How far along are you & how big is baby? 12 weeks! The bump says a plum the chart DH has says "half eaten corn dog"
Upcoming appointments? Monday afternoon!
Symptoms? I'm still insanely exhausted. Also everything is bothering me.
Cravings? I craved pizza hut so hard the other day so I went up and grabbed the pizza I'd been craving. I'm fairly sure they forgot to put pizza sauce on it.. worst. pizza. ever.
Rants/Raves/Questions? any other moms of toddlers trying to explain that you are having a baby to your toddler? DD seems to understand that there is a baby in my tummy but she keeps pretending to take it out and play with it lol
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? DH has a soda pop habit which doesn't usually bother me but he leaves the cans all over the fricken house.. like are you a child because I'm pretty sure your a grown man and I shouldn't have to be picking up after you like this..
How far along are you & how big is baby? 9 weeks / Cherry
Upcoming appointments? Panorama testing this coming Friday.
Symptoms? Unbelievably exhausted. I've had some headaches this past week too.
Cravings? All the Mexican food. And cheesecake (which I've craved during all 4 pregnancies).
Rants/Raves/Questions? @Nxymy DD is 16 months, so it's hard for her to understand I have a baby in my belly. Hopefully, she'll understand more as my belly grows.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He dips. It's so gross. But since he just made me breakfast in bed, I really can't complain right now.
How far along are you & how big is baby? 12 weeks/a macaron
Upcoming appointments? I have my genetic testing on Wednesday. There will be an ultrasound and a blood draw.
Symptoms? I thought my boobs were getting less sore and then this week they decided to be extra sore I'm not quite as tired as I have been and I don't need to constantly snack to not be nauseated.
Cravings? Pizza! I justify buying it on the weekends because Eat24 sends me a coupon.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I look even less pregnant than I did a couple weeks ago, I guess the bloat went down. I guess I could really get into my second trimester before anyone would suspect, but it does make me feel not pregnant.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He overreacts to me being snappy. Sure, call me a jerk or tell me I'm being unfair (which I totally can be, especially when I'm stressed out!), but giving me the silent treatment for the rest of the night is ridiculous. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it lasts way too long.
@Nxy DD is 2.5 and she knows there's a baby in mommies belly (tells me all the time). But she keeps telling me she's my "baby girl" and wants to go back to wearing diapers and sometimes back to sleeping in her crib. So I'm guessing she's not wanting a baby to come
***TW in Siggy*** Me: 34 / DH: 33 Married: Nov 2011 TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014 TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
How far along are you & how big is baby? 10 weeks - strawberry.
Upcoming appointments? I'm waiting to hear back from MFM to schedule a sono/NIPT. I don't go back to my OB for almost 4 weeks.
Symptoms? I'm exhausted yet have trouble sleeping and my nausea seems to have gotten worse over the past several days. I was hoping things would start getting better the closer I got to the second trimester although I do remember getting sick at 10-11 weeks with my other pregnancies.
Cravings? No real cravings, but I need carbs to function especially in the afternoon and evening.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I have a cold. I hate being sick and it only makes my sleeping issues worse. I don't want to take any medicine for relief right now and I'm just hoping it's short lived.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? I'm sure I'm guilty of it too, but his snoring really gets on my nerves especially when I'm having trouble sleeping. I usually fall asleep before him, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night a lot. I tend to have trouble falling back asleep and if DH is snoring, it makes falling asleep so much more difficult.
@bumpybump my DD keeps playing baby. Thankfully she's not actually regressing yet but she brings me her play baby bottles and likes to sit in my lap and pretend she's a baby. She says the baby is in my belly but I think it's still so abstract to her she thinks it's a game. I'm hoping as I start showing she'll get that it's a real baby.
How far along are you & how big is baby? 11 weeks & a lime.
Upcoming appointments? This coming friday at 11:15am!
Symptoms? Nausea is still strong and yesterday I was so dizzy that I nearly passed out. I also vomited my lunch and felt like yesterday was the worst day of this pregnancy thus far.
Cravings? I crave fruits, sweets, & pasta. Meat and protein makes me sick!
