September 2017 Moms

2nd Time Announcements - *How did you tell DH?*

azerimamaazerimama member
edited January 2017 in September 2017 Moms
I just got my BFP yesterday and DH is out of town until tomorrow night. This is our second child, and I'm looking for a fun way to tell him we're pregnant after a year of TTC. Any ideas? What did other second time moms do?
Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker 
 May Siggy Challenge: Parenting Fails
  Image result for birthday cake explodes balloon gif

Re: 2nd Time Announcements - *How did you tell DH?*

  • Well we have an announcement thread so that'd probably be a good place to look .... I'll tag you in it
  • Thanks lap018 ! I am so late joining this board that I couldn't find one.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker 
     May Siggy Challenge: Parenting Fails
      Image result for birthday cake explodes balloon gif

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  • I wanted to surprise my DH with this third but I couldn't wait! I hope you find something fun to tell him!
  • It's our 2nd too after ttc for almost a year! I put DD in a "big sis" shirt and let her surprise DH when he came home from work. It took a second for it to register with him! Our daughter had fun with it, she just turned 3.
  • KMKaiser07KMKaiser07 member
    edited January 2017
    I also had our DS1 in a big brother shirt waiting for him to get home. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Me: 25, DH: 28
    Married: July 2012
    DS: December 2013 
    TTC #2 since July 2014 
    M/C: March 2015 
    My Ovulation Chart
  • I didn't do anything cute to tell DH. I just told him I had to show him something and pulled out the test! He was very surprised
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I was going to drive us somewhere and pull into an expectant mother parking spot. But impatience doomed my plan  :D
  • I thought maybe they would sticky it but they didn't, and I didn't ask :\
  • It was DH's birthday, and we looked at the test together :)
    D17 May Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV/Movie Mom

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    30 January 2017: Loss at 6+2

     8 March 2017: Loss at 5+4

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I had my 3yo give him the test and say "daddy, there's a baby in mommy's tummy!" He knew I was experiencing symptoms so it wasn't a shock to him, but our older toddler was ecstatic!
  • I had a pain Dec 21st at work in my ovary area and didn't think anything of it 

    later on that eve I was at a friend's house and I was playing with their 3 year old son he push on my chest and I moaned out in pain didn't realize they were sore until then 

    after that happend I realized I hadn't had a period since the beginning of Nov!!!!!!!!
  • I wrapped the pregnancy test up and gave it to him on Christmas. He thought it was a cigar.
  • I texted my husband this. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
    June Siggy Challenge: Workout

  • I had my 2 year old son wear a t-shirt with I am going to be a big brother written on it!!
  • My DH's bday was the 24th so i gave him this 
  • ShreyaR said:
    I had my 2 year old son wear a t-shirt with I am going to be a big brother written on it!!
    That's what I did when announcing number two! It took him about 20 minutes to read it. Lol. He was even holding our daughter and reading a book to her before he realized. Lol. 
    <><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><>
    <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
  • I knew there was a chance we were pregnant but hadn't let on to DH yet (I was charting and knew I ovulated earlier then normal and we had pushed the safe zone on not using a condom). It was his birthday and we joked that I should take a pregnancy test because "wouldn't that be hilarious?" and lol and behold it came back positive. I just walked out of the bathroom crying (happy) and handed the stick to my husband and asked if I was just imaging the second line. He was pretty excited. :) 
    <><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><>
    <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
    <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
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