04/16
BFP #2: 01/08/17 DD: 09/23/17
BFP #3: 06/10/20 EDD: 02/11/2021
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Mentally ok. I've been panicking because since yesterday I've had this dull, crampy, uncomfortable feeling in my lower abdomen and lower back. I ended up calling the office today and the nurse said that it's common because the uterus is stretching. I feel better about it now. It just came right when my nausea started to subside so the 2 together scared me!
When is your next appointment?
Not until next week on the 15th!
None today really. Just very excited and blessed to have come this far!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
I'm having the Harmony blood test done in the next couple weeks and it will tell you! I can't decide if I want to know the results asap or if I should wait until our Reveal Party and be surprised with DH. Lol I really don't like surprises, but part of me feels like it would be special to find out together. Our party theme is Rifles or Ruffles. Definitely a no gift thing. We're having people wear camo if they think baby is a boy or pink if they think baby is a girl! I think it'll be a lot of fun!
@cmar1006 congrats on the twins!! do they run in your family?
@lahearn18 FX for your ultrasound! Looking forward to an update!
How far along are you? 8+5!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) Like most of you, physically I am not so hot. Slight nausea all the time, worse when I haven't eaten for an hour or more (how do people lose weight in the first trimester?? I know the answer, their nausea is probably worse than mine so I should shut up, but the only thing that makes me feel halfway normal is eating like an entire bagel or half a pizza 12 times a day). Mentally I am just going day by day until my appointment in two weeks when hopefully I can see the heartbeat again.
When is your next appointment? As mentioned above, two weeks from now! Will be getting blood drawn for the genetic screening and sex test. Then have to make another appointment a week or so after at the ultrasound place for the NT scan? Though I'm not sure that will be covered by insurance since I'm not (quite) AMA? My doctor seemed to say everyone does it anyway.
Rant/Rave/Questions? None. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone on this board and me too. No more bad news from anyone please!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news? We'll find out as soon as my blood results are back after my appointment! Eek! Haven't told any family yet so we will do a joint baby/sex announcement. I think my parents will be so excited for their first grandchild.
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02 Cerclage removal 08/02
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02 Cerclage removal 08/02
#1: 8wks MMC 4/16
#2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Exhausted but otherwise good
When is your next appointment?
3/8 for our NT scan and genetic testing with the MFM also have our regular 12 week appointment with the OB
Not very excited about the sugar test. My OB wants to do it early at 12-13 weeks and then again later in 2nd tri.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
Our genetic testing should tell us the sex as well. Haven't really thought about how we plan to share the news. We still haven't told friends and family yet.
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Mentally, I feel so scattered all the time and physically, I am exhausted--can't get enough sleep! lol But with a 7yr old and A 9yr old, I never get enough sleep! I feel like I am constantly eating everything in sight! This is so different than my other (2) successful pregnancies. I haven't had morning sickness, thankfully.
When is your next appointment?
Tomorrow is our u/s and like many of you, I too, am nervous and excited, all at the same time!
My co-worker asked how far along I am, and when I said 8 weeks she told me I'm already showing and that I look huge! She totally ruined my day with that one! In my teens and 20's I struggled with an eating disorder so hearing someone say I'm huge just kinda threw me for a sec. Everyone else in my life cant even tell I'm preg, in fact, many people don't even know yet! I'll be a big girl and get over it lol
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
Yep, we plan to find out! Mostly because neither one of us can wait to find out, plus, the people in our lives would drive us nuts if we didn't, and I don't have time for all that! lol
I'm also team no sex since conception. Partially because of nausea and being tired, but mostly because I'm on pelvic rest until my next appointment. DH has been a trooper.
How far along are you?
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...)
Physically I'm doing better today except for the major dizzy spell I had this morning for a couple of hours. I'm amazed I stuck it out at work. Mentally, I'm alright. Just taking things day by day.
When is your next appointment?
Early March.
Rant: I know I've been told (and have told people on here) not to worry about symptoms coming and going but it always bothers me. I feel like I can't be happy about feeling a little better today in regards to nausea because then a small part of me worries. So dumb.
Rave: I have to brag about myself. I had to take a test at work today to be able to fix/calibrate more equipment in the lab and even though I was a little uncertain, I passed! It's the little things.
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
We're going to find out (hopefully) at the 20 week scan. As a PP said, I don't like being the center of attention so we aren't going to do anything special like a party. With DS I called family/friends to tell them and then announced publicly with an u/s picture and his name. We'll probably do more or less the same this time.
#1: 8wks MMC 4/16
#2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
ETA - with my MMC i had a hard stop of all symptoms. It was very clear in retrospect. Subtle fluctuations in intensity are nothing to be worried about.
Me: 35 | DH: 38
Met: 2007
Married: 2013
BFP #1: 06/21/16 MMC: 08/04/16
BFP #2: 01/08/17 DD: 09/23/17
BFP #3: 06/10/20 EDD: 02/11/2021
@lahearn18 Congrats on a fabulous scan!
@mamachick2614 oh my god I'm so sorry someone said that to you!! That's awful
How far along are you? 10+0!!! Omg!!
How are you doing? (Mentally, physically...) I'm good! Tired, tailbone pain, but good! I was naughty and tried to find the hb today. My blood sugars were AWFUL last night and this morning, I just needed some confirmation. But I couldn't find the hb and CRIED. Until I moved the doppler around to a place I've never found baby and.. of course, sneaky little Cardinal fish (Ovia) was there! I was never so nervous and upset than right then! Slap my hand. I shouldn't torture myself. But I'm going to do it the morning of my 12 week appt to "make sure" also... -.-
When is your next appointment? 2/24 Doppler, NIPT blood work, and Pap.
Rant/Rave/Questions? My mommy is on board with us to do cloth diapering!!! I'm SO excited!
GTKY: How/when do you plan to find out if you're having a boy or girl? Are you planning anything special to share the news?
We have decided to do the cell free DNA test due to t18 and t21 being in the family. We are going to request the sex not be told to us over the phone but rather put in a letter that we can pick up from the office and look at on our own time. I'm pretty sure we'll look together first. Plan on doing a gender reveal to parents and siblings on DH'S birthday (per his request) with inside-colored cupcakes, neutral frosting. Haha.
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast:
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"