Rants/Raves/Questions? anyone else taking Diclegis? I did with my 1st pregnancy with my DS and haven't this time around. I'm dying and so miserable. I was never this sick nor did I ever vomit with my DS. This is killing me.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? DH leaves his dirty socks or shirt all over the house after work. Like cmon, if I can put my clothes in the hamper after work then so can you. If our 2yo son can put his clothes in his hamper and dad can't, we have a problem. I'm so exhausted and dead after work from being sick during this pregnancy to come home to dirty clothes left on the couch or Kitchenette table. Days like this makes me miss our old home cleaning service.
How far along are you & how big is baby? 12 weeks. Size of a little green army man
Upcoming appointments? Still another week
Symptoms? nausea strikes at random. Boobs hurt a little more and I am still pretty moody.
Cravings? Baked potatoes
Rants/Raves/Questions? double strollers are driving me crazy. We never really used one with our first- but I know I want one this time around More to come.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He is such a rule follower. I am too if we're being honest--but geese. Wants to claim income on a little side painting thing I do- made about $500 last year-- any accountants out there? To claim or not to claim, that is the question.
How far along are you & how big is baby? 10 weeks! Strawberry size
Upcoming appointments? Tuesday! Finally. I feel like I've been waiting forever for this appointment.
Symptoms? My skin is complete crap. Hair and nails are growing in like crazy (yay!). I wake up exhausted. I need to eat about every two hours or I feel terrible.
Cravings? Dairy!!! Milk is seriously so delicious. I've moved away from salty/vinegar flavored cravings to constantly wanting cake. I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so that's new...
Rants/Raves/Questions? We're final starting to tell close friends, it's been great to share this with them. Family will start getting the news over the next two weeks.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He snores. BAD. It keeps me from falling asleep. Sometimes it wakes me up and then I can't fall back asleep. Other times I'll wear earplugs and have a pillow over my head and his snores shake the bed. I swear he's lucky he makes it through the night sometimes.
Together: January 2002 Married: May 2008 Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...
How far along are you & how big is baby? 11 weeks! It says the size of a lime...I think they mean key lime.
Upcoming appointments? Not until February 10th!
Symptoms? Fading, thankfully! Nausea is much much better. I'm tired, but manageable. The bloat-bump I had is gone.
Cravings? Nothing in particular. Just random things here and there.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Just this stupid Texas weather! Hot then cold, so I've had a constant sinus infection, allergies, congestion, or upper respiratory infection since December. Over it.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He's pretty okay...but he's a bit of a grump lately. Like, isn't that MY role for the next few months?!
How far along are you & how big is baby? 12 weeks - a plum or a toy solider.
Upcoming appointments? My NT scan got rescheduled to next week
Symptoms? Frequent urination, headaches, RLP.
Cravings? None right now/
Rants/Raves/Questions? My sister in law - while I know she was just kidding - actually said if it's a girl can I have her. While I should have just laughed at this - I went on the defense until DH calmed me down (good thing it was in a text message haha). She's a super girlie girl and already has two step sons at this point (none of her own though), so it really was a joke but I went all - I had go through months of disappointment and then stick myself with needles for months to get this maybe little girl and what, you won't love it the same if it's a boy. I think the mamabear in me just came out lol.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? Lately - just look at me. haha. That's terrible I know but I've been so nitpicky on him - I'm getting better at stopping myself because he really is quite helpful around the house.
Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
How far along are you & how big is baby? 13 weeks, size of a matchbox car
Upcoming appointments? This Wednesday! Going to hopefully hear the hb and get more meds.
Symptoms? Still puking at least once a day while on the max dosage of 2 different meds. Hoping over the next month I will be able to scale back on them.
Cravings? No cravings as much as foods I can stand to look at. Basically cold fruits and veggies and carbs. I'm eating lots of Eggos, cheese and crackers, clif bars, toast. So basically a toddler's diet.
Rants/Raves/Questions? My 2.5 year old can explain the science of what's happening but I'm not sure if he fully understands the baby will be here forever. He said he wanted to get a new mommy that was just his so he wouldn't have to share. He does sometimes like to play this game where I lie down with a blanket over my stomach and he is under the blanket and crawls down through my legs, pretending to be 'born'. Sometimes he narrates. "The baby has grown too big and is being squeezed out of the uterus! Now the baby is coming out of the vagina!" Then he turns in to a baby kangaroo and crawls back up under the blanket so he's in mommy kangaroo's pouch and we snuggle. Writing that out sounds insane. But it's super cute.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? I feel a little bad saying this because he can't help it...but whenever I am pregnant, I cannot stand my husband's natural scent. It is so repulsive to me and usually the first way I know I am KU. Like if we're lying in bed and he tries to snuggle me and rub my belly I have to hold my breath. Fortunately we have a toddler sprawled in between us most nights so it doesn't happen often, but still. I finally told him about it halfway through my first pregnancy so he now knows that if he wants to have sex he needs to be fresh out of the shower, teeth brushed, deodorant, and sometimes aftershave to mask his scent.
