June 2016 Moms

February 2017 Pre/TTC & Grad Check In

Welcome to the monthly pre-TTC, TTC, and TTC Grad check-in. This board is designed to allow those of us considering our next child to update the other members of June 2016 on that journey. Please feel free to post often in this board, updating as the month goes on if your status or details change, or if you have anything inspiring/sassy/a fun gif/etc to add. We are here to provide each other with support, comfort, non-medical answers, and help with the BSC symptom spotting that we know can happen.

*Status: Pre-TTC, TTC, KU

For Pre-TTC -

*How long until TTC begins?

*How is the wait going?

*General questions, updates, r/r

For TTC -

*What month/cycle?

*(If you're comfortable) What are you doing to get KU?

*Any symptom spotting chart stalking craziness we can help with?

*General questions, updates, r/r

For KU -

*(If this is your first post after your BFP:) When did you find out you were pregnant? How did you tell your SO this time around? Feel free to share any other details you're comfortable with (what were you doing to get KU, how long were you trying this time, etc)

*How far along are you/when are you due?

*Future or recent appointment updates?

*Team Pink or Blue?

*How is this pregnancy different from/similar to June '16?

*General questions, updates, r/r

Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018

Re: February 2017 Pre/TTC & Grad Check In

  • Status: TTC

    *What month/cycle? Month 2

    *(If you're comfortable) What are you doing to get KU? I have broken out my OvuView app on my phone and have started with tracking my periods since it started again.  This last cycle was exactly 28 days...Makes me feel like my body is good to go on the ovulation side.  DH and I will start trying in earnest over the next couple of weeks.

    *General questions, updates, r/r  Any thoughts on how often to DTD while trying?  I have heard mixed theories where everyday could be counter productive on one side of the coin and the other that says just do it as often as possible. DS is sleeping through the night again so we should be a little more productive than last month where we managed to DTD only once...how pathetic.  Sleep won out every time. I am definitely a bag of mixed emotions overall, super excited and scared at the same time to be looking to do this journey again. 

  • egirl1025 said:

    Status: TTC

    *What month/cycle? Month 2

    *(If you're comfortable) What are you doing to get KU? I have broken out my OvuView app on my phone and have started with tracking my periods since it started again.  This last cycle was exactly 28 days...Makes me feel like my body is good to go on the ovulation side.  DH and I will start trying in earnest over the next couple of weeks.

    *General questions, updates, r/r  Any thoughts on how often to DTD while trying?  I have heard mixed theories where everyday could be counter productive on one side of the coin and the other that says just do it as often as possible. DS is sleeping through the night again so we should be a little more productive than last month where we managed to DTD only once...how pathetic.  Sleep won out every time. I am definitely a bag of mixed emotions overall, super excited and scared at the same time to be looking to do this journey again. 

     Every 3 days is enough as long as there is nothing that would hinder the process.  Be sure not to use lube like KY cause it can slow the swimmers diwn, if you need lube I recommend Preseed.  That's what we used during our TTC journey.
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  • egirl1025 said:

    Status: TTC

    *What month/cycle? Month 2

    *(If you're comfortable) What are you doing to get KU? I have broken out my OvuView app on my phone and have started with tracking my periods since it started again.  This last cycle was exactly 28 days...Makes me feel like my body is good to go on the ovulation side.  DH and I will start trying in earnest over the next couple of weeks.

    *General questions, updates, r/r  Any thoughts on how often to DTD while trying?  I have heard mixed theories where everyday could be counter productive on one side of the coin and the other that says just do it as often as possible. DS is sleeping through the night again so we should be a little more productive than last month where we managed to DTD only once...how pathetic.  Sleep won out every time. I am definitely a bag of mixed emotions overall, super excited and scared at the same time to be looking to do this journey again. 

    Once is all you need; the timing is what matters. I temped when we were TTC and got pregnant our second month. The book Taking Charge of Your Fertility explains it all.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • All good things to note!!  Thanks ladies!
  • Status: Pre-TTC

    Same old same old here. The wait is actually really easy right now because I'm already having withdrawal/minor meltdowns about missing Miles while I'm working and all of the things I can't keep up with now, let alone with another or pregnant. Pity party over.
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
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