Hey Everyone,
Congrats to any new BFP's and hugs to anybody who needs one.
FX and prayers for @Worldtravler0522, hoping for the best for you...
Welcome @MJDsquared to the board.
What's going on this week?
2017 BFP Hall Fame
Waiting for our first BFP...
@Bababatty: dx:Low Motility Rx: Letrozole + trigger + IUI
@BecauseLove dx: amenorrhea, PCOS Rx: IVF
@blessedmomma88: dx: PCOS, anovulation Rx: Clomid, Metformin
@ChristinaV2015: dx: blocked tubes, PCOS, endo + MFI Rx: lap, OPKs + TI
@CrunchyBaby2: dx: Unexplained Rx: Clomid
@eadams08: dx: PCOS Rx: Clomid
@emgem819 dx: PCOS, Rx: provera, femara + Bravelle
@hoffmanr7: dx: unexplained Rx: Clomid + Estradiol
@iloverocksalot dx:High FSH/PCOS/Auto-Immunity, DH low morphology, Rx: DHEA + Microdose Lupron +
@Jaje09182010: dx: Unexplained Rx: Clomid w/IUI
@jmr1515: dx: Mild MFI/morph, fibroid Rx: Surgery + TI
@jojomama25: dx: MFI Rx: supplements + TI
@JRB3: dx: PCOS Rx: Clomid
@Kay6519: dx: PCOS rx: testing
@lablover78: dx: unexplained/irreg and MTHFR
@mackenzie07 dx: PCOS and Endo Rx: metformin, letrozole, ovidrel
@madasm0530 dx: PCOS Rx: Provera+Femara+IUI
@MamaMunn: dx: PCOS Rx: Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel + TI
@mandasand: dx: low AMH Rx:IVF (Lupron, Menopur + Follistim)
@MandyBeeSLP: dx: low progesterone, borderline PCOS, vitamin D insufficiency Rx: metformin
@meli123k: dx unexplained Rx: IVF + ICSI
@Mlight28: dx Unexplained Rx: Clomid
@MrsM00re87: dx: DOR PCOS, low morph Rx: Femara + TI
@MrsMcMilkshakes: dx: cysts, testing
@MurphyGrace dx: Unexplained Rx: Letrozole + Menopur injections + Ovidrel+ IUI
@Mythril: dx: PCOS (anovulatory) Rx:levothyroxine to lower TSH
@NikkiPSU: Unexplained Rx: TI
@Plainjanie: DX- mild MFI. Rx- Monitored cycle with TI.
@pretzel2plus1: dx: Endometriosis Rx: laparascopy
@rachlee2010: dx: DOR Rx: IUI
@ReesaAnne16: dx: MFI, high DNA fragmentation Rx: Letrozole+ IUI
@Samanthaarielxo dx: anovulation Rx: still in testing
@sarah0985: dx: PCOS, possible blocked tubes Rx: Lap
@seethosestars: Dx: low AFC + MFI and Rx: letrozole + testing
@SM746830: dx: PCOS, blocked tubes Rx: Surgery, Clomid
@smokinangel: possible PCOS, MTHFR gene, slight MFI Rx: trying to regulate hormones naturally
@SoonToBeMommaHowe: dx: Unexplained Rx: Letrozole + IUI
@Starlight811 dx: DOR Rx: Menopur + Gonal F + Ovidrel + Progesterone suppositories + IUI
@starlitfae dx: MFI & balanced translocation, thyroid Rx: ivf with pgd testing
@vssbrm: dx: Minor Vercosis, morphology, high prolactin Rx: Clomid + IUI + ovidrel + prolactin meds
@Mrs.RedHead dx: Unexplained Rx: Testing with RE
@PoeMasque dx: unexplained Rx:Clomid + IUI, acupuncture, supplements
@Labluver2 dx: testing
@avocuddle dx: testing
@laurad75 dx: possible DOR Rx: IVF
@Worldtravler0522 dx: PCOS/Unexplained Rx: IVF
@funkykey dx: unexplained Rx: Clomid + IUI
@kmallery08 dx: unexplained Rx:Clomid, GonalF, Trigger Shot, IUI and Progesterone
@greenange dx: anovulatory PCOS w/insulin resistance Rx: Metformin, Letrozole, trigger + TI
@KariShoe dx: Unexplained Rx: Preparing for testing
@kaitlink33 dx: IR pcos Rx: Femara + trigger + TI
@Spaniard: dx: unexplained Rx: Clomid + IUI
@notamyrtle: dx: unexplained Rx: IUI + injects
@BunnyW23: dx: vasectomy (reversal) Rx: IUI
@kyersten: dx: Scar tissue Rx: IVF
@RunsUponATime: dx: in testing Rx: Clomid
@whenwillieversleep: dx:low progesterone Rx: Testing, suppositories
@MountainLady: dx: Unexplained, Rx: Letrozole
@lindybird: dx: low hormone levels Rx: homeopathic treatments
@Kim41313: dx: MFI Rx: waiting for testing
@pawcall: dx: MFI(morph) + testing Rx: unmedicated IUI
@MJDsquared : dx: PCOS Rx:Letrozole
To be added to the Weekly Checkin, please answer the following:
