Hey ladies. So I really just wanted to get a PSA out there. If you have super uncomfortable pressure on your bladder and can't empty it, go to the ER!
The past 4 mornings I've been waking up at 4am with this intense feeling of needing to pee. I'll sit and slowly breathe for 15 minutes and get NOTHING out. Then I go back to bed (afraid I will wet it) and eventually fall back asleep. Then the same thing happens at 6am, but those times I would start getting ready for my day and 10 minutes later I would be able to go finally. No burning so i thought it was just uterus pressure. My midwife wasn't concerned either when I told her. Today, however, nothing helped! I also went from looking like i had a big burger at lunch to being 30 weeks pregnant! I went to work and every 15 minutes did the potty dance all the way to the bathroom 7 times in 2 hours to only get 3 drops out. Dr office told me to go straight to the ER. While there I go a few oz out but no relief. They did an US and found i had over a liter of urine in my bladder. They took the sample and ran labs on it. While the labs were processing, they brought in the catheter kit box. It literally scared the piss out of me! Over the next hour I was able to get 1.8L out on my own, slowly. It ended up being a UTI and I got to leave catheter-free!! Here's to hoping tomorrow morning is better and the prescription is working already!!
TL:DR: if you feel like you need to pee but literally can't, you could have a UTI even if it doesn't burn.
Just felt the need to share since nobody told me UTIs were totally common for pregnant women until I actually was diagnosed.

Re: UTIs are common in pregnant women apparently
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
Hopefully everyone already knows that if you can't empty your bladder then you need to call the doctor
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
I have never been to a single prenatal checkup where I wasn't asked for a urine specimen and this is my second child/third OB.
its totally impartitive that OBs collect urine samples because they also are testing for preeclampsia. So while you may not know you are being tested, I can almost guarantee that you are.
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
Heads up: Yeast Infections are also common during pregnancy.
Together: January 2002
Married: May 2008
Baby: August 2017
Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...
I'm super glad you went in and got treated, and am glad you manged to get it all out on your own!
@lmyrmo sounds like what's been going on. I know I have a tilted uterus so I've been doing yoga poses to help it flip to a normal position sooner. I had the issue again Saturday and tried a heating pad and also did dishes for a few minutes. The warm water on my hands and/or the heating pad did the trick after waiting for it to naturally happen for 2 hours. SO I'm glad I found a home-remedy so I don't need a catheter...yet. I've also set an alarm for 3am every night to go so I won't be able to accumulate as much urine overnight and cause that pressure. I woke up on my own at midnight and went so I turned off my alarm, but it's there as a safety net. Hoping these things help and don't hinder my problem for now!
@caitlyn5454 yes my OB called Friday afternoon and I asked her and she said they only check for protein and glucose, both which were fine before the UTI showed up
Hopefully your doctor is watching you closely this pregnancy for another kidney infection because a blood infection does not sound fun at all!! My white blood cell count at the hospital was a +3 supposedly if that exists lol.