Re: *Sunday* ticker change 1/29
Upcoming appointments? Monday afternoon!
Symptoms? I'm still insanely exhausted. Also everything is bothering me.
Cravings? I craved pizza hut so hard the other day so I went up and grabbed the pizza I'd been craving. I'm fairly sure they forgot to put pizza sauce on it.. worst. pizza. ever.
Rants/Raves/Questions? any other moms of toddlers trying to explain that you are having a baby to your toddler? DD seems to understand that there is a baby in my tummy but she keeps pretending to take it out and play with it lol
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? DH has a soda pop habit which doesn't usually bother me but he leaves the cans all over the fricken house.. like are you a child because I'm pretty sure your a grown man and I shouldn't have to be picking up after you like this..
Upcoming appointments? Panorama testing this coming Friday.
Symptoms? Unbelievably exhausted. I've had some headaches this past week too.
Cravings? All the Mexican food. And cheesecake (which I've craved during all 4 pregnancies).
Rants/Raves/Questions? @Nxymy DD is 16 months, so it's hard for her to understand I have a baby in my belly. Hopefully, she'll understand more as my belly grows.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He dips. It's so gross. But since he just made me breakfast in bed, I really can't complain right now.
Upcoming appointments? I have my genetic testing on Wednesday. There will be an ultrasound and a blood draw.
Symptoms? I thought my boobs were getting less sore and then this week they decided to be extra sore
Cravings? Pizza! I justify buying it on the weekends because Eat24 sends me a coupon.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I look even less pregnant than I did a couple weeks ago, I guess the bloat went down. I guess I could really get into my second trimester before anyone would suspect, but it does make me feel not pregnant.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He overreacts to me being snappy. Sure, call me a jerk or tell me I'm being unfair (which I totally can be, especially when I'm stressed out!), but giving me the silent treatment for the rest of the night is ridiculous. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it lasts way too long.
***TW in Siggy***
Me: 34 / DH: 33
Married: Nov 2011
TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
10 weeks - strawberry.
Upcoming appointments?
I'm waiting to hear back from MFM to schedule a sono/NIPT. I don't go back to my OB for almost 4 weeks.
I'm exhausted yet have trouble sleeping and my nausea seems to have gotten worse over the past several days. I was hoping things would start getting better the closer I got to the second trimester although I do remember getting sick at 10-11 weeks with my other pregnancies.
No real cravings, but I need carbs to function especially in the afternoon and evening.
I have a cold. I hate being sick and it only makes my sleeping issues worse. I don't want to take any medicine for relief right now and I'm just hoping it's short lived.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy?
I'm sure I'm guilty of it too, but his snoring really gets on my nerves especially when I'm having trouble sleeping. I usually fall asleep before him, but I've been waking up in the middle of the night a lot. I tend to have trouble falling back asleep and if DH is snoring, it makes falling asleep so much more difficult.
She says the baby is in my belly but I think it's still so abstract to her she thinks it's a game. I'm hoping as I start showing she'll get that it's a real baby.
Upcoming appointments? This coming friday at 11:15am!
Symptoms? Nausea is still strong and yesterday I was so dizzy that I nearly passed out. I also vomited my lunch and felt like yesterday was the worst day of this pregnancy thus far.
Cravings? I crave fruits, sweets, & pasta. Meat and protein makes me sick!
Rants/Raves/Questions? anyone else taking Diclegis? I did with my 1st pregnancy with my DS and haven't this time around. I'm dying and so miserable. I was never this sick nor did I ever vomit with my DS. This is killing me.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? DH leaves his dirty socks or shirt all over the house after work. Like cmon, if I can put my clothes in the hamper after work then so can you. If our 2yo son can put his clothes in his hamper and dad can't, we have a problem. I'm so exhausted and dead after work from being sick during this pregnancy to come home to dirty clothes left on the couch or Kitchenette table. Days like this makes me miss our old home cleaning service.
Upcoming appointments? Still another week
Symptoms? nausea strikes at random. Boobs hurt a little more and I am still pretty moody.