1. How long have you been TTC?
2. What is your diagnosis?
3. What is your current treatment plan?
QOTW: If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to? Bonus question: Time for updates on all of our fur babies! How are the pets doing?
Re: TTTC Checkin 01/31/2017
QOTW: not sure but I hate my name so I'd love to change it but never will. My fur babies are doing pretty good, just as lazy as ever hahah
We went ahead with the unmedicated IUI on 1/28 - the timing was good, I definitely ovulated later that day. It was my first IUI, and I was surprised that it was fairly painful and I bled quite a bit. Even now, I'm sore on that side.
This week, I try to pretend I'm not dying of impatience. I see my doc on Friday to have my progesterone checked, but last cycle's midcycle progesterone looked good, so i'm not expecting anything bad. Just a waiting game until I can test on 2/11.
Emotionally, this is hard. Harder than I thought it would be. My fiance is really sure that it worked, but I'm feeling a lot more negative about it, so his excitement and hopefulness is just making me angry, which is totally unfair to him.
QOTW: If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to? I actually LOVE my name (Caroline), so this would be hard! I'll settle for changing my last name, which is currently my ex's, and I'm looking forward to making it my fiance's ;-)
Bonus question: Time for updates on all of our fur babies! How are the pets doing? Ugh. This is heartbreaking. I have two kitties, who I've had since I graduated college a thousand years ago (2005), and I currently need to rehome them. My fiance and I bought a new house (settlement in March), and he's so severely allergic he has to limit his time in my house - he can't sleep over or even stay long, because his breathing is pretty badly impacted after a couple of hours. I've always given the side eye to people who say they're rehoming animals because they're allergic - I'm allergic to them too, but it's hives, not breathing. But I know that if he lived with them, no exaggeration, I think he'd die. Heartbreaking because I love them dearly and have had them forever, but doubly heartbreaking because my 6yo adores them and will be so, so sad.
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
@pawcall That's so sad that you will have to rehome the cats. Do you have a plan for them.
I am on Day 5 of stims and went in for bw and u/s this morning. The nurse will call me with the results this afternoon and instructions for changing any meds. There was nothing measurable on the u/s which I know isn't any reason to panic this early but I was bummed out.
QOTW - I like my name (Laura) and its fitting but if it was going to be something else I would have loved a family name. There was a Sarah Jane on my Mom's side going way back that went by Sa Ja (say jay) and I always thought that was pretty.
Bonus - Oh my dog. She is fine but such a pain. The poor thing suffers from anxiety if she is home alone and she can't relax. It's heart breaking but H says I can't quit my job to be a Stay At Home Dog Mom so we have a walker come every day to occupy her. All of our money goes to fertility and keeping my dog happy.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
Unexplained, TTC after loss since 8/15
First IUI scheduled for next month. Once AF shows up I'll start Letrozole and hopefully that does the trick. We've done two TI cycles with Letrozole with no luck but hopefully third time is the charm.
I'm with others and love my name, Julia. I loved Jules as my nickname. There's honestly no way I'd change it.
My furbaby was "interviewed" last week to be a foster brother for a pup at the shelter where I volunteer and he failed. Womp womp. He's just so dang hyper
But this is his sad/bored face
Married 7/13
TTC #1 since 10/13
BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
IUI #1 2/25/16
@kaitlink33 GL on your scan
@SoonToBeMommaHowe Awwwww, sad/bored face. So cute.
