For those of you who use the sleep suit--have you transitioned out yet? Did you notice that kiddo slept BETTER once he/she was out?
I'm struggling to get this kid through the night without waking 8 times. We don't do any night feedings, just a pat or a paci puts him back to sleep, but I'm losing my mind. I'm wondering if he's past needing the suit and would sleep better on his tummy. It was SO successful for us when he started that I'm scared to try! He's 7 months now but I was going to hold off on getting out of the sleep suit until the bitter end (9 mo).
Also do you notice that it takes your kiddo longer to crawl than others? I know all kids go at their own pace, but I'm just sort of surprised my LO hasn't started crawling yet. He held his head up early, rolled over early, and clearly wants to crawl so badly. I thought he'd be there by Christmas.
Re: Baby merlin sleep suit
Damien doesn't crawl at all and he was very early with raising his head up. He just kinda flails about. I wouldn't compare our babies to other babies since no two babies are the same, it would drive me mad if I did that! I've read that crawling isn't necessarily a milestone since some babies skip it altogether. He'll get there in time. I'm enjoying the non-mobile period while it lasts!
I wouldn't worry about crawling at this point at all, some babies are very advanced and do it early. However I believe the range for crawling is about 6-10 months, so no 7 month old baby is "behind" if they are not crawling.
Plus as @vintagevix2016 said some babies don't crawl at all and just go straight to walking.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I hadnt thought of the sleep suit hindering crawling but yeah, shes not crawling at all.
Not worried about crawling, just curious. There are lots of factors of course.
We use the halo sleep sack and Jackie is crawling/pulling up. It hinders her a little, but she only wears it in her crib, so it's not like she's trying to run a marathon. She still has no trouble wiggling around, rolling over, or pulling herself up on the bars. Never used the Merlin suit.