Cravings? Baked potatoes
Rants/Raves/Questions? double strollers are driving me crazy. We never really used one with our first- but I know I want one this time around More to come.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He is such a rule follower. I am too if we're being honest--but geese. Wants to claim income on a little side painting thing I do- made about $500 last year-- any accountants out there? To claim or not to claim, that is the question.
10 weeks! Strawberry size
Upcoming appointments?
Tuesday! Finally. I feel like I've been waiting forever for this appointment.
My skin is complete crap. Hair and nails are growing in like crazy (yay!). I wake up exhausted.
I need to eat about every two hours or I feel terrible.
Dairy!!! Milk is seriously so delicious. I've moved away from salty/vinegar flavored cravings to constantly wanting cake. I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so that's new...
We're final starting to tell close friends, it's been great to share this with them. Family will start getting the news over the next two weeks.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy?
He snores. BAD. It keeps me from falling asleep. Sometimes it wakes me up and then I can't fall back asleep. Other times I'll wear earplugs and have a pillow over my head and his snores shake the bed. I swear he's lucky he makes it through the night sometimes.
Together: January 2002
Married: May 2008
Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...
Upcoming appointments? Not until February 10th!
Symptoms? Fading, thankfully! Nausea is much much better. I'm tired, but manageable. The bloat-bump I had is gone.
Cravings? Nothing in particular. Just random things here and there.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Just this stupid Texas weather! Hot then cold, so I've had a constant sinus infection, allergies, congestion, or upper respiratory infection since December. Over it.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? He's pretty okay...but he's a bit of a grump lately. Like, isn't that MY role for the next few months?!
Upcoming appointments? My NT scan got rescheduled to next week
Symptoms? Frequent urination, headaches, RLP.
Cravings? None right now/
Rants/Raves/Questions? My sister in law - while I know she was just kidding - actually said if it's a girl can I have her. While I should have just laughed at this - I went on the defense until DH calmed me down (good thing it was in a text message haha). She's a super girlie girl and already has two step sons at this point (none of her own though), so it really was a joke but I went all - I had go through months of disappointment and then stick myself with needles for months to get this maybe little girl and what, you won't love it the same if it's a boy. I think the mamabear in me just came out lol.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy? Lately - just look at me. haha. That's terrible I know but I've been so nitpicky on him - I'm getting better at stopping myself because he really is quite helpful around the house.
DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
TTC #2 06.2019
08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!
Upcoming appointments? 2/10
Symptoms? Intense hunger pangs, and intense nausea.
Cravings? I cannot stop eating watermelon!!!!
Rants/Raves/Question? anyone taking unisom to help with sleeping? It seems to be doing nothing for me at all!!!
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy?
dirty clothes everywhere. Ugh
13 weeks, size of a matchbox car
Upcoming appointments?
This Wednesday! Going to hopefully hear the hb and get more meds.
Still puking at least once a day while on the max dosage of 2 different meds. Hoping over the next month I will be able to scale back on them.
No cravings as much as foods I can stand to look at. Basically cold fruits and veggies and carbs. I'm eating lots of Eggos, cheese and crackers, clif bars, toast. So basically a toddler's diet.
My 2.5 year old can explain the science of what's happening but I'm not sure if he fully understands the baby will be here forever. He said he wanted to get a new mommy that was just his so he wouldn't have to share.
He does sometimes like to play this game where I lie down with a blanket over my stomach and he is under the blanket and crawls down through my legs, pretending to be 'born'. Sometimes he narrates. "The baby has grown too big and is being squeezed out of the uterus! Now the baby is coming out of the vagina!" Then he turns in to a baby kangaroo and crawls back up under the blanket so he's in mommy kangaroo's pouch and we snuggle. Writing that out sounds insane. But it's super cute.
GTKY: what is something your significant other does that drives you crazy?
I feel a little bad saying this because he can't help it...but whenever I am pregnant, I cannot stand my husband's natural scent. It is so repulsive to me and usually the first way I know I am KU. Like if we're lying in bed and he tries to snuggle me and rub my belly I have to hold my breath. Fortunately we have a toddler sprawled in between us most nights so it doesn't happen often, but still. I finally told him about it halfway through my first pregnancy so he now knows that if he wants to have sex he needs to be fresh out of the shower, teeth brushed, deodorant, and sometimes aftershave to mask his scent.