DH and I have agreed on IUI this next cycle, so not it is just a waiting game for AF to come and to start my Letrozole. Of course, AF is due to show up this weekend when DH and I will be in Wisconsin Dells with my family. "You're going to a waterpark? Sounds like the perfect time to pop up!" *eye roll*
QOTW: I'm not sure what I would rename myself...Rebecca (Becky for short) just seems to fit my personality, but I have always loved the name Abigail or Madelyn.
QOTW Bonus: Fur babies are doing well. Both our lab and our cat will be 10 this year! Our lab has been having more problems with her hips, which is to be expected considering how much strain she has put on them over the years with hunting. I have also nicknamed her my 'lumpy lab' because in the last year she has really developed a LOT of bumpy fatty deposits (we've even had a couple of the larger ones checked by the vet who assured us its just fat deposits so far). My cat still isn't really showing his age much. We just put a new bird feeder by our living room window and he is loving it.
The closest they ever get to each other....a squirrel outside the window
TTC #1 Since: April 2015
Unexplained Infertility
Cycle 1&2 : Clomid 50mg- BFN
Cycle 3: Letrozole 2.5mg- BFN
Cycle 4: Letrozole 5mg- BFN
Cycle 5: HSG-normal
Clomid 100mg+ Estrace- BFN
Cycle 6: Letrozole 5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progestrone- BFN
Cycle 7: Letrozole 5mg, Cyst found during follicle check
Cycle 8: Birth control to treat left ovary cyst
Cycle 9: Letrozole 7.5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 10: Letrozole 7.5mg, 2 Cysts found during follicle check
Cycle 11: Clomid 100mg+Estradiol+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 12: Clomid 100mg- BFN
Cycle 13-16: Natural attempts while awaiting IVF
Cycle 14: IVF-BFN
@laurad75 that sounds like my mom's dog, she is a nervous wreck and has serious separation anxiety. We have taken her on vacation before with us and have had the hotel staff call my mom because the dog is the room screaming and disturbing other guests.
Well today is CD 2 for me. At least my expectations were low this time so I think I handled it well (I didn't cry which is an improvement from last month).
I had a follow up with my OBGYN this morning to talk about my ultrasound results. I have a good sized cervical polyp that will need to be removed via outpatient surgery. She told me that it's possible that it is blocking my cervix so that nothing can get through. So between that and my husband's MFI I can't help but feel like many months have been wasted TTC when the odds are stacked against us. Once it is removed we will need to abstain for 4 weeks so it cal heal. So I guess we will be benched for a while. I'm trying to get it scheduled ASAP, so that by the time we meet with the RE we will be off the bench and ready to go with his recommendations.
Sorry for the dear diary post. I am feeling a little down today.
QOTW: If I HAD to chance my name I would change it to Amelia, which I think is so pretty. Also, I've been told I look like an "Amy" so I think it would fit me.
Bonus Question: my doggo is good! We have had him for about a week now, and we love him so much. He has certainly been a nice and happy distraction from TTC. We have been trying to find toys he can't chew through (he's an 80lb golden retriever). Anyone have any recommendations?
I don't think I would change my name. If anything maybe change it to Brianna, my middle name. And my 2 dogs are starting to get old and not able to hold their pee as long, which is frustrating because I want/need to replace my floors now.
@Kim41313 - I'm so sorry about those results, but I guess on the bright side, there's a chance that that's been your problem, and resolving it will help? Being benched is heartbreaking though - I hope the time passes quickly.
@whenwillieversleep - interesting about the morph - our RE says they want it at at least 4%, which is pretty unattainable for us since FI's comes in at less than 1%. They aren't doing anything for him though, he just said that he didn't think morph was the reason for the issue, and we're ok to proceed using the sperm. What kind of vitamins is he on? The whole morph thing blows my mind, because the "normal" number is already so low. They just expect 95-96% to be malformed? Crazy!
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
OMG y'all miracles happen! My beta was 424 so I went up 80%!! We go back Monday for our first ultrasound and next beta. Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers and crossed fingers. I will officially leave once we make it past next week if that's ok with everyone?
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
@pawcall - oh man re: cats. The blows. But sounds like you've kept them as long as you can. Good luck!
@Kim41313 - FX that after your 4 weeks of recovery, you get KU-ed! I hope the polyp is the problem! When our dog was a chewer (he's kind of past that now), I liked the kong toys. A kong with frozen peanut butter inside = his greatest joy.
