June 2016 Moms

Fever question

I'll be calling doc when they open up from lunch but wanted opinions from your experience as well.  Levi is a week shy of 7 months.  Has been on amoxicillin 6 days today for bilateral ear infections.  Gave Tylenol first day or two for fever.  He's been good since but I just checked him at 101.3. I just gave Tylenol.  I'm not really concerned since he's teething too.  I'll be asking the nurse but how high can a fever get before you need to take them in?  For instance a newborn anything over 100.4. 

Re: Fever question

  • I'll be calling doc when they open up from lunch but wanted opinions from your experience as well.  Levi is a week shy of 7 months.  Has been on amoxicillin 6 days today for bilateral ear infections.  Gave Tylenol first day or two for fever.  He's been good since but I just checked him at 101.3. I just gave Tylenol.  I'm not really concerned since he's teething too.  I'll be asking the nurse but how high can a fever get before you need to take them in?  For instance a newborn anything over 100.4. 
    My doc said that teething doesn't give them a fever, but I've always heard it did. When Jack had RSV his got up to 102.4 and no one seemed to think it was a big deal  :s . I would still call just to make sure since hes been on antibiotics for a few days already.
  • It's true, teething doesn't give kids a fever. What does is picking up a bug from everything they put in their mouths while trying to relieve the gum pain.  Usually if a baby has had a fever for 3 days, my ped suggests coming in, no matter what other possible causes could be related
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
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  • They said since he was already on antibiotics they wanted to see him.  Couldn't find a cause.  Ears are looking better, not RSV, strep or flu.  At least, not that she could tell yet(he may be cooking something up). She called in some Singulair since he's staying congested.  Last dose of Tylenol was around 1:30 and it got fever down but just had to dose him again when we put him to bed bc it creeped back up to 100.7. wait and see game
  • I guess Roseola is a possibility too.
  • Does he still have a fever? How many days did they say he would have a fever before the bumps show up if it's roseola? My oldest had as a toddler but that was along time ago.
  • edited January 2017
    He still has fever today but is staying about a degree lower.  She actually didn't mention Roseola but from what I understand it's 3-4 days.  
  • Cora just had an unknown fever for 5 days with cough. I bring her in if it is 103+, lasts for more than 3 days, or has other symptoms. I hope Levi doesn't have the mystery fever too. It was miserable! I also hope you don't get it! Cora decided to share with me
  • I'm supposed to take him back Friday if it doesn't go away.
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