@ShadeofGreen816 I don't think so!! Mine aren't leaking enough that I'd need to employ some breast pads but when I first noticed I had tiny drops I did a show and tell with my SO haha
@nda_roxybabe I'm all about getting waxed now. A, it's hard to see and reach over the bump and B, too much irritation and ingrowns could lead to infection, so no thank you. @hp_momma My boobs itch too.
@hp_momma@jayandaplus I also had itchy boobs and like in the very front of my armpits. I asked my ob about it, the mammary tissue that's changing gets itchy and it goes up into the armpits. Sometimes at home I'm scratching my armpits like a monkey.
I seem to have a perpetual diaper rash that, upon closer inspection, looks like tears around my vajayjay. I'm sure the constant discharge+panty liners doesn't help the situation!
I've started losing my hair...but literally only my pubic hair. It is the weirdest thing and totally unexpected. Don't get me wrong, I expect to lose my hair, I just kind of thought it would all come out at once.
@jayandaplus Yes, then there's the whole I cant even see it to shave it factor. THEN on top of that when it does get irritated/ ingrown I cant see those either to remedy. I mean, a mirror, but...it's not the same.
@RainyDays86 I'm kind of jealous that you're losing your pubic hair haha.
I started leaking regularly in the last week so when I have a thinner stretchier shirt on... crust. Gross. Most of my bras are too tight so I need to pick up some comfortable stretchy nursing bras for the rest of this pregnancy and after
I'm thinking I might be at that point to switch to nursing bras too. Is it really possible that third trimester and newborns are this close?! I swear I just took a pregnancy test like last week.
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
I'm thinking I might be at that point to switch to nursing bras too. Is it really possible that third trimester and newborns are this close?! I swear I just took a pregnancy test like last week.
It's pretty nuts! 12 weeks my registry says and I'm just like wait, what?!
I'm really close to having my husband do my downstairs grooming. I just flew blind last time and did what I could but I'm so much lazier and my back and hips are so much angrier it seems like a lot of work.
He offered repeatedly last time and we have absokutely no boundaries like that so I may ask. I've had him examine my "rectal push present" from labor last time which I would assume is worse?
We just discussed him doing the grooming. At this point, I don't care and he is the only one who can see it...go for it buddy!! I'll try almost anything once:)
Ugh I'm already large chested and my boobs keep growing. They need to stop! I'm already at the largest size nursing tops. I'm really worried about how big they might get. My nipples are also super sensitive.
With the regards to shaving the crotch region I just finished getting lasered there and arm pits. I still have a little hair but hardly any. So thankful I started before we were pregnant and not have to worry about that.
@SWE2 My under arms are lasered and I love it! However, I've noticed since pregnancy I definitely need a touch up. I was going to do my bikini next, but...pregnancy. Unless, can you do it while pregnant?
I figured, oh well. As soon as baby is out, bikini is getting done and then legs. My thighs get crazy ingrowns and red bumps and then my calves, ugh. The hair grows SIDEWAYS on the inner side and then under my skin on my knees. Yes, despite exfoliating.
I had thick black hair and I couldn't even shave every other day on my legs because of razer burn and everything. Getting laser hair removal was the best money I've spent on myself. Makes my life SO much easier.
Ok so for ladies that had laser hair removal on your bikini line? Do you do just the bikini line, or the whole shebang? Or somewhere in between? It seems weird to have no hair forever, but if I still had to trim whatever's left to avoid 70's porn-star style bush, then I'm not sure it would be worth it. I'm sure its personal preference, but just wondering what the convention is.
I did an in between....bikini line and down my thighs just a bit and then a "landing strip" type of style! The laser, for me, did not mean absolutely no hair growth anymore but it significantly reduced my hair so i shave much less often. It was a great investment and I am looking forward to touching it up again this fall. I will also probably add armpits this round, too!
@Jen_Shoes@jayandaplus@0408Bear or other lasered mamas - would you mind saying how much you paid for the treatment? (I have no idea how much a service like that should cost!) Did it take several trips to achieve the results you wanted?
@NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot That's good to know. I was curious since it seems like a lot of our group is experiencing leaking right now, and I haven't experienced any thus far.
@starphish18 I don't remember any leakage as a FTM. I think it's more common with baby2+ as apparently our bodies remember what to do. I know my milk came in much faster after delivery with DD2.
Married 03.09.09 Sweet Baby H 12.21.11 Sassy Baby P 03.26.14 Little Brother Due 05.22.17
@ShadeofGreen816 I did a "modified Brazilian" meaning bikini and then plus some. It's like a mini version of what you'd really have if that makes any sense. @emilyalso I paid a couple thousand- my SIL used a Groupon to get hers done on her legs but her hair was blonder and she went only a limited number of times. The place I went I could go back until the hair was gone and then had the ability to go back 2 years after my last treatment if I had new growth. It was well worth the money for me.
@emilyalso I probably paid just under a thousand, six years ago, with a Groupon. That was for bikini and armpits. I think it's worth it but it doesn't last forever and it depends on your hair and skin combo. It took about 14 months I think, several treatments and you wait about 6-8 weeks between.
I didn't leak during my first pregnancy. Maybe once or twice only because a lot of moms in my last BMB were talking about leaking and I was curious and squeezed if anything came out. I leaked a lot from the opposite breast of the one DD used to nurse on (only while nursing or pumping), to the point that I started saving the milk and would get 2-3oz a day just from that alone!
@nda_roxybabe everyone is different but my doctor said it was fine while pregnant. The place just needed a note to cover them and they were fine with it.
@ShadeofGreen816 I did bikini and a Brazilian. I hate having to shave and have really dark hair. I was getting it all waxed and that sucked so I went for the whole shebang. It's a personal preference.
@emilyalso I think I paid $2300 for arm pits, bikini and Brazilian. That was for 7 sessions
On the other end of the spectrum, my chin hairs are out of control. It's like I get a five o'clock shadow on this one spot on my chin daily! It's so gross
Re: TMI Tuesday 2/7
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
@hp_momma My boobs itch too.
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
My boobs are leaking, leaving dried crust at the end of the day. I enjoy picking off the crust way too much. I'm gross.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
I started leaking regularly in the last week so when I have a thinner stretchier shirt on... crust. Gross. Most of my bras are too tight so I need to pick up some comfortable stretchy nursing bras for the rest of this pregnancy and after
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
He offered repeatedly last time and we have absokutely no boundaries like that so I may ask. I've had him examine my "rectal push present" from labor last time which I would assume is worse?
May '17 labor memes
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
Also my action figure phrases could be holy hot flashes and ouch lightning crotch. People at work probably accept that I am a bit crazy now.
With the regards to shaving the crotch region I just finished getting lasered there and arm pits. I still have a little hair but hardly any. So thankful I started before we were pregnant and not have to worry about that.
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
my laser tech will not do it while pregnant
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
Wait, that's a lie. I leaked if I laid in my stomach to sleep the first few weeks post partum. That was it.
May17 Siggy Challenge
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
@emilyalso I paid a couple thousand- my SIL used a Groupon to get hers done on her legs but her hair was blonder and she went only a limited number of times. The place I went I could go back until the hair was gone and then had the ability to go back 2 years after my last treatment if I had new growth. It was well worth the money for me.
@ShadeofGreen816 I did bikini and a Brazilian. I hate having to shave and have really dark hair. I was getting it all waxed and that sucked so I went for the whole shebang. It's a personal preference.
@emilyalso I think I paid $2300 for arm pits, bikini and Brazilian. That was for 7 sessions