@whenwillieversleep - FX that the vitamins work!
We are in week 1 of TWW after IUI#1 on Sunday. DH is convinced it's going to work, me less so, but this TWW seems to be dragging extra.
The other day, our dog licked our cat's face. He'd been lying on the bed with DH, and she came over to see what he was up to, and he just licked her. She didn't love it, but wasn't angry either, more like: "God, my annoying kid brother". The two of them make me laugh - he is goofy, she is plotting.
@Worldtravler0522 So happy for you!!!
And FX and hugs to anyone who needs it!
So I received tons of advice to go see an RE right away, but I'm sticking with my OB for these next two cycles. I know it's probably going to be fruitless and I'll end up in the RE's office in about three months anyway, but that's kind of a blessing because we really couldn't afford an RE visit/testing right now (nothing IF-related is covered under my insurance plan). So I am going to be saving money like crazy these next few months!
I just started Provera last night to make AF show her face. This cycle I am going to start temping and checking CM too, since a few people mentioned that OPKs don't always work with PCOS. I'll be taking Letrozole to attempt to spur ovulation.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
@MJDsquared thank you!! I hope AF shows her ugly face for you soon.
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
TTC #1 Since: April 2015
Unexplained Infertility
Cycle 1&2 : Clomid 50mg- BFN
Cycle 3: Letrozole 2.5mg- BFN
Cycle 4: Letrozole 5mg- BFN
Cycle 5: HSG-normal
Clomid 100mg+ Estrace- BFN
Cycle 6: Letrozole 5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progestrone- BFN
Cycle 7: Letrozole 5mg, Cyst found during follicle check
Cycle 8: Birth control to treat left ovary cyst
Cycle 9: Letrozole 7.5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 10: Letrozole 7.5mg, 2 Cysts found during follicle check
Cycle 11: Clomid 100mg+Estradiol+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 12: Clomid 100mg- BFN
Cycle 13-16: Natural attempts while awaiting IVF
Cycle 14: IVF-BFN
ETA QOTW I rather like my name, but if I had to change I'd probably switch to Anne (my middle name, but with the e added).
Bonus Question: My kitty is a lumpy lump who lumps. But she's pretty darn cute!
I like my name so I don't think I'd change it. As for fur babies my two kitties are doing well. I have a tuxedo and a ginger cat and they are fat and lazy. Love working with them all day!
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
I always like the name Madeleine (or Maddy for short). I don't have any fur babies (but I'm working on convincing my DH we should get some!)
Married since 2011
TTC since Oct 2014
3 failed IUIs; IVF August 2017
I think this is like a lot of things in DH's life, if he has to work hard at something, he reconsiders if he wants it. Now it's in his court and he hasn't been following through on exercise but he seems to be taking the supplements and Clomid. I'm sad that he's experiencing the frustration, the sense of uncertainty. But he's not really giving 100%.
QOTW: I used to want to change my name to some Celtic sounding name. Something empowering and not American. I don't know why.
And two furbabies, two Siamese tabby mixes named Waffles and Lefse. They're doing what they do. I recently got a Betta fish and named him Finn. He's very pretty.
DH - low motility
Rx: Levothyroxine, misc supplements
How long have you been TTC? 2014-2017
@BecauseLove dx: amenorrhea, PCOS Rx: IVF
We are currently pregnant after doing our 1st IVF/FET January 9th with a CCS tested 5aa eggo. We are cautiously optimistic...and hopeful that things continue to progress in a healthy and viable way. We are having a 6 week US on Friday. Our Beta's were 91.1 and 215.6.
Thank you for all the support you guys have provided even when I have come and gone from this board.
QOTW: If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to? Haha probably a bit like renaming a dog...I would want a name close to my name so I would remember to respond to it. So something that sounds similar.
Me: 37 DH: 32 TTGP Since 2014 INFERTILITY INFO (Medicated, IUI's, IVF/FET) IN SPOILER
Medicated April-December 2015: Clomid (didn't work) and so we tried Femera/Letrozole. Progesterone Met 1000 Not diagnosed PCOS but treating the same. Anovulatory. TI No US No O BFN
- TW -
January 2016-October 2016: Letrozole 2.5mg-7.5 mg, Pregyl or Ovideral Trigger Shot.
