I just got my BFP yesterday and DH is out of town until tomorrow night. This is our second child, and I'm looking for a fun way to tell him we're pregnant after a year of TTC. Any ideas? What did other second time moms do?
May Siggy Challenge: Parenting Fails

Re: 2nd Time Announcements - *How did you tell DH?*
May Siggy Challenge: Parenting Fails
30 January 2017: Loss at 6+2
8 March 2017: Loss at 5+4
later on that eve I was at a friend's house and I was playing with their 3 year old son he push on my chest and I moaned out in pain didn't realize they were sore until then
after that happend I realized I hadn't had a period since the beginning of Nov!!!!!!!!
June Siggy Challenge: Workout
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>