May 2017 Moms

AW: cramping and contractions (UPDATED)

edited January 2017 in May 2017 Moms
I was at work on Saturday, being quite active, when I began to have contractions. They were painful and had me doubling over. I went and sat in an office, chugged some water. I started to feel better, but stayed there the rest of my shift and did some filing for my manager. 

I had trouble sleeping Saturday night, and still felt very crampy yesterday, so I stayed home from work. Except for a grocery trip, I took it easy. Again, didn't sleep very well last night. 

Today, I'm having cramps that feel like menstrual cramps. But it aches in my hips, in my back, and in my stomach. Baby is active after the wave of cramping. I'm thinking they might be contractions? I called out of work again, because I'm too uncomfortable to stand for very long. 

WWYD? Call my doctor and let them know? Idk if I should be concerned, or if it's normal. You'd think being my 3rd pregnancy, I'd know. My bowel movements are normal. I'm drinking plenty of water. (25+4)

Re: AW: cramping and contractions (UPDATED)

  • @SparkySunDevil I would probably call the doctor and let them know.  They'll probably suggest you walk around and see if they stop (I think that's the suggestion, right?) and they may not be too concerned, but if it's bad enough you're taking the day off I think you should let your doctor know. 
  • I would call and at least talk to a nurse. They will likely have you come in for monitoring but if not at least you'll have reassurance that it's normal. 
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  • PghMom412 said:
    I would call and at least talk to a nurse. They will likely have you come in for monitoring but if not at least you'll have reassurance that it's normal. 
    Just called and left a message. She's pretty good about calling back quickly 
  • Did you time them? Calling definitely doesn't hurt. I had some cramping yesterday after several trips up and down the stairs.  Water, food and relaxing helped stop them. 

  • pshaortao said:
    Did you time them? Calling definitely doesn't hurt. I had some cramping yesterday after several trips up and down the stairs.  Water, food and relaxing helped stop them. 
    I am now. I hadn't been. So far, I've had two since noon. 

    His nurse just called me back and said to come in this afternoon if the pain keeps up. So for now, I'm resting and pushing fluids. 
  • pshaortao said:
    Did you time them? Calling definitely doesn't hurt. I had some cramping yesterday after several trips up and down the stairs.  Water, food and relaxing helped stop them. 
    I am now. I hadn't been. So far, I've had two since noon. 

    His nurse just called me back and said to come in this afternoon if the pain keeps up. So for now, I'm resting and pushing fluids. 
    I'm glad you called. From what I've read BH shouldn't been painful,so it's worth looking into.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
  • Glad you called. I would have. Each pregnancy surprises us so you just never know what's going on. This being my third I have way way more Braxton hicks and cramping but rest resolves them. Keep us posted. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • BabyMC517BabyMC517 member
    edited January 2017
    I'm a FTM, so I don't really know, but I've heard you're not supposed to take it only in certain circumstances then? I mean obviously if your doctor prescribed it then it would be fine...just curious :) 

    ETA: forgot, sorry, glad everything seems okay! hopefully it is just a UTI!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
  • hp_mommahp_momma member
    edited January 2017
    BabyMC517 said:
    I'm a FTM, so I don't really know, but I've heard you're not supposed to take it only in certain circumstances then? I mean obviously if your doctor prescribed it then it would be fine...just curious :) 

    ETA: forgot, sorry, glad everything seems okay! hopefully it is just a UTI!
    Ibuprofen is approved during second trimester. You don't want to take it during first trimester because of the possible increased risk of miscarriage. And it's not recommended in third trimester because if taken so close to delivery it could cause an increased bleeding risk in the mom. 
    I think most doctors just say a flat "no ibuprofen" instead of saying it's ok for a certain amount of weeks and then having to remind you to stop again. 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • @hp_momma gotcha! Thanks! I kept hearing about the possible miscarriage and so I was like nope not taking it ever! Even though it really is the only thing that helps when I get a bad headache...That makes sense for the third trimester, too, and not wanting to have to remind patients all of the time. I've been sticking to Tylenol if my head is killing me, but haven't had to take too much, except when my back went out right when we found out I was pregnant! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
  • BabyMC517 said:
    @hp_momma gotcha! Thanks! I kept hearing about the possible miscarriage and so I was like nope not taking it ever! Even though it really is the only thing that helps when I get a bad headache...That makes sense for the third trimester, too, and not wanting to have to remind patients all of the time. I've been sticking to Tylenol if my head is killing me, but haven't had to take too much, except when my back went out right when we found out I was pregnant! 
    I hate Tylenol! It does nothing for my headaches either! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • My doctor is ok with ibuprofen between 14 and 32 weeks. Sparingly, of course. 
  • @sparkysundevil I've been having contractions off and on for about 3-4 weeks now since shortly before I lost my mucus plug. I've talked extensively about what exactly constitutes just heading in. She said 1 strong contraction an hour for 4-5 hours or when timing, 4 an hour. These are only because we are so early in pregnancy too. Obviously this isn't for later on. She also said, any bleeding or fluid (which I already had some but haven't reappeared)
    i was worried about being viewed as a "boy who cried wolf" and she said that she'd rather me come in and get checked and be sent home then be at home and actually in labor and delaying time that could be used to stop it. 

    She did say that contractions at this point aren't "normal" but that for some it is their normal. 

    Also, I just had a wisdom tooth pulled and was prescribed a Tylenol/ibuprofen mix. It is allowed in moderation in second trimester. I asked the same questions when he told me what to take. 
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • Also, if it continues for you, it does get a little easier mentally to deal with. Once I had her clear instructions written down I stopped freaking out over every cramp or contraction. 

    I hope everything is ok with you
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
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