9 cycles of IUI (7 Cancelled due to no mature follicles) (2 attempted IUI's with mature follicles)
IUI # 2 June 2016 and July 2016: Met 1000, Estrogen (21 days), Progesterone (5 days) Femera 5m 6/28/16 Ultrasound CD14 = 25 follie. Pregnyl Trigger CD14 IUI 7/13 1stBeta (DPO 15): 7.6 (Surprise BFP...but Low #'s) 2ndBeta (DPO 17): 18 3rdBeta (DPO 19) 52.8 Progesterone Prescribed (spotting) 4thBeta (DPO 26) 6.9 Chemical Pregnancy BFN
IVF and FET (diagnosed with PCOS) 204 pounds at start of IVF
IVF # 1 October and November 2016: CCRM - Minneapolis 10/14 Consult and CD 3 testing, 10/14 started (OCP Antagonist - BCP) BCP, 10/21 1 day work up, Doxycycline 100mg 10 days, 10/24 stop bcp, Bloodwork US 10/29, 10/30-11/8 Stims 2 vials of Menopur, Dexamethasone, 225 of Gonal-F daily (dropped to 120). CCRM Vitamin Cocktail (like 20 of them), Monitoring (11/2, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8), Retrieval 11/10 (38 eggs, 30 mature, 16 fertilized ICSI), 11/16 8 Blasts 11/30 CCS testing results 3 Normal 5aa's (2 boys and 1 girl) 1 Unknown 4 Abnormal (All girls)
Fet #1 January 2017: CCRM - Minneapolis bcp/lupron/suppository/p4 in oil QOD AF 12/7, 12/8 start meds. 1/3 lining and blood work check 14/15 mm, BW check 1/6. 1/9 transfer with acupuncture 1 CCS/PGS Normal 5aa hatching Progesterone around 26ish? Lower estrogen level 207 (wanted above 300 but over 200 was acceptable), started 1 estrace, progesterone in oil every other day, vivelle dot patches 4 every other day, 3x estrodiol daily, vitamin cocktail. POAS: - 4dp5dt and 5dp5dt, 6dp5dt frer very very very faint line. 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt + on Accuclear. 8dp5dt pregnant on a clear blue easy digital. 214 pounds at FET
1/18 #1 Beta 91.1
1/20 #2 Beta 215.9
2/3 6 week US 2 sacs? Twins? but only 1 heartbeat/pole good heartbeat Stopped taking baby asprin Added in DHEA Veg Vitamin (also got the report that they transferred a girl 5aa eggo)
2/10 7 week US 2 sacs (likely vanishing twin) only 1 heartbeat/pole etc good heartbeat 137
2/24 9 week US 1 eggo sac good heart beat 182 1 very small fluid sac (shrinking)
2/24 9 week 2 days start weening. Graduated from RE (CCRM is now starting weening as soon as 8.5 weeks)
3/7 10 Weeks 5 days weened completely of FET meds A1C 5.3% (Normal)
3/9 11 Weeks 1 day my progesterone level was 15 and my estrogen level was 881 (I freaked out!)
3/16 12 Weeks 1 day baby heard on doppler 164 HB
4/14 16 week 2 days Ultrasound baby is looking good with all good numbers sized 17 weeks. Also got to hear her on the doppler for a few mins too.
5/5 19 Weeks 2 days going in for "20" week anatomy ultrasound got measurements but need to come back as wasn't able to get all the measurements
MEASUREMENTS BPD 4.6 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (78%) HC 17.0 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (70%) AC 14.5 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (69%) Femur 3.1 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (63%) Humerus 3.1 cm 20 weeks 2 days (84%) Cerebellum 2.0 cm 19 weeks 5 days
CisternaMagna 6.2 mm Nuchal Fold 4.5 mm
HC/AC 1.17 FL/AC 0.22 FL/BPD 0.68 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 309 grams - 0 lbs 11 oz
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 19 weeks 5 days +/- 10 days.
