September 2017 Moms

Worried about my baby

This will be baby #2 for me. I swear i still remember the surprise and joy in my heart when i found out was pregnant with this baby. I love being a mother! But unfortunately my husband didnt see it it that way... he was furious when he found out.. long story short, some things happend and lots of hurtful things were said about me & even "why does she worry about a baby that doesn't even exist" & "hope she f****** leaves, shes so annoying when she's pregnant," coming from a man i had loved since i was 15 this was shocking... idk what many people say i may just be 6weeks along, but i know this baby is alive and he is already my son/daughter as much as my 1st born is. I cant begin to explain the chain of events that unfolded over the course of yesterday to the point i just was stressed frustrated mad sad and constantly crying like crazy... my question is will my baby be okay? Despite all ive gone through yesterday, im scared my stress may have hurt my child..

Re: Worried about my baby

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  • Yes ladies i completely agree! This situation had escalated wayy too much... at the moment it seems that it will be just my first born, baby, & I from now on.  I have to do whats best for my baby and if his father doesn't want him or to be in the picture i wish him the best of luck but i will stay srrong and rise above this situation for my kids! Thanks for ur responses ladies!
  • I'm so sorry about this terrible situation. I went through something similar with my ex, though we fortunately didn't have any kids together.

    I hope that your situation is different than mine was and that your husband will come around, but if he doesn't, you don't need the stress. If I were you, I would take some time and distance myself from him. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • I completely agree with what has already been said as well. I just wanted to comment and say that I'm really sorry you're going through this and I hope it all works out best for you and your kids. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I really wish that were the case. I'm seeing a side of him i haven't seen in years. My gut feeling had told me something was up for a while, but blindly trusted him. Honeslty, i feel like he's always missed the single life.. we have 2 kids with this little one on the way and he's completey cut me off, blocked my calls/texts, blocked me on social media. He wants no communication with me, which is fine. I'm just worried about kiddos... like a PP mentioned, we both made this baby. This situation really saddens me, more so for my kids, cuz now it seems like he wants nothing to do with them...
  • I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Everyone has given the advice I would give too.  But I'll reiterate, call a lawyer and get the ball rolling.  Take the upper hand while he's busy blocking you via technology.
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