
Bad latch.., it's been 7 weeks

babyfithian1babyfithian1 member
edited February 2017 in Breastfeeding
I've been breastfeeding for 7 weeks, and my DD still can't latch on right. I've been working on it so much but she gags, crys her eyes out and really seems like she can't latch on right. I'm in so much pain because of the bad latch. I've seen the Lactation consultant a few times but still nothing! I can't continue but feel so guilty! Any suggestions or similar experiences? 

Re: Bad latch.., it's been 7 weeks

  • Has the LC or pediatrician checked for a tongue or lip tie? Either of those could be contributing to a poor latch. Otherwise you have to be consistent about unlatching and relaunching until your baby has a nice deep latch everytime.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • With my first my LC had me wear a nipple shield for a couple of weeks until my nipples healed and my daighter's latch got better. It worked really well and after 3-4 weeks she didn't need the shield. You may want to ask a LC about that. Good luck! I remember how painful it was.
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  • My LC directed me to a Biological Nurturing video that really helped us get going. 
  • meggyme said:
    Has the LC or pediatrician checked for a tongue or lip tie? Either of those could be contributing to a poor latch. Otherwise you have to be consistent about unlatching and relaunching until your baby has a nice deep latch everytime.
    ^^everything @meggyme said

    You could also try pumping for a minute before hand to pull the nipple out a little bit, making it easier for baby
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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