6/9 24 Weeks 2 days Glucose Test 1 hour (Failed) 190
6/16 25 Weeks 2 days Ultrasound and 1st Baby Shower
6/20 25 Weeks 6 days Glucose Test 3 Hours (Failed) 95 (95), 183 (180), 213 (155), 198 (140) etc
6/21 26 Weeks Recommended to a perintologist
6/22 26 Weeks 1 day start monitoring blood sugar levels
6/30 27 Weeks 2 day A1 (blood sugar test ordered)
7/5 28 Weeks Echo and 3d Ultrasound
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 2.6 Q2: 3.2 Q3: 4.8 Q4: 5.6 AFI Total = 16.3 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
MEASUREMENTS BPD 7.2 cm 28 weeks 5 days* (60%) HC 26.4 cm 28 weeks 4 days* (48%) AC 23.3 cm 27 weeks 4 days* (36%) Femur 5.2 cm 28 weeks 0 days* (36%) Humerus 4.8 cm 28 weeks 0 days (49%)
HC/AC 1.13 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.73 Ceph Index 0.77 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1142 grams - 2 lbs 8 oz (37%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 28 weeks 1 day +/- 14 days.
7/10 28 Weeks 5 days Dietitian Appt and Lactatcian Consultant and A1 blood draw 5.4% (normal) 218.5 pounds
7/20 30 Weeks GD consult. 6 Lantus at 7pm daily. Novolog 1 unit for every 15 gm carbohydrate if consumed more than 30 gm at brkfst or 60 gm at lunch or supper 215.6 pounds
7/20 30 Weeks Transferred care to OB due to high risk. 216 pounds
8/2 32 Weeks Ultrasound (not cooperative and still breech) and then weekly NST's
MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.0 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (44%) HC 29.2 cm 31 weeks 6 days* (22%) AC 26.9 cm 31 weeks 0 days* (24%) Femur 6.3 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (57%) Humerus 5.7 cm 32 weeks 6 days (71%)
HC/AC 1.08 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.78 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1808 grams - 3 lbs 15 oz (29%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 31 weeks 6 days +/- 18 days.
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.4 Q2: 2.9 Q3: 2.9 Q4: 4.4 AFI Total = 13.6 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
8/8 32w6d upped to 1:10 for dinner
8/11 Baby Shower
8/13 Baby Shower
8/16 34 weeks NST good reading Upped to 8 at bed for fasting and 1:7 for dinner
8/18 Dr Appt
8/24 35 weeks 1 day (was suppose to be scheduled for 36 weeks) Weeks Ultrasound/GD Dr Appt/OB Appt
Frank Breech
MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.9 cm 35 weeks 6 days* (67%) HC 31.7 cm 35 weeks 1 day * (35%) AC 30.2 cm 34 weeks 2 days* (33%) Femur 6.9 cm 34 weeks 6 days* (57%) Humerus 6.0 cm 34 weeks 6 days (64%)
HC/AC 1.05 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.80 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 2494 grams - 5 lbs 8 oz (39%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 35 weeks 1 day +/- 21 days.
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.3 Q2: 3.8 Q3: 2.4 Q4: 3.8 AFI Total = 13.4 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
8/31 36 Weeks
9/7 37 Weeks
9/10 Water broke...I got it tested at the emergency room it it showed it was negative. More water breaking and didn't go to the dr.
9/11 37 weeks 4 days Called the Dr and got retested for water breaking...
10:30pmish Baby Girl Born via Emergency C Section (Frank Breech Baby) 6lbs 3oz -
9/13 Dropped to 5 pounds 10oz and had jaundice
9/13 38 weeks
9/22 39 Weeks 2 days C Section Scheduled for 10am (arrive at 8am) Equinox/Solstice
EDD 9/27
And OMG what is it with husbands not following through? It's over silly things sometimes too. I *think* he's taking his Clomid. But ultimately, he is the one that wanted kids really bad. He's only hurting his chances.
@Worldtravler0522 and @BecauseLove - Lovely news!! So happy for you!
DH - low motility
Rx: Levothyroxine, misc supplements
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
@Worldtravler0522 yessssss!!!! This totally makes my day!!! I seriously jumped up and down when I read your numbers! Woot!!
FX for everyone in the TWW....I don't know what it is about this month, it feels longer than usual!! Argh.
also - why does every guy think IUI is the golden ticket?! My SO is the same way, even after 2 failed IUIs he is always convinced it will work, no question about it. He gets mad if I even mention it not working.
AFM, 12DPO. Zero symptoms. BFN this morning. AF should arrive tonight or tomorrow. The plan is for two more rounds of clomid + IUI, unless my CD3 scan shows a cyst, then I will just push for IVF in march.
TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017
TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
@funkykey thanks for the suggestion, I will try that! FX your IUI did the trick this month!
@BenJay happy birthday! My DH is the same way... he has been good about excercising and taking vitamins but I have really been encouraging him to get more sleep (most nights he comes to bed around 1 and gets about 6 hours of sleep). I have only read 1 study that says there is a link between sperm count and sleep but I feel like at this point he should be doing everything he can. It's definitely frustrating.
@Worldtravler0522 and
@BecauseLove yes! So excited for you! FX for sticky beans!!
1. How long have you been TTC? This is our 20th cycle.
2. What is your diagnosis? Unexplained... tons of tests later everything looks fine.
3. What is your current treatment plan? This month will be our first IUI, combined with Letrozole. Next month IVF.
QOTW: I love my name too, but for fun I'd try out a unisex name like Taylor... I bet some interesting situations arise!
No further babies for me... I'm allergic to them all! I love to play with other people's adorable animals but only with gloves on. God if I could have one it would be spoiled rotten!
TTC #1: Oct 2015
DX: Unexplained - all tests normal
Jan '17 - 1st round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
Feb '17 - 2nd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9... BFN
Mar '17 - 3rd round of Letrozole 25mg CD1-9 + IUI... BFP!!!!!!
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
@Worldtravler0522 so excited for you!
@pawcall I hope that you can find loving homes for your fur babies!
QOTW: If I absolutely had to change my first name (Angelica) I would change it to Angela because that's usually how it gets pronounced anyway.
Bonus: Our fur babies are wonderful..and messy. Ha! We have a cat and a daschund puppy. They fight constantly but then I catch them sleeping together and cuddling. I couldn't ask for better or sweeter pets/tiny family members.
@GoldenKeys, could you please update me to Letrozol 5mg+trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone
TTC #1 Since: April 2015
Unexplained Infertility
Cycle 1&2 : Clomid 50mg- BFN
Cycle 3: Letrozole 2.5mg- BFN
Cycle 4: Letrozole 5mg- BFN
Cycle 5: HSG-normal
Clomid 100mg+ Estrace- BFN
Cycle 6: Letrozole 5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progestrone- BFN
Cycle 7: Letrozole 5mg, Cyst found during follicle check
Cycle 8: Birth control to treat left ovary cyst
Cycle 9: Letrozole 7.5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 10: Letrozole 7.5mg, 2 Cysts found during follicle check
Cycle 11: Clomid 100mg+Estradiol+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 12: Clomid 100mg- BFN
Cycle 13-16: Natural attempts while awaiting IVF
Cycle 14: IVF-BFN
Just did my 3 DPO blood work (finally). Hopefully it says something useful... in the meantime, I twiddle my thumbs.
QOTW: I like my name, not many of us out there, but I've definitely thought about having a popular name from time to time, like Jenny or something
Bonus question: I have one cat on a diet and he's hangry! The other has taken to hiding out of self-defense
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
@hoffmanr7 Good luck with the IUI cycle!
This is our little nugget. She weighs almost 6 pounds now. She was only 2 pounds when we got her! @Worldtravler0522
And this is our little cat that likes to pretend that she hates the puppy.
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
TTC #1 Since: April 2015
Unexplained Infertility
Cycle 1&2 : Clomid 50mg- BFN
Cycle 3: Letrozole 2.5mg- BFN
Cycle 4: Letrozole 5mg- BFN
Cycle 5: HSG-normal
Clomid 100mg+ Estrace- BFN
Cycle 6: Letrozole 5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progestrone- BFN
Cycle 7: Letrozole 5mg, Cyst found during follicle check
Cycle 8: Birth control to treat left ovary cyst
Cycle 9: Letrozole 7.5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 10: Letrozole 7.5mg, 2 Cysts found during follicle check
Cycle 11: Clomid 100mg+Estradiol+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
Cycle 12: Clomid 100mg- BFN
Cycle 13-16: Natural attempts while awaiting IVF
Cycle 14: IVF-BFN
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
So quick update - even though I responded really well to clomid, we decided to jump right to IVF so that we can work with 36 year old eggs now and down the road instead of possibly getting KU on clomid and being stuck with IF and 40+ year old eggs down the road when we want another kid. Currently on BCPs, will start injections March 6th and cross our fingers for embryo transfer March 23.
TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017
TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!